Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language (original) (raw)
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MemSafe: ensuring the spatial and temporal memory safety of C at runtime
SUMMARY Memory access violations are a leading source of unreliability in C programs. As evidence of this problem, a variety of methods exist that retrofit C with software checks to detect memory errors at runtime. However, these methods generally suffer from one or more drawbacks including the inability to detect all errors, the use of incompatible metadata, the need for manual code modifications, and high runtime overheads.
Memory safety without garbage collection for embedded applications
ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems, 2005
Traditional approaches to enforcing memory safety of programs rely heavily on run-time checks of memory accesses and on garbage collection, both of which are unattractive for embedded applications. The goal of our work is to develop advanced compiler techniques for enforcing memory safety with minimal run-time overheads. In this paper, we describe a set of compiler techniques that, together with minor semantic restrictions on C programs and no new syntax, ensure memory safety and provide most of the error-detection capabilities of type-safe languages, without using garbage collection, and with no run-time software checks, (on systems with standard hardware support for memory management). The language permits arbitrary pointer-based data structures, explicit deallocation of dynamically allocated memory, and restricted array operations. One of the key results of this paper is a compiler technique that ensures that dereferencing dangling pointers to freed memory does not violate memory safety, without annotations, run-time checks, or garbage collection, and works for arbitrary type-safe C programs. Furthermore, we present a new interprocedural analysis for static array bounds checking under certain assumptions. For a diverse set of embedded C programs, we show that we are able to ensure memory safety of pointer and dynamic memory usage in all these programs with no run-time software checks (on systems with standard hardware memory protection), requiring only minor restructuring to conform to simple type restrictions. Static array bounds checking fails for roughly half the programs we study due to complex array references, and these are the only cases where explicit run-time software checks would be needed under our language and system assumptions.
WPBOUND: Enforcing Spatial Memory Safety Efficiently at Runtime with Weakest Preconditions
2014 IEEE 25th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2014
Spatial errors (e.g., buffer overflows) continue to be one of the dominant threats to software reliability and security in C/C++ programs. Presently, the software industry typically enforces spatial memory safety by instrumentation. Due to high overheads incurred in bounds checking at runtime, many program inputs cannot be exercised, causing some input-specific spatial errors to go undetected in today's commercial software. This paper introduces a new compile-time optimisation for reducing bounds checking overheads based on the notion of Weakest Precondition (WP). The basic idea is to guard a bounds check at a pointer dereference inside a loop, where the WPbased guard is hoisted outside the loop, so that its falsehood implies the absence of out-of-bounds errors at the dereference, thereby avoiding the corresponding bounds check inside the loop. This WP-based optimisation is applicable to any spatial-error detection approach (in software or hardware or both). To evaluate the effectiveness of our optimisation, we take SOFTBOUND, a compile-time tool with an open-source implementation in LLVM, as our baseline. SOFTBOUND adopts a pointerbased checking approach with disjoint metadata, making it a state-of-the-art tool in providing compatible and complete spatial safety for C. Our new tool, called WPBOUND, is a refined version of SOFTBOUND, also implemented in LLVM, by incorporating our WP-based optimisation. For a set of 12 SPEC C benchmarks evaluated, WPBOUND reduces the average runtime overhead of SOFTBOUND from 71% to 45% (by a reduction of 37%), with small code size increases. 1 #define S sizeof(int) 2 #define SP sizeof(int *) 3 ... 4 int i, k, L; 5 int t1, t2; 6 int * a, * b; 7 int ** p; 8 ... 9 if(...) {
A Hybrid Approach for Safe Memory Management in C
In this paper, we present a novel approach that establishes a synergy between static and dynamic analyses for detecting memory errors in C code. We extend the standard C type system with effect, region, and host annotations that are relevant to memory management. We define static memory checks to detect memory errors using these annotations. The statically undecidable checks are delegated to dynamic code instrumentation to secure program executions. The static analysis guides its dynamic counterpart by locating instrumentation points and their execution paths. Our dynamic analysis instruments programs with in-lined monitors that observe program executions and ensure safe-fail when encountering memory errors. We prototype our approach by extending the GCC compiler with our type system, a dynamic monitoring library, and code instrumentation capabilities.
Type and Effect Annotations for Safe Memory Access in C
In this paper, we present a novel type and effect analysis for detecting memory errors in C source code. We extend the standard C type system with effect, region, and host annotations that hold valuable security information. We define static security checks to detect errors using the annotations. The checks are compliant with the ANSI-C standard, while adding more security restrictions to prevent runtime errors. The flow-sensitivity nature of our analysis enables us to modify type annotations at each program point and to efficiently detect temporal errors. Moreover, we endow our type system with alias information to deal with C aliasing pitfalls and to improve the precision of our analysis. We present an inference algorithm that automatically infers type annotations and applies security checks without programmer's intervention.
SHAKTI-MS: a RISC-V processor for memory safety in C
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems - LCTES 2019, 2019
In this era of IoT devices, security is very often traded off for smaller device footprint and low power consumption. Considering the exponentially growing security threats of IoT and cyber-physical systems, it is important that these devices have built-in features that enhance security. In this paper, we present Shakti-MS, a lightweight RISC-V processor with built-in support for both temporal and spatial memory protection. At run time, Shakti-MS can detect and stymie memory misuse in C and C++ programs, with minimum runtime overheads. The solution uses a novel implementation of fat-pointers, those associate capabilities with every pointer. Our proposal is to use stack-based cookies for crafting fat-pointers instead of having object-based identifiers. We store the fat-pointer on the stack, which eliminates the use of shadow memory space, or any table to store the pointer metadata. This reduces the storage overheads by a great extent. The cookie also helps to preserve control flow of the program by ensuring that the return address never gets modified by vulnerabilities like buffer overflows. Shakti-MS introduces new instructions in the microprocessor hardware, and also a modified compiler that automatically inserts these new instructions to enable memory protection. This co-design approach is intended to reduce runtime and area overheads, and also provides an end-to-end solution. The hardware has an area overhead of 700 LUTs on a Xilinx xcvu095-ffva2104-2-e FPGA and 4100 cells on an open 55nm technology node. The clock frequency of the processor is not affected by the security extensions, while there is a marginal increase in the code size by 11% with an average runtime overhead of 13%. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and Privacy → Hardware and Compiler security implementations ; • Computer systems organization → Embedded systems; Reduced Instruction set architecture.
AHEMS: Asynchronous Hardware-Enforced Memory Safety
2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 2014
This paper presents AHEMS (Asynchronous Hardware-Enforced Memory Safety), an architectural support for enforcing spatial and temporal memory safety to protect against memory corruption attacks. We integrated AHEMS with the Leon3 open-source processor and prototype on an FPGA. In an evaluation of the detection coverage using 677 security test cases (including spatial and temporal memory errors), selected from the Juliet Test Suite, AHEMS detected all but one memory safety violation. The missed test case involves overflow of a sub-object in a data structure whose detection is not supported by the current prototype. Performance assessment using the Olden benchmarks shows an average 10.6% overhead, and negligible impact on the processor-critical path (0.06% overhead) and power consumption (0.5% overhead). I.
PointGuardTM: Protecting Pointers From Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
Despite numerous security technologies crafted to resist buffer overflow vulnerabilities, buffer overflows continue to be the dominant form of software security vulnerability. This is because most buffer overflow defenses provide only partial coverage, and the attacks have adapted to exploit problems that are not well-defended, such as heap overflows. This paper presents PointGuard, a compiler technique to defend against most kinds of buffer overflows by encrypting pointers when stored in memory, and decrypting them only when loaded into CPU registers. We describe the PointGuard implementation, show that PointGuard's overhead is low when protecting real security-sensitive applications such as OpenSSL, and show that PointGuard is effective in defending against buffer overflow vulnerabilities that are not blocked by previous defenses.