The London Scholarship of Teaching and 8th Learning International Conference Proceedings 2010 Disciplines, Pedagogies and Cultures for SoTL Volume 5 University of West London (original) (raw)

Examining the Focus of SoTL Literature—Teaching and Learning?


Although the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) claims to focus on student learning, some have argued that SoTL studies often adopt a narrow view of learning and focus more on teaching than on learning. In this paper, we explore whether teaching is the primary focus of recent articles published from 2013-2017 in three international, self-identified SoTL journals: Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal (TLI), The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ijSOTL), and The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL). Based on our analysis of the 299 empirical articles, we argue that they portray SoTL as a field focused primarily on teacher activity rather than student learning, despite efforts to broaden its scope.

On the constitution of SoTL: its domains and contexts

In this paper, we present an analysis of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (SoTL) which contributes to SoTL both as a field of research practice and as a background to professional development in higher education. We analyse and describe the constitution of the field, and in so doing address its nature in the face of the dilemma of, on the one hand, its diversity and, on the other hand, its generally agreed set of purposes. Our analysis of SoTL knowledge is conceptualised as relational, connecting SoTL practitioners with the work they disseminate to the community at large. We describe and exemplify the internal horizon of the field in terms of five domains: the didactic and the epistemic, which we refer to as the knowledge building domains, and the interpersonal, the moral/ethical and the societal domains, which we refer to as the axiological domains. The external horizon is described in terms of four aspects of the context that can impact the production and implementation of SoTL knowledge: the disciplinary, the professional, the cultural and the political aspects. Methodological emphasis is equally on the axiological underpinnings of SoTL, its values and attitudes, as the ontological and epistemological underpinnings that are predominant.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

International Journal of Current Advanced Research , 2024

This study starts with the widely held beliefs that increasing instruction does not always translate into students learning more, and that universities prefer to prioritise research over instruction. The notion of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) has been selected by the authors to address issues pertaining to teaching and learning. The paper discusses the history, relevance, features, and models of SoTL. In addition, it elaborates on best practices, SoTL-related frameworks, and its ramifications. SoTL refers to a methodical examination of a problem related to teaching and learning that is shared for evaluation, communication, and potentially some kind of action that modifies what is done in the classroom. Boyer’s famous book Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (1990) marked the official beginning of SoTL. SoTL practitioners are more likely to encourage in-depth learning in their pupils. Learning partnerships, communal property, artistic expression, and a certain level of “going meta” are characteristics of SoTL. There are two proposed SoTL models: the practice-focused model by Trigwell and Shale (2004) and the nine components of SoTL by Kreber and Cranton (2000). The spectrum of researchers across the entire continuum, from classroom inquiry to serious educational research, is made possible by the principles of good practice. The frameworks associated with SoTL include Discipline-Based Educational Research, Decoding the Disciplines Approach, Signature Pedagogies, 4M framework, and Professional Societies for Teaching and Learning. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), which is based on inquiry and engagement, reframes teaching as a continuous, intellectual process with a focus on enhancing student learning. The paper’s conclusion is that it’s critical to recall that higher education’s teaching across disciplines is just as varied as the subjects themselves.

Navigating the SoTL Landscape: A Compass, Map and Some Tools for Getting Started

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2008

Since the scholarship of teaching and learning entails the design of, and evidence-based inquiry into, teaching, learning and pedagogical practice-faculty new to this field face the challenging task of mastering perspectives, processes and practices that can be disparate to their disciplinary foundations. This paper offers an introductory overview of some essential ideas that help shape the design and intention of SoTL activities, and provides guidelines for undertaking SoTL projects.

Research paradigms underpinning SoTL papers: A comparative analysis of two journals that publish SOTL (2016; in Methods and Paradigms in Education Research, (Eds) Ling & Ling)

The authors investigated key paradigms driving contemporary SoTL research by analysing a sample of 84 SoTL articles published in two, highly ranked education journals. The authors identified the paradigm underpinning each article by looking at the stated or implied intent of the article’s authors, the drivers of their research (axiology), the nature of the knowledge/understanding developed from their research (epistemology), the literature and methods used, and the outcomes of their work. As a result of this exercise, the Neo-Positivist Inductive Mode emerged as the dominant paradigm in both journals, accounting for 60 percent of the papers in the combined sample. These findings are discussed in terms of their application to future SoTL research.