Youth, Social Media and Civic Engagement (original) (raw)

Impact of Social Media on Civic Engagement of Youth


The socioeconomic development and livelihood depend upon the type of youths the country own. The participation of youth in the development process is essential in order to bring change in socioeconomic structure and improving the quality of life of an individual. Social media stimulating young people reach a greater number of people; by increasing the flow of information among youth community. This has also resulted in saving lot of additional costs, provide them with better opportunities to network with their partners, listen to their audience expectations and respond to their questions. Youth civic engagement is central for young people's overall empowerment, and development. The theories indicate linkages between use of social media by youth, level of civic engagement and their socioeconomic status and political & non-political participation for the development. Social media supporting meaningful participation of young men & women, it also promoted young people with skills that will improve their participation and community engagement. It also increase their knowledge, awareness and create opportunities to actively participate in various issues that affect on development process. Various activities are going on, events have been occurred in order to unite and bring all the youth in the social transformation for the development with the support of whatsaap, histogram, chatting texting, and emails, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. So the purpose of this study is to understand the relation between social media adoption and its impact on engagement and participation of youth. With the help of qualitative method and FGD this study showed mixed result.

Supporting Societal Participation of Young People by Social Media


Young people tend to adopt a skeptical attitude towards traditional and mainstream forms of (political) participation, which is still dominated by elections and party politics. However, a majority of adolescents share the opinion that it is important to participate in political processes. This indicates an existing disposition of young people to participate in societal and political matters, but measures for implementing a participative culture of young people are lacking to a great extent. A participative culture is characterized by teamwork, shared power and decision-making, and openness to ideas from outside. It surprises that young people show remarkable deficits regarding their competencies and capabilities to use new media (Internet, Web 2.0, Social Media) for participatory actions. The capabilities of young people to use new media for societal/political participation have to be enhanced as well as new forms/offers of ICTs or media have to be developed and designed especially ...

Social Media and Youth Civic Engagement: A Developing Field of Inquiry

Social media are now part of most young Canadians’ everyday life, yet, reccurring media accounts on cyberbullying have widespread the view according to which networking website are (only) risky places for young people. Based on a small-case study conducted on YouTube, this paper argues that the social uses of networking websites can (also) foster youth civic engagement. Indeed, through a close reading of a French-speaking 15-year-old YouTuber’s series of amateur videos dealing with the issue of bullying, the author shows that online youth media production can function as a connective thread through which a youth community can be created and sustained. To better grasp the complexity of contemporary forms of youth engagement enabled by information and communication technologies such as social media platforms, it is suggested to develop and test out research methods and conceptual tools that can account for the everyday experiences and practices of young people with regard to civic engagement.

Youth Participation in Civic Engagement Through Social Media: a case study

A decline in civic engagement of American youth is well documented in the research. Social media can facilitate the process and disseminate the results of civic engagement. However, participants must have the skills to work in the medium. Incorporating media literacy into civic engagement projects that involve social media ensures that participants understand how to produce good content and empowers participants with the skills to continue participating well beyond the initial project. The North Omaha Media Alliance (NOMA) project grounds civic engagement activities with education in media literacy for college students at the University of Nebraska Omaha and high schools students in North Omaha, a community in desperate need of increased civic engagement. NOMA utilizes innovative social media to engage youth from disadvantaged circumstances in civic engagement service-learning assignments. To fulfill the fulfill the educational goals of the service-learning assignments, NOMA leverages the social networking site to coordinate activities and link to social media outlets (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and YouTube) to promote the project and display student work. These sites allow NOMA youth to present their perspectives of current national and community issues and become producers of internet content. A description of The North Omaha Media Alliance (NOMA) project along with an analysis of project outcomes will address the question how can social media encourage youth from disadvantaged circumstances to participate in civic engagement? Overall, this paper helps scholars and community members understand the opportunities and limitations of social media for civic engagement, recognize diverse perspectives on the use of social media in service-learning from the perspectives of student participants and community partners, gain insight into the successful integration of social media into

Social Media As a Tool for Youth Involvement


This article contains the results of the empirical study devoted to the problem of Russian youth political involvement and the influence of social media on the young people’s political activities. The study was in years 2018–2019. The study used quantitative method for collecting primary data (survey). The sample of the survey was 600 respondents. The respondents were young people studying at colleges and universities in Russian central region (18 districts). The study examines the political involvement of youth and the impact of social media on the young people political involvement. The survey has revealed the specifics of young people using different information channels to obtain news, thematic features of the information consumed, the degree of confidence in information, the attitude of young people towards politics, characteristics of political behavior, specifics of decision-making in crisis situations and patriotic sentiment among young people. The study has fixed the active...

Initiating the Engagement of Young Citizens in a Quality Politics in the Social Media Era

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2019), 2020

Advances in information technology in the industrial revolution 4.0 era have fundamentally changed the involvement of citizens in public affairs. Included also in the form of political participation. The emergence of social media since the early 2000s, has provided a way to reduce the costs of their involvement, improve its quality, and / or improve the types of activities involved. However, there was an anomaly in the use of social media as a venue for channeling aspirations. Social media is a place to produce and reproduce false news. It would be very dangerous if the involvement of citizens, especially young citizens is based on hoax news. This article has been written using the literature review method, which is a method of finding a description of theories, findings, and other research materials obtained from reference materials to be used as a basis for activities in research. The results of this article are; First, young people interpret political participation not only in elections but other unconventional ways such as making online petitions, criticizing governments through social media, or even fundraising movements for people who do not get justice. Second, in participating in the era of social media, young citizens must be equipped with civic literacy. Civic literacy is the knowledge and ability of citizens to overcome social, political and state issues. Civic literacy is closely related to political awareness; namely the ability of citizens to understand (informed about) and sensitive (sensitive) to the political, social and economic aspects of their society.

The networked young citizen: social media, political participation and civic engagement

Information, Communication & Society, 2014

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Designing for youth civic engagement in social media.

In this paper, we identify different forms and meanings of civic participation found among young people in social media. This is key knowledge for the design and evaluation of social media applications that support youth engagement in society. Such knowledge is particularly useful for stakeholders who aim to create online arenas where youth can express and strengthen their community involvement. We draw on earlier research and the results of four recent group interviews to define the characteristics of civic engagement among youth in social media. On basis of the characteristics we suggest nine design recommendations to support youth civic engagement in social media.

Assessing participation online: youth and their involvement in social media


The role of political participation and civic engagement as the backbones of modern deliberative democracy is challenged by new opportunities for involvement online. Fundamental societal transformations, facilitated by new technologies, are changing the way we interact, communicate, produce and exchange knowledge. By nature being a bottom-up experiment, social media are more and more involved into the everyday communication practice and become one of the major political communication channels.