НОВЫЕ ФОРМАТЫ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА В РОССИЙСКО-КИТАЙСКОМ ПРИГРАНИЧЬЕ НАКАНУНЕ ПРАЗДНОВАНИЯ 70-ЛЕТИЯ СО ДНЯ ОКОНЧАНИЯ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ [New Formats of Cooperation in Russian-Chinese Borderlands before Celebrating the 70 th Anniversary of World War II] (original) (raw)
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Публичная дипломатия: теория и практика / Public diplomacy: theory and practice
Публичная дипломатия: теория и практика, 2017
Content in English: 1. Public diplomacy: decay or new horizons? (M.Lebedeva) 2. Military dimension of public diplomacy (M.Kharkevich) 3. Cooperation of official and public diplomacy in managing threats to Russia's security (A.Podberyozkin) 4. Digital public diplomacy as a conflict-management tool (E.Zinov'eva) 5. Public diplomacy of the European Union (T.Zonova) 6. CIS public diplomacy's contribution to integration cooperation and conflict-management (K.Borishpolets) 7.Public diplomacy in policy of intergovernmental organization: CSTO and SCO (Y.Nikitina) 8. NATO's public diplomacy in the context of depolarization of world's political system (E.Antyukhova) 9. Centralized management of public diplomacy's toolbox (V.Kabernik, O.Timofeeva) 10. Public diplomacy of Central Asian states (B.Bahriev) 11. Public diplomacy in the foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran (B.Bahriev. H.Jabbari Nasir) 12. Public diplomacy of the Holy See (D.Shebalin, E.Shebalina) Annotation Public diplomacy has become an effective tool of foreign policy today and widely adopted in the world. In this monograph you will find a comprehensive analysis of public diplomacy - the first study of such kind in Russia. Theoretical aspects of public diplomacy are considered, in particular, the the new moments which have appeared in public diplomacy in recent years (development of public diplomacy of the international organizations, use of Internet technologies within public diplomacy and others). Special attention is paid to questions of use of public diplomacy in conflict and crisis situations. Authors analyze specific examples of public diplomacy's exercising by various states, including, Israel, Central Asian states, Iran and others. The book could be useful for experts in the field of international relations who study theoretical issues of world politics and diplomacy, and specialists on partiular countries. The monograph can be also useful in educational process for training undergraduates and graduate students in the field of IR, world politics and foreign studies. Аннотация Публичная дипломатия сегодня стала действенным инструментом внешней политики и получила широкое распространение в мире. В монографии впервые в России проводится комплексный анализ публичной дипломатии. Рассматриваются теоретические аспекты публичной дипломатии, в частности, выявляются новые моменты, которые появились в публичной дипломатии за последние годы (развитие публичной дипломатии международных организаций, использование интернет технологий в рамках публичной дипломатии и другие). Особое внимание уделяется вопросам использования публичной дипломатии в конфликтных и кризисных ситуациях. Авторы анализируют конкретные примеры использования публичной дипломатии различными государствами, в том числе, Израилем, государствами Центральной Азии, Ираном и другими. Предлагаемая читателю книга ориентирована как на специалистов в области международных отношений, занимающихся теоретическими вопросами мировой политики и дипломатии, так и специалистов по конкретным странам. Монография может быть также полезна в учебном процессе при подготовке магистрантов и аспирантов в области международных отношений, мировой политики и зарубежного регионоведения.
Могила Неизвестного солдата в советском мемориальном ландшафте
In this paper I will reconstruct the history of monuments dedicated to Unknown soldier. Besides the place of the Tomb of Unknown soldier’s will be examined in Soviet memorial landscape, as well ‘neo-pagan’ version of its creation, symbols and practices surrounded this type of memorial.
В рамках данной статьи обращение к истории в контексте внешней политики России рассматривается как апелляция к квазитрансценденции, посредством чего к практическим (политическим, экономическим) аспектам сотрудничества до-бавляется идеальное измерение. Отмечается, что только в 2010-е гг. отечественная дипломатия стала уделять повышенное внимание подобным символическим аспектам, призванным придать моральное основание проводимому внешнеполитическому курсу через отсылку к той исторической роли, которую играла Россия на международной арене. На практике политизация исторической памяти происходит за счёт включения исторической тематики во внешнеполитический дискурс, а также через различные символические практики обращения к общему прошло-му во время официальных визитов. Автор предлагает различать непосредственно места памяти и символические жесты, направленные на их актуализацию. Российско-болгарские отношения характеризуются асимметрией пространств совместной памяти, которые локализованы преимущественно на территории Болгарии. Сам факт наличия общих практик обращения к совместной истории (торжествен-ные церемонии, православные богослужения, возложения венков) позволяет превращать места памяти в совместные пространства памяти, однако интерпретация этих символических жестов в России и Болгарии структурируется разными наци-ональными историческими нарративами. Память о русско-турецкой войне 1877-1878 гг. и освобождении Болгарии в годы Второй мировой наделяется большим значением именно в Болгарии, нежели в России. Подобная асимметрия приводит к тому, что значительная деятельность по обустройству мест памяти, созданию новых мемориалов оказывается незаметной в России, причём на уровне внеш-неполитического дискурса скорее доминируют акценты на негативных моментах (например, действия отдельных вандалов по осквернению памятника Советской Армии в Софии), что лишает проводимую работу на местах символической под-держки и при этом формирует миф о «болгарской неблагодарности». The reference to history in the context of Russia’s foreign policy is considered as an appeal to the quasi-transcendence, whereby an ideal dimension is added to the practical (political, economic) aspects of international relations. It is noted that only in the 2010s Russian diplomacy began to pay special attention to such «symbolic games», designed to provide the moral basis for foreign policy through reference to the historical role that Russia plays on the international arena. This, in turn, leads to the dominance of performative practices, rather than to the building of dialogue spaces. In practice, the politicization of historical memory is conducted in two ways: inclusion in foreign policy discourse and by various symbolic practices of addressing to the common past during official visits. The author suggests distinguishing actual memory places and symbolic gestures aimed at their ctualization. Russian-Bulgarian relations are characterized by asymmetry in the spaces of shared memory, memory places are mainly localized in Bulgaria. We outline main practices of turning places of memory into the common spaces of memory, but interpretations of these symbolic gestures in Russia and Bulgaria are structured by different national istorical narratives. The memory of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 and the liberation of Bulgaria during the WWII are assigned greater importance in Bulgaria than in Russia. This asymmetry leads to the fact that a significant work of the Bulgarian authorities, Bulgarian and Russian public organizations on the arrangement of places of memory and setting up new memorials is invisible in Russia, while Russian foreign policy discourse is dominated by the emphasis on negative aspects (for example, actions of individual vandals to destroy the monument of the Soviet Army in Sofia). This deprives the ongoing work in the field of symbolic support and at the same time forms a myth of «Bulgarian ingratitude». The most striking example is the scandal during the 140-year celebration of the liberation of Bulgaria in March 2018, which is based on a different understanding of how the achievements of the Imperial period should be interpreted today.
The Nagorno-Karabakh war in the 90-s of the XX-th c. represents an example of legal conflict. Under International Law the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity contradict the right to self-determination of Nagorno-Karabakh — the integral part of Azerbaijan. The collapse of the USSR has provoked multiple local conflicts in its former territory. New actors and different stakeholders have added to the original ethnic, territorial and religious dimensions of the post-soviet local conflicts souring them significantly. Together with the collapse of the Soviet system the Caucasian Region has become marginalized in the early 90-s and the former republics’ political elite’ struggle for power in the newly formed states added to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In the early 90-s Karabakh became a polygon where the interests of different countries and parties clashed. The new actors and stakeholders influenced the warfare affecting the outcome of a number of battles and eventually undermined or strengthened positions of the key official parties to the conflict. The status of a number of the stakeholders is not always clear under International Law. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan incline to take all the stakeholders that strengthened positions of the opponent as mercenaries. Thus Turkish military advisers to Azerbaijan and Armenian volunteers from foreign diaspora both were perceived as mercenaries from the opponent’s point of view, though none of these groups can be attributed to mercenaries under International Law. In view of recent escalation of the conflict in early April 2016, the issue of emerging actors becomes topical. The author made an attempt to classify numerous actors participated in the Karabakh conflict of the 90-s, to study their activity and clarify their status in terms of International Law.
The object of study in game theory is the game, which is a formal model of an interactive situation. The formal definition lays out the players, their preferences, their information, the strategic actions available to them, and how these influences the outcome. Since all players are assumed to be rational, they make choices which result in the outcome they prefer most, given what their opponents do. During their interaction, players update their beliefs based on the observed actions of other players. These updated beliefs can be an important reason for changes in foreign policy behavior. The paper therefore examines the game theory of U.S-Russia prior to the U.S 2016 Presidential election. As stated in changing Course, when Governments choose to redirect foreign Policy, surely there are influential factors reshaping its foreign policy (Charles F. Hermann, 1990). The paper holds that there is a mix of internal causes and exogenous factors determining the course of Russian foreign policy and the Russian-U.S engagement. Keyword: Game Theory, U.S, Russia, Election, Foreign Policy, NATO
The problem of use of private military and security companies (PMSC’s) today raises a number of questions on these companies’ role in world politics. Having an unclear status under International Law, PMSC’s are still playing an important role in many modern conflicts. The main issue that these companies pose is a necessity to develop a special global formula for PMSC’s’ regulation with regard to a complex nature of the phenomenon. The dual nature of PMSC’s is the one causing different perception of one and the same scope of activities in various contexts. Some cases prove PMSC’s to be instruments and agents of state interests, conducting states’ or international organizations’ politics. Other cases demonstrate a high level of independence of PMSC’s and their ability to substitute for law enforcement and social institutions in a number of «weak» states. Considering a mixture of «actorship» and «instrumental role» of the phenomenon the impact of PMSC’s on the world politics in the future remains unclear. As an instrument PMSC’s shift responsibility for breaches of Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law from states. Meanwhile in the countries where local institutions fail to ensure security PMSC’s play a great role and account for a certain law enforcement functions. At the same time PMSC’s impede the emergence and development of local government institutions in the countries with «weak» stateness. The author made an attempt to study the origins of the dual nature of PMSC’s and to trace the development of the phenomenon in a historical perspective.