Patient-specific analyses of deep tissue loads post transtibial amputation in residual limbs of multiple prosthetic users (original) (raw)

Internal mechanical conditions in the soft tissues of a residual limb of a trans-tibial amputee

Journal of Biomechanics, 2008

Active transtibial amputation (TTA) patients are at risk for developing pressure ulcers (PU) and deep tissue injury (DTI) while using their prosthesis. It is therefore important to obtain knowledge of the mechanical state in the internal soft tissues of the residuum, as well as knowledge of the mechanical state upon its surface. Our aim was to apply patient-specific MRI-based non-linear finite element (FE) models to quantify internal strains in TTA prosthetic users (n =5) during load-bearing. By further employing a strain injury threshold for skeletal muscle, we identified patients susceptible to DTI. The geometrical characteristics of the residuum of the TTA participants varied substantially between patients, e.g. the residuum lengths were 7.6, 8.1, 9.2, 11.5 and 13.3 cm. We generally found that internal strains were higher in the bone proximity than in the muscle flap periphery. The highest strains, which in some patients exceeded 50% (engineering strain) for compressive, tensile and shear strains, were found in the shortest residual limbs, i.e. the 7.6 and 8.1 cm-long limbs. Correspondingly, the lowest strains were found in the 13.3 cm-long residuum, which had the bulkiest muscle flap. Yet, even in the case of a long residuum, about a third of the soft tissue volume at the distal tibial proximity area was occupied by large (4 5%) internal compressive, tensile and shear strains. For both patients with shorter residual limbs, the internal principal compressive strains above 5% occupied almost the entire distal tibial proximity area. For a patient whose distal tibial end was flat (non-beveled), internal strains were more uniformly distributed, compared to the strain distributions in the other models, where focal elevated strains accumulated in the bone proximity. We found no muscle strains above the immediate injury threshold, indicating that all patients were not at immediate risk for DTI. Two patients whose residuum fat padding was minimal to none, were the only ones identified as theoretically prone to DTI at long (4 3 h) continuous weight-bearing periods. We conclude that there is a wide variability in internal mechanical conditions between residual limbs across subjects, which necessitates patientspecific quantitative analyses of internal mechanical states in TTA patients, to assess the mechanical performance of the reconstructed limb and in particular, the individual risk for deep PU or DTI.

Real-time patient-specific finite element analysis of residual limb stresses in transtibial amputees during treadmill walking

Journal of Biomechanics, 2006

Most trans-tibial amputation (TTA) patients use a prosthesis to retain upright mobility capabilities. Unfortunately, interaction between the residual limb and the prosthetic socket causes elevated internal strains and stresses in the muscle and fat tissues in the residual limb, which may lead to deep tissue injury (DTI) and other complications. Presently, there is paucity of information on the mechanical conditions in the TTA residual limb during load-bearing. Accordingly, our aim was to characterize the mechanical conditions in the muscle flap of the residual limb of a TTA patient after donning the prosthetic socket and during load-bearing. Knowledge of internal mechanical conditions in the muscle flap can be used to identify the risk for DTI and improve the fitting of the prosthesis. We used a patient-specific modelling approach which involved an MRI scan, interface pressure measurements between the residual limb and the socket of the prosthesis and three-dimensional non-linear large-deformation finite-element (FE) modelling to quantify internal soft tissue strains and stresses in a female TTA patient during static load-bearing. Movement of the truncated tibia and fibula during loadbearing was measured by means of MRI and used as displacement boundary conditions for the FE model. Subsequently, we calculated the internal strains, strain energy density (SED) and stresses in the muscle flap under the truncated bones. Internal strains under the tibia peaked at 85%, 129% and 106% for compression, tension and shear strains, respectively. Internal strains under the fibula peaked at substantially lower values, that is, 19%, 22% and 19% for compression, tension and shear strains, respectively. Strain energy density peaked at the tibial end (104 kJ/m 3 ). The von Mises stresses peaked at 215 kPa around the distal end of the tibia. Stresses under the fibula were at least one order of magnitude lower than the stresses under the tibia. We surmise that our present patient-specific modelling method is an important tool in understanding the etiology of DTI in the residual limbs of TTA patients. r

Real-time patient-specific finite element analysis of internal stresses in the soft tissues of a residual limb: a new tool for prosthetic fitting

Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Fitting of a prosthetic socket is a critical stage in the process of rehabilitation of a trans-tibial amputation (TTA) patient, since a misfit may cause pressure ulcers or a deep tissue injury (DTI: necrosis of the muscle flap under intact skin) in the residual limb. To date, prosthetic fitting typically depends on the subjective skills of the prosthetist, and is not supported by biomedical instrumentation that allows evaluation of the quality of fitting. Specifically, no technology is presently available to provide real-time continuous information on the internal distribution of mechanical stresses in the residual limb during fitting of the prosthesis, or while using it and this severely limits patient evaluations. In this study, a simplified yet clinically oriented patient-specific finite element (FE) model of the residual limb was developed for real-time stress analysis. For this purpose we employed a custom-made FE code that continuously calculates internal stresses in the resid...

Exploring the role of transtibial prosthetic use in Deep Tissue Injury development: A scoping review


Background: The soft tissue of the residual limb in transtibial prosthetic users encounters unique biomechanical challenges. Although not intended to tolerate high loads and deformation, it becomes a weight-bearing structure within the residuum-prosthesis-complex. Consequently, deep soft tissue layers may be damaged, resulting in Deep Tissue Injury (DTI). Whilst considerable effort has gone into DTI research on immobilised individuals, only little is known about the aetiology and population-specific risk factors in amputees. This scoping review maps out and critically appraises existing research on DTI in lower-limb prosthetic users according to (1) the population-specific aetiology, (2) risk factors, and (3) methodologies to investigate both. Results: A systematic search within the databases Pubmed, Ovid Excerpta Medica, and Scopus identified 16 English-language studies. The results indicate that prosthetic users may be at risk for DTI during various loading scenarios. This is infl...

Comparison of mechanical conditions in a lower leg model with 5 or 6 tissue types while exposed to prosthetic sockets applying finite element analysis

ArXiv, 2019

Lower limb amputees often suffer skin and tissue problems from using their prosthesis which is a challenging biomechanical problem. The finite element method (FEM) has previously been applied to analyse internal mechanical conditions of the leg at prosthesis use. However, the representation of soft tissue was simplified to few layers and tissue types. The effects of such a simplification of human tissue is still unclear and the results from simplified models may be misleading. Thus, comparisons of the effects of using five versus six tissue types were performed on a transtibial cross section model exposed to three different socket designs. Skin, fat, vessels and bones were defined separately while muscle and fascia tissues were separate or merged. Nonlinear behaviour and friction between socket and skin were considered in the simulations. Contact forces as well as internal stresses and strains of each tissue type differed in both magnitude and maxima site for each material set withi...

How do tissues respond and adapt to stresses around a prosthesis? A primer on finite element stress analysis for orthopaedic surgeons

The Iowa orthopaedic journal, 2003

Joint implant design clearly affects long-term outcome. While many implant designs have been empirically-based, finite element analysis has the potential to identify beneficial and deleterious features prior to clinical trials. Finite element analysis is a powerful analytic tool allowing computation of the stress and strain distribution throughout an implant construct. Whether it is useful depends upon many assumptions and details of the model. Since ultimate failure is related to biological factors in addition to mechanical, and since the mechanical causes of failure are related to load history, rather than a few loading conditions, chief among them is whether the stresses or strains under limited loading conditions relate to outcome. Newer approaches can minimize this and the many other model limitations. If the surgeon is to critically and properly interpret the results in scientific articles and sales literature, he or she must have a fundamental understanding of finite element ...

Finite element analysis of the amputated lower limb: A systematic review and recommendations

Medical Engineering & Physics, 2017

The care and rehabilitation of individuals after lower limb amputation presents a substantial and growing socioeconomic challenge. Clinical outcome is closely linked to successful functional rehabilitation with a prosthetic limb, which depends upon comfortable prosthetic limb-residual limb load transfer. Despite early interest in the 1980s, the amputated limb has received considerably less attention in computational biomechanical analysis than other subjects, such as arthroplasty. This systematic literature review investigates the state of the art in residual limb finite element analysis published since 20 0 0. The identified studies were grouped into the following categories: (1) residuum-prosthesis interface mechanics; (2) residuum soft tissue internal mechanics; (3) identification of residuum tissue characteristics; (4) proposals for incorporating FEA into the prosthesis fitting process; (5) analysis of the influence of prosthetic componentry concepts to improve load transfer to the residuum, such as the monolimb and structural socket compliance; and (6) analysis of osseointegrated (OI) prostheses. The state of the art is critically appraised in order to form recommendations for future modeling studies in terms of geometry, material properties, boundary conditions, interface models, and relevant but un-investigated issues. Finally, the practical implementation of these approaches is discussed.

Finite element model of a below-knee amputation: a feasibility study

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2017

a a laboratoire de Biomécanique appliquée; b College of Vehicle and mechanical engineering, hunan university, China; c hôpital d'instruction des armées de laveran KEYWORDS trans-tibial amputation; lower limb prosthesis; optimization; socket pressures; finite element model

Finite element modeling and experimental verification of lower extremity shape change under load

Journal of Biomechanics, 1997

Prediction and measurement of residuum shape change inside the prosthesis under various loading conditions is important for prosthesis design and evaluation. Residual limb surface measurements with the prosthesis in situ were used for construction of a finite element model (FEM). These surface measurements were obtained from volumetric computed tomography. A new experimental method for modeling the shape of the in siru lower residual limb was developed based on spiral X-ray computed tomography (SXCT) imaging. The p-version of the finite element method was used for estimating the material properties from known load and displacement data. A homogeneous, isotropic, linear constitutive model with accommodation of the constitutive soft and hard tissues of the residuum was evaluated with static axial loading applied to the in situ prosthesis and compared with experimental results obtained in a human volunteer. Two FEMs were created for similar coronal cross sections of the below knee residuum under two loading conditions. Agreement between observed (from SXCT) and predicted (from FEA) residual limb shape changes inside the prosthesis were maximized with a single modulus of elasticity for the residuum soft tissue of 0.06 MPa, consistent with previously published results. This methodology provides a framework to predict and objectively evaluate FEMs and determine residuum material properties by inverse methods. ;,c)