Why should gender differences in hospitality really matter? A study of personnel’s service orientation and job satisfaction in hotels (original) (raw)

2014, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja

In this article we examine the gender differences among hotel employees in service orientation and job satisfaction. To determine these differences, we used a service orientation scale (SOS), developed by Dienhart, Gregoire, Downey and Knight and a job satisfaction scale developed by Lytle. Our assumptions were that there would be significant gender differences in service orientation and job satisfaction. Our research proved factor structures of the two scales we used. Specifically, we showed gender differences in two of three factors, concerning service orientation (organisational support and customer focus), and no gender differences in job satisfaction. Our study revealed that organisational support is more important to men because they value more structured labour and service procedures than women (t = 2.21, df = 110, p = 0.03). In contrast, customer focus is more relevant to a women because it is more crucial to see satisfied guests, as well as having a good relationship with them (t = 2.07, df = 110, p = 0.04). It is of great importance for hotel management to have in mind that male and female employees respond and behave differently depending on the stimuli in the work environment and their satisfaction varies because of it.