N= 6 Supergravity on Ad S5 and the SU (2, 2/3) Superconformal Correspondence (original) (raw)

On N = 8 supergravity in AdS5 and N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory

Nuclear Physics B, 1998

We discuss the spectrum of states of IIB supergravity on AdS 5 × S 5 in a manifest SU (2, 2/4) invariant setting. The boundary fields are described in terms of N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory and the proposed correspondence between supergravity in AdS 5 and superconformal invariant singleton theory at the boundary is formulated in an N = 4 superfield covariant language.

N=1,2 4D superconformal field theories and supergravity in AdS5

Physics Letters B, 1998

We consider D3 branes world-volume theories substaining N = 1, 2 superconformal field theories. Under the assumption that these theories are dual to N = 2, 4 supergravities in AdS 5 , we explore the general structure of the latter and discuss some issues when comparing the bulk theory to the boundary singleton theory.

D = 2+1 N = 2 Yang-Mills theory from wrapped branes

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001

We find a new solution of Type IIB supergravity which represents a collection of D5 branes wrapped on the topologically non-trivial S 3 of the deformed conifold geometry T * S 3. The Type IIB solution is obtained by lifting a new solution of D = 7 SU (2) L × SU (2) R gauged supergravity to ten dimensions in which SU (2) D gauge fields in the diagonal subgroup are turned on. The supergravity solution describes a slice of the Coulomb branch in the large N limit of N = 2 SYM in three dimensions.

N = 1 and N = 2 Super Yang-Mills theories from wrapped branes 1


We consider supergravity solutions of D5 branes wrapped on supersym- metric 2-cycles and use them to discuss relevant features of four-dimensional N = 1 and N = 2 super Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU(N). In particular in the N = 1 case, using a gravitational dual of the gaugino condensate, we obtain the complete NSVZ �-function. We also find

D-Brane Realization of N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory in Four Dimensions


We develop and study a D-brane realization of 4D N=2 super Yang-Mills theory. It is a type IIB string theory compactified on R^6\times K3 and containing parallel 7-branes. It can also be regarded as a subsector of Vafa's F-theory compactified on K3\times K3 and is thus dual to the heterotic string on K3\times T^2. We show that the one-loop prepotential in this gauge theory is exactly equal to the interaction produced by classical closed string exchange. A monopole configuration corresponds to an open Dirichlet 5-brane wrapping around K3 with ends attached to two 7-branes.

D = 10 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at α′4

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010

The α ′2 deformation of D = 10 SYM is the natural generalisation of the F 4 term in the abelian Born-Infeld theory. It is shown that this deformation can be extended to α ′4 in a way which is consistent with supersymmetry. The latter requires the presence of higher-derivative and commutator terms as well as the symmetrised trace of the Born-Infeld α ′4 term.

Quantum space-times and finite effects in 4D super Yang–Mills theories

Nuclear Physics B, 2000

The truncation in the number of single-trace chiral primary operators of N = 4 SYM and its conjectured connection with gravity on quantum spacetimes are elaborated. The model of quantum spacetime we use is AdS 5 q ×S 5 q for q a root of unity. The quantum sphere is defined as a homogeneous space with manifest SU q (3) symmetry, but as anticipated from the field theory correspondence, we show that there is a hidden SO q (6) symmetry in the constrution. We also study some properties of quantum space quotients as candidate models for the quantum spacetime relevant for some Z n quiver quotients of the N = 4 theory which break SUSY to N = 2. We find various qualitative agreements between the proposed models and the properties of the corresponding finite N gauge theories.

The supergravity dual of N=1 super Yang–Mills theory

Nuclear Physics B, 2000

We present an exact supersymmetric solution of 5-dimensional supergravity. We show that it represents the RG flow from N=4 SYM deformed with a mass term for the fermions to an IR N=1 super Yang-Mills theory. We discuss the properties of the solution and we briefly comment on the fate of the singularity. We also compare the supergravity results with the expectations of an N=1 SYM at strong coupling.

Supersymmetric structures in 4-D Yang–Mills theory

The European Physical Journal C, 1998

Recently there has been much progress in understanding confinement in the N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Here we shall investigate how these results could be extended to explain color confinement in the ordinary Yang-Mills theory. In particular, we inquire whether confinement in the N=2 theory can be related to color confinement in the ordinary Yang-Mills theory in the framework of Parisi-Sourlas dimensional reduction. For this we study the partition function of the ordinary Yang-Mills theory in different regimes. Our analysis reveals that an intimate connection indeed exists between these two approaches.