First record of Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Stolc, 1886 (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) in Serbia (original) (raw)

Groundwater Oligochaetes from Southern-Europe. I. A new genus and three new species of Rhyacodrilinae (Tubificidae) with a redescription of Tubifex pescei (Dumnicka) comb. n

Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 1997

Many Oligochaeta were collected during recent investigations in Southern-European caves. This is the first contribution in which some data concerning the Tubificidae are summarized. Three new species of Rhyacodrilinae, including a new genus, are described: Rhyacodrilus omodeoi n. sp., Rhyacodrilus dolcei n. sp., Rhyacodrilus gasparoi n. sp. and Stochidrilus glandulosus n. geh., n. sp. The poorly known species Frearidrilus pescei (Dumnicka 1981, augm. 1987) is redescribed on the basis of new material collected in Slovenian caves; this revision allowed the proposal to ascribe it to the genus Tubifex, considering the monospecific genus Frearidrilus as a junior synonym of Tubifex. Les Oligochètes des eaux souterraines d'Europe méridionale. I. Un nouveau genre et trois espèces nouvelles de Rhyacodrilinae (Tubificidae) avec une redescription de Tubifex pescei (Dumnicka) comb. n.

Distributional patterns of aquatic Oligochaeta communities (Annelida: Clitellata) in running waters in Serbia

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2020

Paper description: Aquatic oligochaetes are an important macroinvertebrate group in Serbian freshwaters. They were the subject of sporadic hydrobiological studies in the past, but the complete fauna of the oligochaetes has not been published. Literature data about species distribution combined with complete updated checklists of oligochaeta communities confirm their high biological diversity in Serbia and report 12 new species. Community composition was analyzed to assess the correlation with abiotic typology descriptors. This work confirms the indicator value of the oligochaeta and their “ecological footprint” for saprobic/organic contamination. Abstract: The study of aquatic Oligochaeta in freshwaters in Serbia contributes to the oligochaete fauna inventory of the Balkans. Based on our results and literature review, 97 species (45 genera from 8 families) are listed in the running waters of Serbia. From the list of 61 species recorded during our investigation, 12 were noted for the...

The groundwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) of Slovenia

Subterranean Biology, 2011

Historical data on the biodiversity of oligochaetes inhabiting ground waters of Slovenia depicted a fauna of 25 species, 19 of which are stygobiotic. Over about the last 35 years, faunistic surveys carried out in Slovenian ground waters has enabled us to conduct extensive studies on the oligochaete fauna of this environment. Three primary sources of information have been integrated to summarize in this paper: a campaign in Slovenian caves conducted by Fabio Stoch, a large collection of groundwater fauna made available to us by Boris Sket, and samples collected during the European project PASCALIS. The data derived from the examination of this large amount of material has enabled us to broaden our knowledge of the oligochaete diversity of Slovenia, increasing the number of species to one hundred, and has allowed us to summarize the biological diversity in Slovenian waters to be a substantial percentage of the known diversity present elsewhere in Europe. Endemic, rare and new species constitute a remarkable proportion of the stygobiotic oligochaete fauna. Among these, species of the genera Trichodrilus, Rhyacodrilus, Rhyacodriloides, Parvidrilus, Epirodrilus and Abyssidrilus are some of the most noteworthy taxa because of their endemicity, range-size, rarity, habitat selection, and/or taxonomic isolation (including phylogenetic relictuality).

Oligochaeta of the Danube River — a faunistical review

Biologia, 2013

The aim of this work is to discuss the distribution of Oligochaeta (Annelida) in the Danube River using the collections made by the Joint Danube Survey 2007 (JDS2) on more than 2800 km of the river. The basic faunistical features of the oligochaete assemblages were analysed with regard to three main sectors of the Danube (upper, middle and lower reaches, the last with the Danube Delta). A total of 52 oligochaete taxa have been recorded. Most of the observed species are typical of the potamon-type rivers in the region, and are well adapted to moderate-to-high organic load. The highest taxa richness and frequency of occurrence were observed among the Tubificidae family. Naididae, Propappidae, Enchytraeidae and Haplotaxidae had also low frequency. The upper reach of the Danube showed the lowest species richness, while the middle reach is characterised by its highest species richness. Construction of dams and regulation of the riverbed have resulted in an increase of limno(rheo)philic taxa which prefer slow-flowing and lentic zones.

Distribution of Non-Indigenous Tubificid WormBranchiura Sowerbyi(Beddard, 1892) in Serbia

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2005

Recently, dispersion of invasive species became an important theme, since the man-aided outspread of the organisms was recognized as one of the major threats to the biodiversity. Aquatic biotopes are, due to its unique features, among the most disposed ecosystems to this kind of disturbance. Non-indigenous species of different origin were found among plants, vertebrates and invertebrates. Aquatic worm Branchiura sowerbyi (Beddard 1892) is obvious example of human induced dispersal of invertebrates. The aim of the study was to contribute to the cognition of the current distribution of this invasive species and to point up, once again, the risk of devastation of aquatic ecosystems caused by distribution of alien species. B. sowerbyi was for the first time observed in Serbia in 1972 in fish pond in Vojvodina. Since that time the worm spread its areal and now it could be found in a lot of ponds, channels, reservoirs and lowland rivers in Serbia. According to our results B. sowerbyi has been well adapted in artificial and modified water bodies in Serbia.

Oligochaeta (Annelida) of the profundal of Lake Hazar (Turkey), with description of Potamothrix alatus hazaricus n. ssp


Lake Hazar is an alkaline oligotrophic lake of tectonic origin, located in the Eastern Anatolia region in Turkey, 1248 m a.s.l. Its surface area is 80 km 2 , the average depth 93 m and maximum depth 205 m. The lake and its surroundings are under protection as a region of historical value. During the present study (2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012), samples were taken from 15 stations located at a depth of 2-200 m. Oligochaeta comprised 69% of the total invertebrate abundance. The profundal oligochaete fauna was found to consist of only three tubificid taxa, all of the subfamily Tubificinae. Potamothrix alatus hazaricus Timm & Arslan, n. ssp. was dominating anywhere down to maximum depths while Psammoryctides barbatus (Grube) and Ilyodrilus(?) sp. occurred seldom. All three are new records for Lake Hazar. Potamothrix alatus hazaricus shares the "winged" body shape in its genital region with the nominal, brackish-water subspecies P. a. alatus Finogenova, 1972, and the lateral position of the spermathecal pores and the shape of the ventral chaetae with the freshwater subspecies P. a. paravanicus Poddubnaja & Pataridze, 1989 known from Transcaucasian lakes. The mitochondrial COI barcoding gene suggests long separation between the two taxa, but the nuclear ITS region shows no variation. The generic position of Ilyodrilus (?) sp. remains obscure since its internal genitalia could not be studied.

Littoral Fauna of Oligochaeta (Annelida) of Lake Eğirdir (Isparta)

zet: Egirdir Gölü (Isparta) litoral Oligochaeta (Annelida) faunası. Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin güney batısında 918 m yükseklikte yer alan (38°00'N, 30°54'E) ve önemli bir kuş alanı olan Eğirdir Gölü'nün litoral Oligochaeta faunasını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Örnekler Mayıs 2002 ile Ekim 2002 tarihleri arasında 17 istasyondan toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda 17 istasyondan 15 cinse ait 22 tür; Lumbriculidae familyasından 1, Haplotaxidae familyasından 1, Tubificidae familyasından 9 ve Naididae familyasından 11 tür belirlenmiştir. Eğirdir Gölü'nün litoral Oligochaeta faunası geniş dağılım gösteren tubificid ve naidid taxalarından oluşmaktadır. Çalışma alanında Tubifex tubifex (%19.2), Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (%17.9), ve Potamothrix hammoniensis (%11.3) ve Ophidonais serpentina (%9.3) en yüksek bolluğa sahip türler olarak belirlenmiştir. Shannon-Wiener çeşitlilik indeksine göre, Eğirdir Gölü 1.45 zenginliğe sahip olarak bulunmuş, 5. istasyon en yüksek çeşitliliğ...

Diversity and distribution of Tubificidae, Naididae, and Lumbriculidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in the Netherlands: an evaluation of twenty years of monitoring data

Hydrobiologia, 2004

Data from 24 water management districts and the rivers Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands were used to study geographical distribution, relative occurrence, and environmental requirements of 76 aquatic oligochaetes (families Tubificidae, Naididae, and Lumbriculidae) (Annelida, Clitellata). Approximately 50% of the 76 species that occur in the Netherlands are uncommon, rare, or very rare. The other half of the species are common, very common or abundant. The abundant species are: Stylaria lacustris, Ophidonais serpentina, Limnodrilus claparedeianus, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, and Lumbriculus variegatus. With the exception of several brackish water species (those restricted in distribution to water management districts close to the sea that are influenced by salt water influx) and specific running water species (restricted mainly to the eastern part of the Netherlands), most of the species occurred throughout the whole Netherlands. The species distribution was related to environmental variables using ordination. In general, species distribution was correlated with either large waters with high chloride and phosphorus concentrations and a high hydrogen ion concentration (as pH), or with small forested (running) waters in more natural (undeveloped) areas that occasionally become intermittent. Vegetation cover was positively correlated with several swimming species in the family Naididae. While the distribution of aquatic oligochaetes in some families occurring in the Netherlands is known to some extent, the occurrence and distribution of rare and small taxa, particularly those that are difficult to identify taxonomically, is virtually unknown. Some of the rare oligochaete taxa, especially those associated with unique habitats, have received only cursory attention. Also in the data studied, the observations of the more rare species were too few to draw conclusions. To improve our knowledge of oligochaete distribution in the Netherlands, additional research should focus on rare species associated with special habitats and water types (natural areas) and those taxa in poorly known families. The standardisation of sampling and processing methodologies, particularly the use of nets and sieves with fine-meshed screening, will ensure the collection of the smaller species of oligochaetes. Subsequently, oligochaetes should be identified to species level by experienced taxonomists trained in oligochaete identification. Finally, many aquatic oligochaete species are identifiable only when sexually mature and therefore the time of year in which samples are collected is critical to the accurate representation of true oligochaete diversity at any given site. For analysing the relation between species and environmental variables the best option is to use composite data from spring and autumn.

Aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) Assemblages in the Streams of Biga Peninsula (Marmara-Turkey) and Their Seasonal Variations


Bu calismada, Biga Yarimadasi akarsularindan Saricay, Karamenderes, Tuzla ve Kocabas’ta belirlenmis 15 ornekleme istasyonunda, Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) faunasi cevresel degiskenler ile birlikte mevsimsel olarak arastirilmistir. Bentik orneklemeler Hess Sampler ve Ekman Birge Grab ile gerceklestirilmis ve ornekler kantitatif olarak degerlendirilmistir. Bentik orneklemeler sirasinda, su sicakligi (T), elektrik iletkenligi (EC), pH ve cozunmus oksijen (DO) yerinde, kimyasal oksijen ihtiyaci (COD), biyolojik oksijen ihtiyaci (BOD5), PO4-P, NO3-N gibi su kalitesi laboratuvarda analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, Naididae familyasindan 29 taksa, Enchytraeidae 2 taksa ve Lumbriculidae 2 taksa olmak uzere 33 taksaya ait toplam 340993 birey tespit edilmistir. Organik kirlilige toleransli Potamothrix hammoniensis (Michaelsen, 1901), Tubifex tubifexMuller, 1774, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede, 1862 turlerinin alt akarsu havzalarinda yer alan istasyonlarda baskin oldugu MD San...