Nonlinear plasma waves excitation by intense ion beams in background plasma (original) (raw)
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Particle-in-cell simulations of plasma accelerators and electron-neutral collisions
We present 2-D simulations of both beam-driven and laser-driven plasma wakefield accelerators, using the object-oriented particle-in-cell code XOOPIC, which is time explicit, fully electromagnetic, and capable of running on massively parallel supercomputers. Simulations of laser-driven wakefields with low (~10 16 W/cm 2) and high (~10 18 W/cm 2) peak intensity laser pulses are conducted in slab geometry, showing agreement with theory and fluid simulations. Simulations of the E-157 beam wakefield experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, in which a 30 GeV electron beam passes through 1 m of preionized lithium plasma, are conducted in cylindrical geometry, obtaining good agreement with previous work. We briefly describe some of the more significant modifications to XOOPIC required by this work, and summarize the issues relevant to modeling relativistic electron-neutral collisions in a particle-in-cell code. Motivation The quest to understand the fundamental nature of matter requires ever higher energy particle collisions, which in turn leads to ever larger and more expensive particle accelerators. Plasma-based accelerators can sustain electron plasma waves (EPW) with longitudinal electric fields on the order of the nonrelativistic wave breaking field, E 0 =cm e ω p /e, where ω p =(4πn e e 2 /m e) 1/2 is the plasma frequency at an electron density n e (see Ref. 1 for a review of plasma based accelerator concepts). For n e =10 18 cm-3 , the electric field is E 0 ≅100 GV/m, with a phase velocity close to the speed of light. Laser plasma accelerators have demonstrated accelerating gradients of 100 GV/m-several orders of magnitude higher than for conventional structures-providing hope for reaching new energy regimes. Equally large amplitude wakefields can also be driven by intense relativistic electron beams. Plasma lenses, which can provide focussing strengths 1000 times greater than conventional quadrupole magnets, are a closely related application involving intense relativistic beams interacting with a plasma. Plasma lenses will be a crucial component of any plasma-based accelerator system. In cases where the plasma is not fully ionized, relativistic electron-neutral collisions can play an important role. Laser-Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) Research in laser plasma acceleration is very active, with many innovative concepts being explored through theory 2-9 and experiment. 10-16 In the "standard" laser wakefield
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001
We present here a systematic simulational study on electron beam driven waves and their consequences in terms of plasma electrodynamics. The study is performed by using three-dimensional particle-in-cell code, parallelized to simulate a large volume of plasma. Our simulation shows that an initial electron beam of finite radius with beam velocity along the ambient magnetic field triggers a series of events in the evolution of the waves and the plasma. In the initial stage (t _< 200 %,o-• %,ø being the electron plasma frequency with the total electron density n o ), high frequency waves near co -%,ø are driven. These waves progressively disappear giving way to the dominance of lower hybrid (LH) waves. The phase of the lower hybrid waves lasts over the time interval 200 • t%,o • 1000.
Wave propagation in an ion beam-plasma system
Plasma Physics, 1979
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