Semantic Web Service Discovery and Selection: a Test Bed Scenario

Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools, 2008

The Semantic Web Service Challenge is one of the major ini- tiative dedicated to work on Semantic Web Service (SWS) discovery and selection. It represents an efiective manner for evaluating the functional- ity of SWS technologies. In this paper, we provide a new SWS-Challenge scenario proposal with new interesting problems to be solved on the basis of an analysis of

World-altering Semantic Web Services Discovery and Composition Techniques - A Survey

Semantic Web services evolved from traditional computational services by semantic descriptions. Recently, there have been many research efforts in the field of semantic Web services, which reveals enormous potential for Service-Oriented Architecture to be promoted to an improved architecture. However, world-altering services have been largely disregarded because of the limited facilities in current description languages to express required conditions. Enterprise Application Integration systems need world-altering services because most of the business services need preconditions to be held prior to their service execution. Moreover, they generate effects, both of which must be contemplated in the service environment. To exploit the semantic Web services in reality, efficient discovery and composition approaches need to be developed to complement the service environment requirements. This paper intends to overview selective methods for discovery and composition of world-altering semantic Web services.

An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2016

In this paper we present a theoretical analysis of graph-based service composition in terms of its dependency with service discovery. Driven by this analysis we define a composition framework by means of integration with fine-grained I/O service discovery that enables the generation of a graph-based composition which contains the set of services that are semantically relevant for an input-output request. The proposed framework also includes an optimal composition search algorithm to extract the best composition from the graph minimising the length and the number of services, and different graph optimisations to improve the scalability of the system. A practical implementation used for the empirical analysis is also provided. This analysis proves the scalability and flexibility of our proposal and provides insights on how integrated composition systems can be designed in order to achieve good performance in real scenarios for the Web.

Semantic Web: A Study on Web Service Composition Approaches


A Web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications and systems. Web Service discovery, selection and composition are the important tasks of the any automated business processes. In a web service composition set of web services are collectively executed to achieve the objectives. This study reveals the existing approaches used for web service composition in both syntactic and semantic environments. We have reviewed more than 40 articles in this domain and concluded with merits and demerits of the methodologies applied for the implementation of the web service composition.

Semantics-based Efficient Web Service Discovery and Composition, The University of Texas at


Service-oriented computing is gaining wider acceptance.For Web services to become practical, an infrastructure needs to be supported that allows users and applications to discover, deploy, compose and synthesize services automatically. For this automation to be effective, formal semantic descriptions of Web services should be available. In this paper we formally define the Web service discovery and composition problem and present an approach for automatic service discovery and composition based on semantic description of Web services. We also report on an implementation of a semantics-based automated service discovery and composition engine that we have developed. This engine employs a multi-step narrowing algorithm and is efficiently implemented using the constraint logic programming technology. The salient features of our engine are its scalability, i.e., its ability to handle very large service repositories, and its extremely efficient processing times for discovery and composition queries. We evaluate our algorithms for automated discovery and composition on repositories of different sizes and present the results.

Semantic Web Services Discovery

International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems

This article describes how Web services play an important role in several fields such as e-commerce and e-health. As the number of Web services is increasing rapidly, finding the best Web service according to users' requirements becomes more challenging. The traditional method of Web service discovery is based on keyword match. Due to this, many Web services which are most relevant to the user request are left undiscoverable. Some other emergent approaches are based on semantics to improve the quality of the discovered Web services in terms of relevance and satisfaction of user's need. In this paper, the authors present a survey of existing semantic Web services discovery approaches giving priority to relevant ones. Furthermore, this paper provides a critical and comparative analysis of the studied approaches and stands out major challenges to be addressed to substantially enhance the semantic Web service discovery.

A semantic web service discovery and composition prototype framework using production rules

OWL-S: Experiences and Directions …, 2007

The full realization of the semantic Web services demands efficient algorithms able to perform the procedures of service discovery, composition and invocation. In this paper, we present ProSeDisCo, our approach for developing a semantic Web service discovery and composition framework on top of the CLIPS rule-based system. More specifically, we describe our methodology of utilizing production rules over Web services semantic descriptions expressed in the OWL-S ontology. The purpose of these rules is to discover and create a Web service choreography that matches users' input and output requirements by utilizing a rule-based OWL reasoning engine in order to match semantically the requirements imposed by the users and the advertisements of the Web services.

A Survey on Semantic Web Service Discovery Methods

Semantic web services focuses on providing automation and dynamics to existing web service technologies. A large amount of effort and money has been invested in the field of semantic web service discovery. In traditional web service discovery techniques, users need to select relevant web services manually from an extensive textual list. This paper provides an in-depth analysis on the existing approaches available for the discovery of semantic web services.

Automated discovery, interaction and composition of Semantic Web services

Journal of Web Semantics, 2003

In this paper, we introduce a vision for Semantic Web services which combines the growing Web services architecture and the Semantic Web and we will propose DAML-S as a prototypical example of an ontology for describing Semantic Web services. Furthermore, we show that DAML-S is not just an abstract description, but it can be efficiently implemented to support capability matching and to manage interaction between Web services. Specifically, we will describe the implementation of the DAML-S/UDDI Matchmaker that expands on UDDI by providing semantic capability matching, and we will present the DAML-S Virtual Machine that uses the DAML-S Process Model to manage the interaction with Web service. We will also show that the use of DAML-S does not produce a performance penalty during the normal operation of Web services.

Advanced Approach to Web Service Discovery and Selection

Information and Telecommunication Sciences, 2014

Web Service Composition (WSC) is a process that helps to save much programming and cost effort by reusing existing components-web services. This process consists of two major stages-Web Service Discovery and Selection (WSD, WSS). This paper presents an overview of current state-of-the-art WSD and WSS methods. It also provides an analysis and highlighting of major problems like lack of support of the syntactical description in fuzzy logic algorithms in WSD and complex approach shortage in WSS problem. Moreover WSC approach and SLA-Aware WSC System are presented.