There are many types and causes in a violence behavior. One of the action in the domestic field is the violence performed by parents, family, and the close neighborhood on children. Furthermore, the children abuse violates the human rights since as a humankind, children have the rights even from their birthday. The children assault will dangerously cause the fatal result, physically and psychologically on a child. The violences on children are the act against the laws, UN Declaration about Human Rights and UU RI No. 39 Tahun 1999 verse 53. Besides, Islam prohibits the violent acts on children as well. PENDAHULUAN Pelanggaran hak asasi manusia sering terjadi saat ini. Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi, globalisasi, dan kemajuan industri telah melunturkan nilai-nilai kasih sayang dan penghormatan serta penghargaan seseorang terhadap nilai-nilai etis, etika, moral, dan agama, sehingga seseorang dengan mudah menyakiti orang lain dengan tujuan-tujuan tertentu. Oleh sebab itu, banyak pelanggaran hak asasi terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk, utamanya dalam bentuk kekerasan fisik maupun psikis. Kekerasan dapat terjadi pada siapa saja. Umumnya kekerasan terjadi pada orang-orang yang lemah, seperti anak, perempuan, dan orang tua (lansia).Kekerasan biasanya didominasi orang-orang yang kuat dan berkuasa. Kekerasan dikatakan melanggar hak-hak asasi karena kekerasan merampas hak-hak kebebasan, hak-hak untuk hidup dengan baik dan mendapatkan perlakuan yang baik pula. Penyebab terjadinya tindak kekerasan sangat bervariasi dan jenisnyapun bervariasi. Salah satu bentuk kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh orang tua, keluarga, dan orang-orang di sekitarnya kepada anaknya. Kekerasan pada anak melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia, hal ini karena selaku manusia, anak adalah makhluk Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang memiliki hak asasi sejak dilahirkan, sehingga tidak ada manusia atau pihak lain yang boleh merampas hak tersebut. Hak asasi anak diakui secara universal sebagaimana tercantum dalam Piagam PBB dan Deklarasi PBB Tahun 1948 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, Deklarasi


Perspektif, 2018

Masalah penelantaran yang dialami oleh bayi dan anak-anak semakin meningkat. Persoalan anak terlantar bukan semata tanggung jawab pemerintah, tetapi masyarakat, baik secara individu maupun kelompok memiliki kewajiban moral untuk peduli dan berperan serta dalam mengentaskan anak-anak terlantar sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing. Oleh sebab itu, didirikan suatu wadah untuk menampung, mendidik dan memelihara anak-anak tersebut yang disebut dengan panti asuhan. Merujuk pada putusan Pengadilan Negeri Pekanbaru Nomor 333/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Pbr, Yayasan Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa diketahui bahwa Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa tidak menjalankan yayasan sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur yang berlaku. Dinas Sosial selaku instansi yang menaungi Yayasan Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa belum pernah mengeluarkan izin baru untuk Panti Asuhan Tunas Bangsa, tetapi izin yang dikeluarkan hanya sebatas izin perpanjangan saja. Selain itu, panti asuhan tersebut belum melakukan penyesuaian anggaran dasar sehingga hanya menggunakan izin yang telah kadaluarsa untuk melakukan kegiatannya. Sehingga anak-anak yang terdapat di panti asuhan tersebut tidak dapat menggunakan fasilitas tersebut dan membutuhkan kepastian hukum untuk dapat menjamin masa depan anak yang terlantar tersebut. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penulisan ini adalah status hukum yayasan panti asuhan yang tidak memiliki anggaran dasar dan izin yang sudah kadaluarsa sudah tidak dapat lagi diteruskan sebagai badan hukum, sehingga secara hukum, yayasan panti asuhan Tunas Bangsa tidak dapat menggunakan kata "yayasan". Sehingga anak-anak yang ada dalam panti asuhan tersebut harus dikembalikan kepada Negara. The neglect problems experienced by infants and children are increasing. The problem of neglected children is not merely the responsibility of the government, but the community, both individually and in groups, has a moral obligation to care and participate in alleviating neglected children according to their respective abilities. Therefore, a forum was established to accommodate, educate and care for these children, called orphanages. Referring to the decision of the Pekanbaru District Court Number 333/Pid. Sus/2017/PN.Pbr, the Yayasan Tunas Bangsa Orphanage found that the Tunas Bangsa Orphanage did not run the foundation in accordance with the applicable Standard Operating Procedure. The Office of Social Affairs as the agency that houses the Tunas Bangsa Orphanage Foundation has never issued a new permit for the Tunas Bangsa Orphanage, but the permit issued is only limited to an extension permit. In addition, the orphanage has not made adjustments to the articles of association so that it only uses permits that have expired to carry out its activities. So that the children in the orphanage cannot use the facility and need legal certainty to be able to guarantee the future of the displaced child. The results obtained from this paper are the legal status of an orphanage foundation that does not have a constitution and permits that have expired cannot be continued as legal entities, so that legally, Tunas Bangsa orphanage foundations cannot use the word "Yayasan". So that the children in the orphanage must be returned to the State.



Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak menyatakan bahwa Perlindungan anak adalah segala kegiatan untuk menjamin dan melindungi anak dan hak-haknya agar dapat hidup, tumbuh, berkembang, dan berpartisipasi, secara optimal sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan, serta mendapat perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Jangankan seorang anak yang berumur balita dan batita, bahkan sejak dalam kandungan pun seorang anak telah dijamin haknya untuk memperoleh perlindungan, pengayoman atas dirinya yang mana menunjukkan bahwa hak memperoleh perlindungan dan pengayoman ini merupakan hak mutlak setiap anak. Namun sayangnya, dalam praktik di lapangan, masih banyak sekali anak-anak yang kurang bahkan tidak mendapatkan perlindungan dan pengayoman. Tidak sedikit anak-anak yang seharusnya mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak, tempat tinggal yang layak, malah rela turun ke jalan untuk mengemis hanya demi sesuap nasi. Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini saya akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai konsep hak anak dalam perspektif hukum di Indonesia, aspek-aspek apa saja yang menyebabkan seorang anak kurang mendapat perlindungan, hingga perlindungan hukum terhadap anak dalam perspektif hukum keluarga di Indonesia.


Perlindungan hukum adalah memberikan pengayoman terhadap hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang dirugikan orang lain dan perlindungan itu di berikan kepada masyarakat agar dapat menikmati semua hak-hak yang diberikan oleh hukum. Hukum dapat difungsikan untuk mewujudkan perlindungan yang sifatnya tidak sekedar adaptif dan fleksibel, melainkan juga prediktif dan antisipatif. Hukum dibutuhkan untuk mereka yang lemah dan belum kuat secara sosial, ekonomi dan politik untuk memperoleh keadilan sosial. 1 Perlindungan hukum adalah perlindungan akan harkat dan martabat, serta pengakuan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia yang dimiliki oleh subyek hukum berdasarkan ketentuan hukum dari kesewenangan atau sebagai kumpulan peraturan atau kaidah yang akan dapat melindungi suatu hal dari hal lainnya. Berkaitan dengan konsumen, berarti hukum memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak pelanggan dari sesuatu yang mengakibatkan tidak terpenuhinya hak-hak tersebut. 2 Kedudukan anak sebagai generasi muda yang akan meneruskan cita-cita luhur bangsa, calon-calon pemimpin bangsa di masa mendatang dan sebagai sumber harapan bagi generasi terdahulu perlu mendapat kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang dengan wajar baik secara rohani, jasmani dan sosial.


Rizal dan Irham, 2020

Abstrak Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan anak sebagai tersangka dalam proses penyidikan di Polres Pohuwato dan untuk mengetahui menjadi kendala dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan anak sebagai tersangka dalam proses penyidikan di Polres Pohuwato. Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of child protection as a suspect in the investigation process at the Pohuwato Regional Police Station and to find out to be an obstacle in the implementation of child protection as a suspect in the investigation process at the Pohuwato Regional Police Station. The research method used is to use empirical legal research methods. The results of this study are (1) The implementation of child protection as a suspect in the investigation process at the Pohuwato Police Station is by continuing to carry out the mandate of the Law System for the Juvenile Justice System and the Child Protection Act. At the stage of the investigation of a child who commits a crime if committing a criminal offense that is possible for an arrest and detention, such efforts will be made. In the investigation process the diversionary effort and ADR will continue as long as the victims are willing to apologize and agree on peace. (2) Obstacles in the implementation of child protection as a suspect in the investigation process at the Pohuwato Police Station namely the absence of BAPAS in Pohuwato District, there are still UPPA Investigators who have not received special training, a special state detention center for child suspects which until now has not yet existed. this research is the Government needs to provide BAPAS and Community Guidance in the Pohuwato district area in order to facilitate coordination in the implementation of diversion through mediating the penalties against children in conflict with the law


LAW REFORM OF MARRIAGE REGISTRATION FOR MUSLIM SOCIETY IN FAVOUR OF LEGAL PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN OF UNREGISTERED MARRIAGE (Case Study in Lampung Province) Abstract Amnawaty In reality, there was unregistered marriage legal system existed in society. Some people held onto Islamic Law as their belief, whereas state official such as leaders and religion judges held onto State Law, therefore creating legal gap. Problems (1) How was the snapshot of muslim marriage registration legal system in regard to protection for children from unregistered marriage?, (2) Why did people conduct unregistered marriage?, (3) How was the reconstruction of muslim marriage legal system in regard to legal protection for children? The method of research is qualitative, constructivism paradigm. The approach of research used was socio-legal research, and the data interpretation used were hermeneutic and in-depth interview. The data collection performed by snowball principle. The snapshot of marriage legal system: (1) UU Perkawinan Article 2 verse (1) was a legal event and Article 2 verse (2) was an important event. Therefore, a marriage that had fulfilled the Pillars and Requirements and was not prohibited by syar’i was a valid marriage and the registration was the matter of administration order, (2) Undang-Undang Perkawinan had put children from unregistered marriage under protection through MK verdict No. 46/PU-VIII/2010. The verdict could not be implemented yet by Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan. The MK verdict was still in need of other implementing regulations so as not to induce the void of law. The causes of unregistered marriage were (1) regulations factor, (2) society’s legal culture, and (3) economic factor. Reformation of registration legal system in order to protect children in substance (1) Article 2 verse (1) of UUP as a legal event was proposed to be separated from Article 2 verse (2) UUP as an important event, so as to discourage the annulment of marriage that had fulfilled the Pillars and Requirements for Islamic marriage, (2) Article 4 verse (1) and Article 4 verse (2) UUP on polygamy of muslim society that was not Islamic justice, and Article 4 verse (1) PP No. 9 Tahun 1975 that was not Islamic justice, (3) Article 6 verse (1) had given exceeding role to headmen of KUA, (4) The exceeding role in Article 6 verse (2) KHI, (5) Article 7 verse (1) KHI that only acknowledged marriage deed as the evidence of marriage, had disclaimed the Pillars and Requirements of Islamic marriage, and in contradiction to procedural law at religious court. Reformation of religious judges’ legal culture to act equally based on Islamic justice. Reformation of society’s legal culture performed by government, families, scientists, and public figures by imposing the sense of legal awareness on the importance of marriage registration. Reformation of legal structure, namely the reform of authority of religious court and KUA institutions. By reforming this legal system, it was expected that legal protection for children declared in Children Rights Convention, UU Perlindungan Anak and UU HAM could be enforced. The reformation model plan was proposed based on the principle of national law purpose on the basis of society’s legal culture, by prioritizing the values of Pancasila. Keywords : unregistered marriage, legal protection for children, justice and Islamic justice


Perspektif, 2018

Penelitian mengenai akibat hukum pembatalan akta kelahiran terhadap anak bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum yang berpengaruh terhadap anak, serta meninjau dari penetapan dan putusan hakim di pengadilan yang berperan dalam tindakan hukum pembatalan akta kelahiran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum, karena dalam menghadapi isu hukum maka perlu proses untuk menemukan aturan-aturan hukum, prinsip-prinsip hukum, serta doktrin hukum yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum tersebut. Dalam penelitian tipe yuridis normatif, digunakan metode deduktif yang berawal dari hal yang bersifat umum lalu diterapkan pada rumusan masalah dan dapat menghasilkan jawaban yang bersifat khusus dan sah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari berbagai aturan hukum, doktrin serta putusan dan penetapan pengadilan, bahwa pembatalan akta kelahiran membawa akibat hukum yang cukup besar bagi anak. Hal ini berakibat pada status dan kedudukan anak, di mana dalam beberapa contoh penetapan dan putusan pengadilan yang menghasilkan akibat hukum dari anak sah menjadi anak luar kawin maupun anak luar kawin menjadi anak sah. Selain itu, hubungan antara anak dan orangtua yang terhubung dengan hak alimentasi tidak akan terputus selama terdapat bukti-bukti hubungan darah antara orangtua dan anak. Research on the legal consequences of the annulment of birth certificates against children aims to know the effect of law affecting the child, as well as review of the determination and judgment in court that acts in legal action cancellation of birth certificate. This research uses legal research methods, because in dealing with legal issues then it is necessary to find the legal rules, legal principles, and legal doctrines relating to these legal issues. In normative juridical type research, a deductive method is used which begins with a general nature and then applies to the problem formulation and can produce a specific and legitimate answer. Based on the results of research, from the various rules of law, doctrine and judgment and the determination of the court, that the cancellation of the birth certificate carries considerable legal consequences for the child. This has resulted in the status and position of the child, in which in some instances the determination and judgment of the court resulting in legal consequences of a lawful child being a child outside of marriage and an outsider becomes a legal child. In addition, the relationship between children and parents connected with alimentation rights will not be interrupted as long as there is evidence of a blood relationship between parent and child.


Asmaul Khusna, 2022

Sexual violence is a problem that has long been a problem in Indonesian society. In Indonesia, the word sexual violence is not a new thing, because almost every year cases occur, and even tend to increase. the victims were not only adults but penetrated teenagers, children and even toddlers. Attention and protection of the interests of victims of sexual violence, either through the judicial process or through certain social treatment, is an important element that must be considered in criminal law policies and social policies, both state power institutions and existing social institutions. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the law applies to sexual violence against women and children. Result: so far laws and regulations have been very limited due to the limited definition of sexual violence, a breakthrough legal product to overcome efforts to eliminate all forms of sexual violence with the RUU PKS..