On the Correspondence Between Proofs and lambda-Terms. (original) (raw)
Related papers
Analytic proof systems for lambda-calculus: the elimination of transitivity, and why it matters
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 2007
We introduce new proof systems G[β] and G ext[β], which are equivalent to the standard equational calculi of λβ- and λβη- conversion, and which may be qualified as ‘analytic’ because it is possible to establish, by purely proof-theoretical methods, that in both of them the transitivity rule admits effective elimination. This key feature, besides its intrinsic conceptual significance, turns out to provide a common logical background to new and comparatively simple demonstrations—rooted in nice proof-theoretical properties of transitivity-free derivations—of a number of well-known and central results concerning β- and βη-reduction. The latter include the Church–Rosser theorem for both reductions, the Standardization theorem for β- reduction, as well as the Normalization (Leftmost reduction) theorem and the Postponement of η-reduction theorem for βη-reduction
The λ Calculus and the Unity of Structural Proof Theory
Theory of Computing Systems / Mathematical Systems Theory, 2009
In the context of intuitionistic implicational logic, we achieve a perfect correspondence (technically an isomorphism) between sequent calculus and natural deduction, based on perfect correspondences between left-introduction and elimination, cut and substitution, and cut-elimination and normalisation. This requires an enlarged system of natural deduction that refines von Plato’s calculus. It is a calculus with modus ponens and primitive substitution; it is also a “coercion calculus”, in the sense of Cervesato and Pfenning. Both sequent calculus and natural deduction are presented as typing systems for appropriate extensions of the λ-calculus. The whole difference between the two calculi is reduced to the associativity of applicative terms (sequent calculus = right associative, natural deduction = left associative), and in fact the achieved isomorphism may be described as the mere inversion of that associativity. The novel natural deduction system is a “multiary” calculus, because “applicative terms” may exhibit a list of several arguments. But the combination of “multiarity” and left-associativity seems simply wrong, leading necessarily to non-local reduction rules (reason: normalisation, like cut-elimination, acts at the head of applicative terms, but natural deduction focuses at the tail of such terms). A solution is to extend natural deduction even further to a calculus that unifies sequent calculus and natural deduction, based on the unification of cut and substitution. In the unified calculus, a sequent term behaves like in the sequent calculus, whereas the reduction steps of a natural deduction term are interleaved with explicit steps for bringing heads to focus. A variant of the calculus has the symmetric role of improving sequent calculus in dealing with tail-active permutative conversions.
De Bruijn's syntax and reductional behaviour of λ-terms: the untyped case
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 2005
In this paper, a notation influenced by de Bruijn's syntax of the λ-calculus is used to describe canonical forms of terms and an equivalence relation which divides terms into classes according to their reductional behaviour. We show that this notation helps describe canonical forms more elegantly than the classical notation. We define reduction modulo equivalence classes of terms up to the permutation of redexes in canonical forms and show that this reduction contains other notions of reductions in the literature including the σ-reduction of Regnier. We establish all the desirable properties of our reduction modulo equivalence classes for the untyped λ-calculus.
Proof Polynomials: A Unified Semantics for Modality and lambda-terms
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