Determination of ploidy and steroid receptor status in breast cancer by laser scanning cytometry (original) (raw)

Steroid Receptor Heterogeneity in Relation to DNA Index in Breast Cancer: A Multiparameter Flow Cytometric Approach on Paraffin-Embedded Tumor Samples

The Breast Journal, 2001

determined in the total, as well as the G 0 / G 1 fraction of the diploid, and in case of nondiploid tumors, also in the G 0 / G 1 fraction of the aneuploid cell population. Of 232 cases, 88 (38%) were diploid, 38 (16%) were tetraploid, and 106 (46%) were aneuploid. In the diploid tumors the mean fraction of ER-and PR-positive cells was 81% and 76%, respectively. The ER-and PR-positive fractions in the total cytokeratinpositive fraction decreased significantly in the tetraploid (56% and 55%, respectively) and aneuploid tumors (both 47%, p Ͻ 0.0001). When analyzing the ER-and PR-positive fractions separately in the diploid and aneuploid cell populations of the nondiploid tumors, it became apparent that the ER and PR status in the diploid fraction of the tumor was significantly higher than in the aneuploid fraction ( p Ͻ 0.0001). For the tetraploid tumors the mean ER-and PR-positive fractions were 79% and 76%, respectively, in the diploid fraction, and this decreased to 45% in the aneuploid cell subpopulation. In the aneuploid tumors this decrease was even more drastic: in the diploid cell population the ER-and PRpositive fractions were 66% and 62%, while this was 38% and 39% in the aneuploid population. These findings illustrate clearly the existence of a heterogeneous distribution of ER/PR expression in breast cancer, related to the loss of a diploid DNA index. Because of its objective quantification of subfractions within the same tumor, MP-FCM can be regarded as a superior method compared to more conventional techniques such as immunohistochemistry and biochemistry.

The use of immunocytochemical techniques for the detection of steroid hormones in breast cancer cells

Cancer, 1980

Indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assays were developed to detect estradiol and progesterone in breast cancer cells. Appropriate controls were used to confirm immunologic specificity. Studies of estradiol binding by human breast cancer cells identified three groups: no detectable binding (25%); all tumor cells exhibiting binding although to different degrees (4%); and tumors with varying numbers of positive and negative cells (71%). Similar observations were made with respect to progesterone binding. The percentage of cells with estradiol binding was correlated with the amount of estrogen receptors (ER) present in the tumor specimens. Post-hormone binding events, e.g., nuclear binding of estradiol, were also evaluated. Some tumor cells showing cytoplasmic binding of estradiol did not show nuclear binding of estradiol; such tumors lacked detectable progesterone binding and progesterone receptors. Estradiol binding could not be competed with by diethylstilhestrol under routine assay conditions, and relatively high concentrations of estradiol were needed to observe estradiol-specific staining. The results suggest that the immunocytochemical assays detect hormone-specific binding, but that the binding is probably due to multiple classes of steroid-binding sites.

Sequential determination of immunocytochemical estrogen receptor and nuclear DNA content in fine needle biopsies from breast carcinoma

Breast cancer research …, 1991

The application of fine needle biopsy as a tool for early detection of breast cancer is becoming extensive, therefore parameters reported to be associated with prognosis should be standardized in this material. We propose the sequential determination of estrogen receptor (ER) status and DNA ploidy on the same smear obtained from a fine needle biopsy of a breast carcinoma, since both parameters seem to reflect properties associated with tumor behaviour and biological aggressiveness. Fifty fine-needle biopsies were investigated for presence of ER by the monoclonal antibody D75 followed by DNA content quantification using Feulgen-DNA cytophotometry. Overall, 66% of the tumors showed immunoreactivity for ER and 66% were classified as aneuploid. Forty-one percent of the aneuploid tumors were negative for ER, while only 7% of the diploid tumors showed no immunoreaction (p < 0.05). The significant association between absence of immunocytochemical ER and DNA aneuploidy on the same fine-needle smear is consistent with data obtained through other methods previously reported using much larger tissue samples.

DNA ploidy, S-phase, and steroid receptors in more than 127,000 breast cancer patients

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1993

Several potential prognostic factors are available today for patients with breast cancer, and many more are being identified and studied. To evaluate the clinical utility of these factors, it will be necessary to measure them on a large number of patients, and then follow these patients so that multivariate survival analyses can be performed.

Steroid receptor measurement in breast cancers: Comparison between ligand binding and enzyme‐immunoassay in cytosolic and nuclear extracts

International Journal of Cancer, 1997

We have analysed cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts of breast-cancer tissue from a total of 799 patients, measuring both oestrogen and progesterone receptors (ER, PR) using either the ligand binding assay (LBA) or the enzyme immunoassay technique (EIA). Mean and median receptor levels were much lower than those widely reported by others. For ER, this may in part be a consequence of the younger median age of the patient group. The frequency of positivity, using consensus cut-off values for clinical evaluation, was also lower than that reported by the EORTC Receptor Study Group. Although the measurements comparing the 2 methods were statistically correlated in terms of positivity, based on the above criteria for clinical assessment, concordance was considered to be relatively poor, particularly for ER when assayed in the same samples by the 2 methods. In cytosolic but not nuclear extracts, the LBA method gave a higher median value for ER than the EIA (except in the group that had EIA values greater than 15 fmol/mg protein); for PR, median values were higher with EIA in both cell fractions. There was an excellent correlation between receptor amounts in cytosolic and nuclear extracts for both ER and PR using the EIA; this was significantly better than with LBA. We also observed a correlation between ER and PR in both cytosolic and nuclear fractions which was most pronounced when the analysis was done by EIA. The amounts of ER in the cytosolic fraction were also correlated with the those of PR in the nuclear fraction and ER in the nuclear fraction with PR in the cytosolic fraction, but only when the EIA method was used. We conclude that the EIA method appears to be more sensitive and gives biologically more reliable results. However, the disagreement between the methods may be due to legitimate recognition of altered forms of the receptor and may be of biological significance. Although the presence of receptor in the cytosolic fraction is artifactual, its measurement by EIA does parallel the amounts of nuclear receptor, which may be a more relevant biological parameter. Int. J. Cancer 71:526-538, 1997.

Comparison of immunohistochemical and biochemical measurement of steroid receptors in breast cancer: are both still necessary?

The Breast, 2001

In our institute, the oestrogen and progesterone receptors of breast cancer samples are analyzed by biochemistry and immunohistochemistry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare both techniques and establish whether one of them should be used in preference to the other. The probability of getting a positive or negative result with each technique was the same regardless of the method used as reference. The biochemical method uses a larger volume of tissue to determine the receptor status than immunohistochemistry. In some cases, this means a loss of valuable information. If we only use one technique, there is the potential to misclassify +/- 11% of patients. According to these results and in the knowledge that the major interest of steroid receptors&#39; status remains in the domain of therapeutic decisions, we advise using immunohistochemistry first and biochemistry if there is a negative result. This would spare tumour tissue for new research studies.

Multinational study of oestrogen and progesterone receptor immunocytochemistry on breast carcinoma fine needle aspirates

Cytopathology, 2013

Objectives: To collect data on the variability of immunocytochemical (ICC) procedures used to detect oestrogen ⁄ progesterone receptors (ER ⁄ PR) on cytological material; to test the reproducibility of results; and to identify the crucial points in the ICC procedures that affect the result. Methods: Ten laboratories from eight countries participated in a two-part study. In the first part, one of the participants (the coordinator) prepared and distributed cytospins from a fine needle aspirate of a primary breast carcinoma. Laboratories performed ICC staining for ER ⁄ PR according to their own methods on the test slides and in-house positive controls. Slides were returned to the coordinator together with information on the preparation of positive control slides and the ICC methodology used. In the second part, obligatory methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were specified. Evaluation of results included grading the number of positive cells, staining intensity, background staining, cytoplasmic staining, sample condition and cellularity. Participants evaluated their own results, which were subsequently evaluated by the coordinator. Results: There was great variability in the preparation of slides for in-house controls and ICC methodology. The outcome of ICC staining of in-house control slides was excellent in two laboratories, adequate in three, suboptimal in four and inadequate in one. Only six obtained a positive reaction on the test slides and not all were of a high quality. Results of the second run were greatly improved in terms of cellularity of in-house positive control slides, and scores for the percentage of stained cells and staining intensity of control and test slides. Cytospins and monolayer (ThinPrep Ò ) preparations were superior to direct smears; methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were the key points in the staining process. Conclusions: Our experience points to the need for guidelines for hormonal receptor determination and external quality control on cytological material, in order for cytological methods to be used in routine clinical practice with a suitable degree of confidence.

Progesterone receptor determination in human breast tumors by immunocytochemical and biochemical techniques

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1989

Progesterone receptors were determined on frozen sections from 74 primary human breast tumors by an immunocytochemical assay using an indirect avidin-biotin peroxidase method. In the same tumors, cytosol estrogen (ERc) and progesterone receptors (PgRc) were determined by ligand binding assay, and nuclear estrogen (ERn) and progesterone receptors (PgRn) were determined by an immunoassay. Immunocytochemical staining was seen in 36% of tumors. It was predominantly nuclear and there was extensive cell to cell heterogeneity. When the immunocytochemical results were compared to PgRc the agreement rate was 63%, but it was 77% when compared to PgRn. About one third (38%) of PgRc positive tumors were immunocytochemically defined as negative. Thus a significant discordance exists between this immunocytochemical assay for PgR and both the conventional radioligand assay (used for PgRc) and the relatively new enzyme immunoassay (used for PgRn). However discordance rates were critically influenced by the arbitrary cutoff levels that were used to define receptor positivity in the biochemical assays. Our studies support the addition to, rather than the substitution of, immunocytochemical methods, to the conventional biochemical assays for PgR, until long-term follow-up studies of patients with PgRn and immunocytochemical PgR determinations become available.