Partial breaking of N=1, D=10 supersymmetry (original) (raw)
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Partial BreakingN = 4 toN = 2: Hypermultiplet as a Goldstone Superfield
Fortschritte der Physik, 2000
We describe the partial breaking of N = 1 D = 10 supersymmetry down to (1, 0) d = 6 supersymmetry within the non-linear realization approach. The basic Goldstone superfield associated with this breaking is shown to be the (1, 0) d = 6 hypermultiplet superfield q ia subjected to a non-linear generalization of the standard hypermultiplet superfield constraint. The dynamical equations implied by this constraint are identified as the manifestly worldvolume supersymmetric equations of the Type I super 5-brane in D = 10. We give arguments in favour of existence of the appropriate brane extension of off-shell hypermultiplet action in harmonic superspace. Some related problems, in particular, the issue of utilizing other (1, 0) d = 6 supermultiplets as Goldstone ones, are shortly discussed.
Partial breaking of global D=4 supersymmetry, constrained superfields, and 3-brane actions
Physical Review D, 1999
We show that the connection between partial breaking of supersymmetry and nonlinear actions is not accidental and has to do with constraints that lead directly to nonlinear actions of the Born-Infeld type. We develop a constrained superfield approach that gives a universal way of deriving and using these actions. In particular, we find the manifestly supersymmetric form of the action of the 3-brane in 6-dimensional space in terms of N = 1 superfields by using the tensor multiplet as a tool. We explain the relation between the Born-Infeld action and the model of partial N = 2 supersymmetry breaking by a dual D-term. We represent the Born-Infeld action in a novel form quadratic in the gauge field strengths by introducing two auxiliary complex scalar fields; this makes duality covariance and the connection with the N = 1 supersymmetric extension of the action very transparent. We also suggest a general procedure for deriving manifestly duality symmetric actions, explaining in a systematic way relations between previously discussed Lorentz-covariant and noncovariant actions.
On dual 3-brane actions with partially broken N = 2 supersymmetry
Nuclear Physics B, 1999
The N = 1 superspace generalization of the 3-brane action in 6 dimensions with partially broken N = 2 supersymmetry can be constructed using N = 1 chiral, complex linear, or real linear superfields. The physical scalars of these multiplets give equivalent descriptions of the two transverse coordinates. The second supersymmetry is realized nonlinearly in all these actions. We derive the superspace brane actions and their nonlinear supersymmetry for both kinds of linear superfields when we break N = 2 supersymmetry spontaneously. This breaking is realized in the free action of hypermultiplets that live in N = 2 projective superspace by constraining the N = 2 multiplets to reduce them to a pure Goldstone multiplet. For the chiral superfield, the superspace brane action and nonlinear supersymmetry can be deduced by dualizing the brane action of either linear superfield. We find that the dual action is unique up to field redefinitions that introduce arbitrariness in the dependence on the auxiliary fields. 1
Double-vector multiplet and partially broken N=4, d=3 supersymmetry
Physics Letters B, 2000
We elaborate on a new N =2, d=3 supermultiplet (double-vector multiplet) with a non-trivial off-shell realization of the central charge. Its bosonic sector comprises two abelian gauge vector fields forming an SO(2) vector. We present a superfield formulation of this multiplet in the central-charge extended N =2, d=3 superspace and then employ it, in the framework of the nonlinear realizations approach, as the Goldstone one for the partial breaking N =4 → N =2 in three dimensions. The covariant equations of motion for the self-interacting Goldstone superfield arise as a natural generalization of the free ones and are interpreted as the worldvolume supersymmetric form of the equations of motion of a N =4 D2-brane. For the vector fields we find a coupled nonlinear system of Born-Infeld type and demonstrate its dual equivalence to the d=5 membrane. The double-vector multiplet can be fused with some extra N =2, d=3 multiplet to form an off-shell N =4, d=3 supermultiplet.
Six-dimensional origin of gravity-mediated brane to brane supersymmetry breaking
Physical Review D, 2014
Four dimensional supergravities may be the right framework to describe particle physics at low energies. Its connection to the underlying string theory can be implemented through higher dimensional supergravities which bear special characteristics. Their reduction to four dimensions breaks supersymmetry whose magnitude depends both on the compactifying manifold and the mechanism that generates the breaking. In particular compactifications, notably on a S 1 /Z 2 orbifold, the breaking of supersymmetry occuring on a hidden brane, residing at one end of S 1 /Z 2 , is communicated to the visible brane which lies at the other end, via gravitational interactions propagating in the bulk. This scenario has been exemplified in the framework of the N = 2, D = 5 supergravity. In this note, motivated by the recent developments in the field, related to the six-dimensional description of the supergravity theory, we study the N = 2, D = 5 supergravity theory as originating from a D = 6 supergravity which, in addition to the gravity, includes a number of tensor multiplets. This reduces to N = 1, D = 4 supergravity in a two step manner, first by Kaluza-Klein reduction followed by a S 1 /Z 2 orbifold compactification. The resulting theory has striking similarities with the one that follows from the single standalone N = 2, D = 5 supergravity, with no reference to the underlying higher dimensional D = 6 supergravity, and a structure that makes the supersymmetry breaking mechanisms studied in the past easily incorporated in higher dimensional schemes. 1 email
New D = 10, N = 1 supergravity coupled to Yang-Mills supermultiplet and anomaly cancellations
Phys Lett B, 1985
We present a new D = 10, N = 1 supergravity theory coupled to a vector multiplet, using a duality transformation of the ordinary D =10, N =1 theory. Our new field content is (e~', ~kz, Mzl ...z6, X, q~; Az, h), where the sixth-rank tensor Mzl...z 6 has a field strength dual to the third-rank field strength in the ordinary theory. We also show that our new theory is free from all the gauge, gravitational and mixed anomalies, when the gauge group is SO(32) or E s × Es, following the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The structure of anomaly cancellation is different from that in the ordinary theory, suggesting that our theory is really a new quantum theory. Due to ambiguities in field representations realizing physical states of superstrings in the low energy limit, our new theory is an alternative field theoretical limit of the type-I (or heterotic) superstring theory. The difference between the two theories arises also in topology of compactifications.
Five-dimensional gauged supergravities with universal hypermultiplet and warped brane worlds
Physics Letters B, 2001
We present five-dimensional gauged supergravity with universal hypermultiplet on M 4 × S 1 /Z 2 coupled supersymmetrically to three-branes located at the fixed points. The construction is extended to the smooth picture with auxiliary singlet and fourform fields. The model admits the Randall-Sundrum solution as a BPS vacuum with vanishing energy. We give the form of all KK-tower modes for fields present in the model. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0370-2693/01/$ -see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 -2 6 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 6 9 -6
Universal superfield action for N = 8 ? N = 4 partial breaking of global supersymmetry in D = 1
Phys Lett B, 2006
We explicitly construct N = 4 worldline supersymmetric minimal off-shell actions for five options of 1/2 partial spontaneous breaking of N = 8, d = 1 Poincaré supersymmetry. We demonstrate that the action for the N = 4 Goldstone supermultiplet with four fermions and four auxiliary components is a universal one. The remaining actions for the Goldstone supermultiplets with physical bosons are obtained from the universal one by off-shell duality transformations.
Partial spontaneous breaking of two-dimensional supersymmetry
Nuclear Physics B, 2001
We construct low-energy Goldstone superfield actions describing various patterns of the partial spontaneous breakdown of two-dimensional N = (1, 1), N = (2, 0) and N = (2, 2) supersymmetries, with the main focus on the last case. These nonlinear actions admit a representation in the superspace of the unbroken supersymmetry as well as in a superspace of the full supersymmetry. The natural setup for implementing the partial breaking in a self-consistent way is provided by the appropriate central extensions of D = 2 supersymmetries, with the central charges generating shift symmetries on the Goldstone superfields. The Goldstone superfield actions can be interpreted as manifestly world-sheet supersymmetric actions in the static gauge of some superstrings and D1-branes in D = 3 and D = 4 Minkowski spaces. As an essentially new example, we elaborate on the action representing the 1/4 partial breaking pattern N = (2, 2) → N = (1, 0). E-Mail: 1) 2) 3) 4) 2 ABC of N=(2,2), D=2 superspace
Non-linear supersymmetry and intersecting D-branes
Nuclear Physics B, 2004
We study the non-linear realization of supersymmetry. We classify all lower dimensional operators, describing effective interactions of the Goldstino with Standard Model fields. Besides a universal coupling to the energy momentum tensor of dimension eight, there are additional model dependent operators whose strength is not determined by non-linear supersymmetry, within the effective field theory. Their dimensionality can be lower than eight, starting with dimension six, leading in general to dominant effects at low energies. We compute their coefficients in string models with D-branes at angles. We find that the Goldstino decay constant is given by the total brane tension, while the various dimensionless couplings are independent from the values of the intersection angles.