A disjoint path problem in the alternating group graph (original) (raw)
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Minimum Neighborhood of Alternating Group Graphs
IEEE Access, 2019
The minimum neighborhood and combinatorial property are two important indicators of fault tolerance of a multiprocessor system. Given a graph G, θ G (q) is the minimum number of vertices adjacent to a set of q vertices of G (1 ≤ q ≤ |V (G)|). It is meant to determine θ G (q), the minimum neighborhood problem (MNP). In this paper, we obtain θ AG n (q) for an independent set with size q in an n-dimensional alternating group graph AG n , a well-known interconnection network for multiprocessor systems. We first propose some combinatorial properties of AG n. Then, we study the MNP for an independent set of two vertices and obtain that θ AG n (2) = 4n − 10. Next, we prove that θ AG n (3) = 6n − 16. Finally, we propose that θ AG n (4) = 8n − 24. INDEX TERMS Minimum neighborhood, combinatorial property, fault tolerance, independent set, alternating group graphs.
Structure and substructure connectivity of alternating group graphs
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021
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Operations Research Letters, 2007
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Paths and circuits in 𝔾-graphs
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, 2008
For a group G with generating set S = {s 1 , s 2 ,. .. , s k }, the -އgraph of G, denoted (G, S), is the graph whose vertices are distinct cosets of s i in G. Two distinct vertices are joined by an edge when the set intersection of the cosets is nonempty. In this paper, we study the existence of Hamiltonian and Eulerian paths and circuits in (G, S). MSC2000: 05C25, 20F05.
A note on an extremal problem for group-connectivity
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2014
In , an extremal graph theory problem is proposed for group connectivity: for an abelian group A with |A| ≥ 3 and an integer n ≥ 3, find ex(n, A), where ex(n, A) is the maximum number so that every n-vertex simple graph with at most ex(n, A) edges is not A-connected. In this paper, we determine the values ex(n, A) for A = Z k where k ≥ 3 is an odd integer and for A = Z 4 , each of which solves some open problem proposed in . Furthermore, the values ex(n, Z 4 ) also imply a characterization of Z 4 -connected graphic sequences.