Review Of ReseaRch , 2018

The present investigation attempts to find out the availability and utilization of chemistry laboratory resources in higher secondary schools. Survey method was conducted on a simple random sample of 30 PG teachers and 300 higher secondary school students in Tiruvannamalai and Krishnagiri districts, Tamil Nadu. Data was analyzed by percentage. Results indicated that more than 70% of the schools have adequate chemistry laboratory resources. In terms of the utilization, 36.6% of the apparatus and materials and 42.5% of the salts are rarely utilized by students. In general, the rarely utilized responses were highly recorded than the always and occasionally used responses in terms of apparatus, equipments, salts, reagents, materials, acids, bases and resources.

Chemistry In Secondary Schools In Ebonyi State of Nigeria


This study aimed at investigation of the roles of the laboratory in students ’ academic achievement in chemistry in secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Four research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A sample of 240 students selected through simple random sampling technique from ten secondary schools in the 3 Education Zones in Ebonyi State was used for the study. A questionnaire instrument developed by the researcher was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts one from measurement and evaluation and the other 2 from chemistry education. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics. t-test was used in testing the hypotheses. The results showed that the use of the laboratory helps to: develop scientific attitudes in the students towards the learning of chemistry especially practicals, develop scientific skills for problem solving in students among others. Based on the findings, the following recom...

Laboratory Teaching: Implication on Students' Achievement In Chemistry In Secondary Schools In Ebonyi State of Nigeria

Journal of Education and Practice, 2015

This study aimed at investigation of the roles of the laboratory in students’ academic achievement in chemistry in secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Four research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A sample of 240 students selected through simple random sampling technique from ten secondary schools in the 3 Education Zones in Ebonyi State was used for the study. A questionnaire instrument developed by the researcher was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts one from measurement and evaluation and the other 2 from chemistry education. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics. t-test was used in testing the hypotheses. The results showed that the use of the laboratory helps to: develop scientific attitudes in the students towards the learning of chemistry especially practicals, develop scientific skills for problem solving in students among others. Based on the findings, the following recomm...

A Study of Chemistry Laboratory Facilities in Senior Secondary Schools

International Journal For Scientific Research and Development, 2015

Chemistry is an experimental science which gives opportunity to the learners to familiarize with the scientific methods and get them doing important scientific activities like observing, measuring, analyzing and describing. It also provides an opportunity to the teacher to teach chemistry as a way of investigation. Laboratory work is an essential component of chemistry curriculum. The development of powers of observation, measurement, prediction, interpretation and decision making are dependent on laboratory work experience of students. But unfortunately the present curriculum transaction approach in chemistry, like all other sciences, relies mostly on abstract thinking, writing long formulae and complex structures and handling complicated equipments. This method of teaching chemistry has discouraged both teachers as well as pupils. The main reason for this process is that the laboratories in most of the schools today are not adequate to get all science students actively engaged in experiments. Rather, schools heavily resort to either no experiments or if there is any urgency then as minimum as they can. Also, experiments which form a part of the syllabus are not relevant or interesting and are not related to the issues connected with the real life situations. Besides this, there are various constrains such as large teacher-pupil ratio in the class / laboratory, lack of physical facilities for performing experiments as required by the rigid and time-bound heavy syllabus. This paper discusses the outcomes of a study which attempted to examine the chemistry laboratories facilities at senior secondary schools of Delhi-NCR.


conference , 2020

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of instructional Resources/ materials for teaching chemistry in Senior Secondary schools in Bogoro LGA, of Bauchi State. A researcher designed questionnaire was used in the study and was designed for the chemistry teachers only in the ten selected senior secondary schools at Bogoro LGA, of Bauchi State. Hypothesis was tested from the data generated using the chi square X2 test. From the results, it was discovered that instructional resources and materials significantly impacts on the teaching of chemistry in secondary schools of the assessment show that basic laboratory instructional resources were inadequate for chemistry instruction in Bogoro LGA of Bauchi state in senior secondary schools. It also shows that recommended textbook were not enough and that current textbooks are not used at all. From the assessment made, it’s also observed that there were no enough teachers to teach chemistry and to make use of the little instructional resources that are available. Based on these problems, with the assessment made, recommendations for possible solutions were made and these include: More fund should be released by the authority of the school for the purchase of chemistry instructional resources, The school teachers should recommend to the school authority on the current textbook and rely less on the old once because new concept ideas are coming up on current books, School authority should provide enough ICT resources for teaching the chemistry and to train the teachers. Government should also put effort to employ more chemistry teachers that are competent and qualified in secondary schools.


Eko Jeremiah , 2022

The study examined the factors militating against the teaching and learning of chemistry in selected secondary schools in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State. Four research questions guided the study. The design of the study is a descriptive survey. The population of the study consists of all the six thousand five hundred and twenty three (6523) science students from senior secondary school one (1) to three (3) in Yenagoa LGA, Bayelsa State. The instruments used for data collection were “Factors Militating Against the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry Questionnaires (FMATLCQ)” developed by the researcher and validated by experts. The sample of the study comprised of 30 chemistry teachers and 300 students from senior secondary school (SSS) 1 to 3. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics which was entered into the computer using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 22.0 for analysis and were presented using tables, frequencies, mean, and standard deviations and interpreted inductively based on research objectives. The responses were subjected to a reliability analysis using Cronbach Alpha which gave a coefficient of 0.715, 0.722, 0.708 and 0.719 for the research questions (items) for the teachers and was transcribed, coded and the data were categorized under specific themes and analyzed using content analysis technique. The findings of this study highlighted that the lack of laboratory resources, inadequate funding, limited time allocated for chemistry practical classes, teaching methodology and students’ attitudes towards chemistry impacted the teaching and learning of chemistry negatively while the teacher’s sound knowledge on the chemistry subject impacted the teaching of chemistry positively. The study recommended that there should be well equipped laboratories with essential up to date chemicals and amenities like water system and electricity. Further recommendation suggests that the teaching of chemistry should be re-oriented to involve practical works rather than the usual lecture method.

Importance of chemical laboratories in public schools authorized by higher education institutions: A case study of school students and teachers


This paper presents that chemistry has been identified to be one of the major foundations for the transformation of our national economy, and hence must be accorded adequate attention. In this study, an attempt was made in ascertaining the remote causes for the poor performances reported in recent times in chemistry at the secondary level of education in schools. In this regard the data were collected by comparing two schools, Model school Hyderabad (Elsa Kazi Campus) and Mehran public secondary School Jamshoro from students and chemistry teachers, variables were investigated and the findings showed that the laboratories facilities including equipment and chemicals are not proper. The descriptive method was used which includes Quantitative approach and observation technique. And these all contribute greatly from the response of students and teachers in science subject chemistry in particular. The laboratory experiences have been maintained to promote central science education goals including the enhancement of students understanding of concepts in science (Chemistry) and its applications; scientific practical skills and problem solving abilities; scientific habits of mind, understanding of how science and scientists work, interest and motivation. It is necessary to implement the best planning for the chemistry learning and improve the students learning capabilities.


AJOL, 2023

This research paper aimed to assess the practice, facilities, and effectiveness of practical work in Damot secondary school. The research was designed to narrate laboratory facilities (equipment and chemicals) and laboratory practice of Damot secondary schools and effectiveness of laboratory activities incorporated in grade twelve chemistry textbooks. Qualitative research method with thematic narration design were used to assess laboratory equipment availability and laboratory practice in Damot secondary schools and effectiveness of laboratory tasks incorporated in grade twelve chemistry textbook. In this study qualitative research approach was used to collect the relevant data. Qualitative data was collected through deep interpretive analysis of observed data, data from document analysis and data from the focus group discussion and data from the check list also used to examine meanings, themes and patterns of the laboratory task incorporated in the textbook during content analysis. Damot secondary school was moderately equipped in physical facilities, chemicals, equipment and other inputs. But the teachers who taught there have poor performance in implementing experimental works in laboratory. The assessment method, absence of specified laboratory technician, time allotment etc. make teachers, students, and administrators to highly focused in the theoretical aspect of the subject not on the practical aspect of the subject. Due to time allotment, class size and absence of laboratory technician teachers were forced to show laboratory activities in the form of demonstration instead of students practice on the task. Teachers lack commitment/interest and even skill to conduct laboratory activities in the laboratory. In addition, school administrator never supervises, organizes, and facilitates teachers and students to conduct experimental works there.

Assessment of Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Availability and Practice: A Comparative Study Between Damot and Jiga Secondary Schools Research Article

The project was designed to compare the laboratory equipment availability (facilities) and status of practical work between Damot senior secondary school and Jiga senior secondary school and their performance with the standard (average test value). All chemistry teachers and 30 students from each secondary schools a total of 84 respondents were involved. Closed ended questionnaire were prepared and descriptive survey method was employed to describe and one sample t-test method was used to assess the degree of availability of facility and the status of implementation and independent t-test was used to compare the degree of availability of facility and the status of implementation. Total average equipment availability and total average laboratory practice (Mean=2.09, sd=0.29, t(83)=-12.53, p<0.05) is far from the test value (2.5).

A Survey of the Practices, Procedures, and Techniques in Senior Secondary School Chemistry Teaching Laboratories

International Journal of Chemistry Education Research

A survey was conducted in various senior secondary schools of Rajasthan State that teach chemistry at senior secondary level and conducts chemistry practicals in laboratories in the India. The data include results from over 27 schools, describes the current practices, procedures and techniques used at these schools, and discusses the statistical results such as the adaptability of laboratories performed, the chemical techniques applied, the instrumentation/chemicals available, the laboratory equipment used, the chemistry practicals covered, the way they conducted and performed . The results provide a “snapshot” of the current state of the senior secondary school laboratory teaching chemistry practicals.