Monument, Territory, and the Mediation of War Memory in Socialist Yugoslavia /// Spomenik, teritorij i medijacija ratnog sjećanja u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji (original) (raw)
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Etnološka tribina, 2014
In this paper I analyze monuments dedicated to labor and the labor movement that were built during the socialist period in the former Yugoslavia. Due to their supposed commemorative character, these monuments have often been lefout of scholarly surveys and analyses. A( er presenting an overview of the pre-World War II era labor-themed sculpture in the European and Yugoslav contexts, I will analyze the role of this genre of memorialization in the construction of the official narrative of social memory in socialist Yugoslavia. Thee three thematic units defined in this paper shall be presented through an analysis of selected case studies that point to the specificity of the conceptual and formal approach to the topic of work and labor in socialist Yugoslavia. *** U članku se analiziraju spomenici posvećeni radu i radništvu nastali u razdoblju socijalizma na području bivše Jugoslavije, koji su, s obzirom na pretpostavljen komemorativan karakter spomenika, u dosadašnjim pregledima i analizama često izostavljani. Nakon pregleda kiparskog tretmana teme radništva u javnoj plastici u razdoblju prije Drugog svjetskog rata u europskom i jugoslavenskom kontekstu, analiziraju se funkcije tog spomeničkog žanra u konstrukciji službenog narativa društvenog sjećanja u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji. Pritom su izdvojene tri tematsko-problemske cjeline predstavljene analizom odabranih spomeničkih primjera koji ukazuju na specifičnosti idejnog ili formalnog pristupa temi rada i radništva u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji.
Public space is naturalized images of historical and contemporary political, social and cultural relations, which they were enrolled in all, apparently neutral, urban forms: from a comprehensive model of urbanization, and architectural styles, street inventory, public sculpture and, inevitably, the modes of public communication. For public communication at the highest level of ideological monuments occupy an irreplaceable role. '... Monuments show ways of expressing grief that all but the far' out 'policy, but are framed in the dominant narrative and generic forms.' However, except for sadness as one of the incentives to raise monuments, more often they are devoted to prominent figures, folk heroes, or important events for the whole country. "Historical memory can be regarded as the one on which we are reminded, that is different from that which alone remember, the 'historical consciousness' can be understood as an allusion to that part of the mind map that selects history, historicity, or rather, as a model for editing past experience of the world. Collected memories ... always has historically (and narratological) and the product is always a reminder of the program. 'That's why more public monuments speak of the political context, social occasions, ideological positions of authority and cultural environment, rather than about the person you represent. Selection of historical figures, the selection of modes of presentation, location of the monument which will be set and who will make all of these factors are actually the elements from which the symbolic function of the monument reads.
Spona Između Ideologije I Organizovanog Kriminaliteta
Politička revija, 2021
Spona između terorizma i organizovanog kriminaliteta je jedna od najvećih pretnji globalnoj bezbednosti od kraja 20. veka, što je najvidljivije u saradnji između terorističkih grupa i grupa koje se bave ilegalnom trgovinom drogom. Glavni teorijski problem u istraživanju ovog spoja je objasniti razliku u različitim motivacijama terorističkih grupa i organizovanih kriminalnih grupa. Naime, motivacija za terorizam je uvek ideološke prirode i on je orijentisan na izazivanje dubinskih političkih i društvenih promena. S druge strane, motivacija za organizovani kriminalitet je materijalna dobit koja se ostvaruje pomoću ilegalne aktivnosti. Pitanje koje izvire iz ove konceptualne razlike je – kako ove grupe, koje se toliko razlikuju u orijentacijama i ciljevima, uspeju da uspostave uspešnu saradnju? U ovom radu, autor će probati da ponudi odgovor na to pitanje iz pozicije teorije racionalnog izbora. Iz perspektive racionalnog izbora, akteri se ponašaju na takav način, koji će im doneti najv...
The book presents a comprehensive overview of the vast production of monuments in socialist Yugoslavia (1945–91) dedicated to the antifascist People's Liberation Struggle in the Second World War and the socialist revolution. Since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, these monuments have been subject to various fates, from neglect and physical destruction to global fame generated by the high-modernist visual appeal of a number of them. But the full scope, wide-ranging diversity, and complex context of Yugoslav monument making, including its various contradictions, have remained largely unexplored. The book offers a thorough and interdisciplinary exploration of this phenomenon and a rich visual material to examine its key characteristics and specificities: What memorial practices and commemorative traditions preceded the development of monument-making in socialism? Who commissioned these monuments and how did Yugoslav cultural and memory politics influence their production? Who were their authors and what defined their formal and typological features? How was Yugoslav monument production related to comparative efforts abroad? What commemorative practices developed around monuments? How is this legacy evaluated and received today, both in the post-Yugoslav successor states and internationally?
Preventivna arheologija i zaštita arheološkog nasleđa, 2023
Zakon o zaštiti i očuvanju kulturnih dobara osnovni je pravni akt na temelju kojeg se provodi zaštita kulturnih dobara u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nadležno tijelo za provođenje navedenog zakona je Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine Ministarstva kulture i medija sa svojih devetnaest konzervatorskih odjela organiziranih prema županijama. Posebni uvjeti zaštite kulturnog dobra najvažniji su pravni akt kojim konzervatori štite kulturna dobra. Troškove zaštitnog arheološkog istraživanja snosi investitor radova. Obim i vrsta zaštitnog arheološkog istraživanja ovise o razini istraženosti i saznanja o arheološkom nalazištu koje se nalazi u obuhvatu planiranih građevinskih radova te karakteru tih radova. Najsloženija zaštitna arheološka istraživanja propisuju se u slučaju strateških investicijskih i drugih značajnijih projekata. Kod takve izgradnje prvo se provodi arheološki terenski pregled i kontrolni ili probni rovovi, a u slučaju pozitivnih rezultata, na izabranim pozicijama se nalaže izvođenje zaštitnog arheološkog iskopavanja. Kod građevinskih radova u zaštićenim kulturno-povijesnim cjelinama i arheološkim zonama, na lokacijama gdje postoji mogućnost pronalaska arheoloških nalaza i struktura, propisuje se zaštitno arheološko iskopavanje ili arheološki nadzor. Za građevinske radove na prostoru zaštićenih arheoloških nalazišta redovno se propisuje zaštitno arheološko iskopavanje te je ondje, kao i u slučaju arheoloških zona, svaka izgradnja podređena rezultatima provedenog arheološkog iskopavanja. Na području Šibensko-kninske županije najobimnija zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja provedena su u sklopu europskih projekata na zaštićenim kulturnim dobrima. Izdvajaju se zaštitno arheološko iskopavanje na tvrđavi sv. Ivana u Šibeniku u sklopu projekta revitalizacije područja tvrđave te Kninskoj tvrđavi i Kulturno-povijesnoj cjelini Knina u sklopu Interevencijskog plana Grada Knina.
In the beginning, we shall examine the indicated transformations in the landscape of monuments in the Croatian context using Žižić’s fijilm Damnatio Memoriae (2001). After analyzing the destruction of monuments in the post-Yugoslavian con- text, we juxtapose it with the Yugoslav socialist state art and the post- revolutionary politics of aesthetics. In the second part we will reflect on the reconciliation discourse in Slovenia, which reveals typical revisionist aesthetization and memorialization strategies. The new politics of memory will be interpreted as indispensable for the nation-building processes in the post-Yugoslav context. We shall try to answer the following question: What is the difference between the Yugoslav politics of memory on the Peoples’ Liberation Struggle (1941–1945) and the post-Yugoslav politics of memory? The concluding part exposes a discussion on the Partisan movement, which embarks on a critique of the national reconciliation ideology and renders an alternative interpretation of the war period that in some respect runs counter to the dominant nationalist readings of this period.