What is in a view? The role of featural information in the recognition of unfamiliar faces across viewpoint transformation (original) (raw)

Face viewpoint effects about three axes: the role of configural and featural processing

Perception, 2011

We directly compared recognition for faces following 0° – 75° viewpoint rotation about the yaw, pitch, and roll axes. The aim was to determine the extent to which configural and featural information supported face recognition following rotations about each of these axes. Experiment 1 showed that performance on a sequential-matching task was viewpoint-dependent for all three types of rotation. The best face-recognition accuracy and shortest reaction time was found for roll rotations, then for yaw rotations, and finally the worst accuracy and slowest reaction time was found for pitch rotations. Directional differences in recognition were found for pitch rotations, but not for roll or yaw. Experiment 2 provided evidence that, in all three cases, viewpoint-dependent declines in recognition were primarily driven by the loss of configural information. However, it also appeared that significant featural information was lost following yaw and pitch (but not roll) rotations. Together, these findings show that unfamiliar-face recognition is viewpoint-dependent following rotation about each axis (and in each direction), and that performance is based on the availability of configural and, to a lesser extent, featural information.

Stimulus-specific effects in face recognition over changes in viewpoint


Individual faces vary considerably in both the quality and quantity of the information they contain for recognition and for viewpoint generalization. In the present study, we assessed the typicality, recognizability, and viewpoint generalizability of individual faces using data from both human observers and from a computational model of face recognition across viewpoint change. The two-stage computational model incorporated a viewpoint alignment operation and a recognition-by-interpolation operation.