Shrub cover in northern Nunavik: can herbivores limit shrub expansion? (original) (raw)
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Recent expansion of erect shrubs in the Low Arctic: evidence from Eastern Nunavik
Environmental Research Letters, 2012
In order to characterize shrub response near the treeline in Eastern Nunavik (Québec), a region under extensive warming since the 1990s, we compared two series (1964 and 2003) of vertical aerial photos from the vicinity of Kangiqsualujjuaq. Our study revealed a widespread increase in erect woody vegetation cover. During the 40 years spanning the two photo series, erect shrub and tree cover increased markedly on more than half of the land surface available for new colonization or infilling. Within the 7.2 km 2 analysed, areas with dense shrub and tree cover (>90%) increased from 34% to 44% whereas areas with low cover (<10%) shrank from 45% to 29%. This increase in cover of trees and shrubs occurred throughout the landscape regardless of altitude, slope angle and exposure, although to varying extents. The main shrub species involved in this increase was Betula glandulosa Michx. (dwarf birch), which was present in 98% and dominant in 85% of the 345 plots. In addition, numerous seedlings and saplings of Larix laricina (Du Roi) K Koch (eastern larch) were found above the treeline (25% of the plots), suggesting that the altitudinal treeline might shift upslope in the near future. Sites that remained devoid of erect woody vegetation in 2003 were either characterized by the absence of a suitable seedbed or by harsh local microclimatic conditions (wind exposure or excessive drainage). Our results indicate dramatic increases in shrub and tree cover at a Low Arctic site in Eastern Nunavik, contributing to a growing number of observations of woody vegetation change from various areas around the North.
Herbivores inhibit climate-driven shrub expansion on the tundra
Global Change Biology, 2000
Recent Pan-Arctic shrub expansion has been interpreted as a response to a warmer climate. However, herbivores can also influence the abundance of shrubs in arctic ecosystems. We addressed these alternative explanations by following the changes in plant community composition during the last 10 years in permanent plots inside and outside exclosures with different mesh sizes that exclude either only reindeer or all mammalian herbivores including voles and lemmings. The exclosures were replicated at three forest and tundra sites at four different locations along a climatic gradient (oceanic to continental) in northern Fennoscandia. Since the last 10 years have been exceptionally warm, we could study how warming has influenced the vegetation in different grazing treatments. Our results show that the abundance of the dominant shrub, Betula nana, has increased during the last decade, but that the increase was more pronounced when herbivores were excluded. Reindeer have the largest effect on shrubs in tundra, while voles and lemmings have a larger effect in the forest. The positive relationship between annual mean temperature and shrub growth in the absence of herbivores and the lack of relationships in grazed controls is another indication that shrub abundance is controlled by an interaction between herbivores and climate. In addition to their effects on taller shrubs (40.3 m), reindeer reduced the abundance of lichens, whereas microtine rodents reduced the abundance of dwarf shrubs (o0.3 m) and mosses. In contrast to short-term responses, competitive interactions between dwarf shrubs and lichens were evident in the long term. These results show that herbivores have to be considered in order to understand how a changing climate will influence tundra ecosystems.
Rangifer, 2007
The population of the Western Arctic Herd, estimated at 490 000 caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) in 2003, is at its highest level in 30 years. Twenty permanent range transects were established in the winter range of the Western Arctic Herd in 1981 to assess the impacts of grazing. These transects were revisited in 1995 and 1996 (1995/96). Only 18 of the transects were re-located, so an additional 7 transects were established in 1996. In 2005, all 25 remaining transects were revisited. Lichen coverage dropped by a relative 45.1% between 1981 and 1995/96 and by an additional relative 25.6% between 1995/96 and 2005. There was a significant decline in primary forage lichens between 1995/96 and 2005. Caribou use was greater in areas with high lichen abundance. Graminoid cover increased by a relative 118.4% from 1981 to 1995/96 and again by a relative 26.1% from 1995/96 to 2005. Shrub cover increased during the study whereas forb cover declined. The decline in lichen abundance on the winter range of the Western Arctic Herd over 24 years is an index of caribou habitat condition. The observed changes in vegetation cover can be attributed to caribou grazing, fire, and possibly global climate change. Continued declines in lichen cover could lead to population declines within the herd, range shifts, or both.
Recovery of Tundra Vegetation after Overgrazing by Caribou in Arctic Canada
ARCTIC, 1991
During the summer of 1987, 500-1000 caribou became stranded on Rideout Island in Bathurst Inlet, Northwest Territories. The 40 km2 island did not have sufficient forage to support the animals until freeze-up, and the caribou eventually died from malnutrition after severely overgrazing the vegetation. In late July 1988, we found that most of the vascular vegetation on Rideout Island had recovered considerably. Vascular species composition and cover in the two major plant communities were comparable to those in similar communities on the adjacent, moderately grazed mainland. The willows (Salix spp.) and graminoid species were vigorous, and no differences were found in biomass allocation patterns of Salix lunata plants between the island and the mainland. However, essentially all of the macrolichen biomass was eliminated on the island, and full recovery could take more than 20 years.
Growth rings show limited evidence for ungulates’ potential to suppress shrubs across the Arctic
Environmental Research Letters, 2022
Global warming has pronounced effects on tundra vegetation, and rising mean temperatures increase plant growth potential across the Arctic biome. Herbivores may counteract the warming impacts by reducing plant growth, but the strength of this effect may depend on prevailing regional climatic conditions. To study how ungulates interact with temperature to influence growth of tundra shrubs across the Arctic tundra biome, we assembled dendroecological data from 20 sites, comprising 1153 individual shrubs and 223 63 annual growth rings. Evidence for ungulates suppressing shrub radial growth was only observed at intermediate summer temperatures (6.5 • C-9 • C), and even at these temperatures the effect was not strong. Multiple factors, including forage preferences and landscape use by the ungulates, and favourable climatic conditions enabling effective compensatory growth of shrubs, may weaken the effects of ungulates on shrubs, possibly explaining the weakness of observed ungulate effects. Earlier local studies have shown that ungulates may counteract the impacts of warming on tundra shrub growth, but we demonstrate that ungulates' potential to suppress shrub radial growth is not always evident, and may be limited to certain climatic conditions.
Journal of Ecology, 2017
1. One of the most palpable effects of warming in Arctic ecosystems is shrub expansion above the tree line. However, previous studies have found that reindeer can influence plant community responses to warming and inhibit shrubification of the tundra. 2. We revisited grazed (ambient) and ungrazed study plots (exclosures), at the southern as well as the northern limits of the Swedish alpine region, to study long-term grazing effects and vegetation changes in response to increasing temperatures between 1995 and 2011, in two vegetation types (shrub heath and mountain birch forest). 3. In the field layer at the shrub heath sites, evergreen dwarf shrubs had increased in cover from 26% to 49% but were unaffected by grazing. Deciduous dwarf and tall shrubs also showed significant, though smaller, increases over time. At the birch forest sites, the increase was similar for evergreen dwarf shrubs (20-48%) but deciduous tall shrubs did not show the same consistent increase over time as in the shrub heath. 6. Synthesis. This study shows that shrub expansion is occurring rapidly in the Scandes mountain range, both above and below the tree line. Tall, deciduous shrubs had benefitted significantly from grazing exclosure, both in terms of cover and height, which in turn lowered summer soil temperatures. However, the overriding vegetation shift across our sites was the striking increase in evergreen dwarf shrubs, which were not influenced by grazing. As the effects of an increase in evergreen dwarf shrubs and more recalcitrant plant litter may to some degree counteract some of the effects of an increase in deciduous tall shrubs, herbivore influence on shrub interactions is potentially of great importance for shaping arctic shrub expansion and its associated ecosystem effects.
Landscape Heterogeneity of Shrub Expansion in Arctic Alaska
Ecosystems, 2012
The expansion of shrubs into tundra areas is a key terrestrial change underway in the Arctic in response to elevated temperatures during the twentieth century. Repeat photography permits a glimpse into greening satellite pixels, and it shows that, since 1950, some shrub patches have increased rapidly (hereafter expanding), while others have increased little or not at all (hereafter stable). We characterized and compared adjacent expanding and stable shrub patches across Arctic Alaska by sampling a wide range of physical and chemical soil and vegetation properties, including shrub growth rings. Expanding patches of Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa (Siberian alder) contained shrub stems with thicker growth rings than in stable patches. Alder growth in expanding patches also showed strong correlation with spring and summer warming, whereas alder growth in stable patches showed little correlation with temperature. Expanding patches had different vegetation composition, deeper thaw depth, higher mean annual ground temperature, higher mean growing season temperature, lower soil moisture, less carbon in mineral soil, and lower C:N values in soils and shrub leaves. Expanding patches-higher resource environments-were associated with floodplains, stream corridors, and outcrops. Stable patches-lower resource environments-were associated with poorly drained tussock tundra. Collectively, we interpret these differences as implying that preexisting soil conditions predispose parts of the landscape to a rapid response to climate change, and we therefore expect shrub expansion to continue penetrating the landscape via dendritic floodplains, streams, and scattered rock outcrops.
Range shift and winter foraging ecology of a population of Arctic tundra caribou
Canadian Journal of …, 2001
Some researchers have suggested that over periods of several decades, Arctic tundra caribou (Rangifer tarandus) may be regulated by density-dependent forage depletion. Winter range shifts could potentially delay such regulation when a population is at or near long-term maximum abundance. In the 1980s, Inuit correctly predicted the mass emigration of caribou from a traditional winter range on Foxe Peninsula (FP) on southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Most FP caribou subsequently emigrated to a new winter range on Meta Incognita Peninsula (MIP). To determine if MIP provided emigrating caribou with better foraging habitats, we compared winter forage resources and snow cover at caribou foraging sites, and food selection by caribou on FP and MIP in April 1992. Caribou that remained on FP dug feeding craters in shallower, softer snow than those on MIP did. Biomass of most fruticose lichens was greater within foraging sites on MIP than on FP. Biomass of shrubs, other than Cassiope tetragona and Dryas integrifolia, was also greater on MIP than on FP. Dryas integrifolia was the only plant class that had higher biomass on FP than on MIP. Cladina spp. Cladonia spp., Sphaerophorus fragilis, and Cetraria nivalis occurred less frequently in the rumens of FP caribou. Proportions of fruticose lichens in rumens of caribou on both peninsulas were similar to those on other overgrazed and High Arctic tundra winter ranges. Caribou on FP showed a higher preference for the shrub C. tetragona. Biomasses of plants sensitive to long-term feeding or trampling by caribou (i.e., the five most common fruticose lichens, other shrubs, and plant debris) were consistently lower on FP, which is congruous with Inuit reports that long-term cumulative overgrazing had reduced the supply of important forage plants on FP sites that were accessible to caribou in winter. FP caribou that emigrated to MIP gained access to more abundant, higher quality forage resources than those that remained on FP. Because most FP caribou had emigrated, this South Baffin subpopulation escaped, at least temporarily, the regulating effects of historical cumulative overgrazing.
Shrub expansion at the forest–tundra ecotone: spatial heterogeneity linked to local topography
Environmental Research Letters, 2012
Recent densification of shrub cover is now documented in many Arctic regions. However, most studies focus on global scale responses, yielding very little information on the local patterns. This research aims to quantify shrub cover increase at northern treeline (Québec, Canada) in two important types of environment, sandy terraces and hilltops (which cover about 70% of the landscape), and to identify the species involved. The comparison of a mosaic of two aerial photographs from 1957 (137 km 2 ) and one satellite image taken in 2008 (151 km 2 ) revealed that both hilltops and terraces recorded an increase in shrub cover. However, the increase was significantly greater on terraces than on hilltops (21.6% versus 11.6%). According to ground truthing, the shrub cover densification is associated mainly with an increase of Betula glandulosa Michx. The numerous seedlings observed during the ground truthing suggest that shrub densification should continue in the future.