Takwa (original) (raw)
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Australian Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 6 no. 4
The six articles in this issue of AJIS demonstrate the richness of resources in tafsīr al- Qur’ān produced outside the Arabic-speaking world. These articles provide a snapshot of the rapidly developing interest in this field of studies in Southeast Asia and Africa. Further exciting glimpses into non-Arab world research into Qur’ānic exegesis will be on display in the next issue of AJIS, focusing on scholarship from India, Iran, Turkey and central Caucasus.
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Reference Reviews, 2008
The last great thinker of the school of the Mu'tazila in the classical period of Islamic thought. He was born in western Iran and went to study in Basra, where he changed his allegiance from the Ash'ari school to the Mu'tazila, and he then moved to Baghdad. In 978 he was appointed chief qadi (judge) of the city of Rayy (near modern Tehran), where he spent most of the rest of his life. His largest work the Kitab al-Mughni (literally 'The Book which makes sufficient') was rediscovered in Yemen in 1950, and his shorter one-volume summary of the teachings of the Mu'tazila, the Sharh al-Usul al-Khamsa (Exposition of the Five Principles: the unity of God; His justice; the 'promise and threat' (in the afterlife); the intermediate position (as outlined earlier by Wasil ibn 'Ata'); and 'commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong') is an accessible introduction to the ideas of the school.
© Islam International Publications Ltd. Published by: Additional Wakalat-e-Tasnif
Hadrat Abu Bakr ra for his lifelong devotion and services to Islam, and due to the fact it was through him that Allah established Khilafat in Islam. The Children's Book Team of Additional Wakalat-e-Tasnif has rendered the series in English. Some modifications and additions have been made to the original text for the sake of historical accuracy and style. The team is headed by Uzma Saeed Ahmad and includes:
"'Abdallah b. 'Umar b. al-Khattab", in: The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, 2-2009, 20-22.
or for his shifting allegiances later on. He appears to have been an opportunist rather than an ideologue. Bibliography al-abarī, Ta rīkh al-rusul wa-l-mulūk , ed. M. J. de Goeje (Leiden 1879-1901) 2:1854ff. ; Ibn Asākir, Ta rīkh madīnat Dimashq , ed. Umar b. Gharama al-Amrawī (Beirut 1995), 31:216-23 ; Anonymous, Kitāb al-uyūn wa l-adā iq fī akhbār al-aqā iq, in M. J. de Goeje and Pieter de Jong (eds.), Fragmenta Historicum Arabicorum (Leiden 1869), 152ff. ; Khalīfa b. Khayyā , Kitāb al-ta rīkh , ed. Akram iyā al-Umarī (Najaf 1967), index ; al-Balādhurī, Ansāb al-Ashrāf , ed. Ma mūd al-Firdaws al-A m (Damascus 1997-2004) 7:165ff. ; Ibn al-Athīr, al-Kāmil fī l-ta rīkh , ed. C. J. Tornberg (Leiden 1851-76), 5:228ff. ; Julius Wellhausen, The Arab kingdom and its fall , trans. Margaret Graham Weir (Beirut 1963), 383ff. ; Gerald R. Hawting, The fi rst dynasty of Islam. The Umayyad caliphate A.D. 661-750 (London 1987), 99ff. ; Josef van Ess, TG , 2:240-5.