[Programs of nursing home care] (original) (raw)
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[Approach to the elderly in family health programs]
Cadernos de saude publica, 2003
This article discusses the role of the Brazilian National Policy for Senior Citizens' Health in the promotion of healthy aging, preservation and improvement of functional capacity in the elderly, disease prevention, recovery of those who fall ill, and rehabilitation of those with limited functional capacity, will the goal of ensuring that senior citizens can remain in their surroundings and independently exercise their functions in society. Care for the elderly should be based primarily on the family, with support from primary health care services, under the family health strategy, representing a link between the elderly and the health system. The article goes on to list some health problems among the elderly in which family health programs can have a major impact. The Family Health Strategy in Brazil is analyzed in relation to health care for the elderly, along with the responsibilities, skills, and attributions required by the health care team.
Nursing Care Actions in the Paranaense Mothers Network Program
REME: Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, 2017
Objetivo: compreender as ações de cuidado do enfermeiro a partir do Programa Rede Mãe Paranaense (PRMP). Métodos: estudo qualitativo alicerçado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. Participaram oito enfermeiros dos municípios da 10ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná. Realizouse entrevista semiestruturada de agosto a dezembro de 2014. Resultados: identificaram-se três categorias: conhecimento sobre o PRMP; ações de cuidado do enfermeiro no PRMP; e expectativas quanto ao PRMP. O enfermeiro conhece os objetivos, os compromissos e os indicadores do PRMP. Desenvolve ações de captação precoce; estratificação de risco habitual, intermediário e alto risco e encaminhamentos conforme o risco. Proporciona cuidado qualificado à gestante, à parturiente, à puérpera e à criança. A partir das ações de cuidado, vislumbram qualificar ainda mais as ações de cuidado a essa população. Conclusão: as ações da equipe multidisciplinar poderão contribuir de forma eficaz na redução da morbimortalidade materna e infantil. Faz-se necessário mais investimento nos programas de saúde para o alcance da excelência nas ações de cuidado.
Nursing care to elderly in the Intensive Care Unit
Qualitative and exploratory research, developed in a Semi-Intensive Care Unit (SICT), on a Public Teaching Hospital in Curitiba, Paraná, in 2008. The objective is to know how the nurses perceive the nursing care to the elderly hospitalized in the SICT. Seven nurses which work in the SICT participated the research. Data were collected through semi-structured interview and they were treated with the technique of thematic analysis. Three categories were unveiled: Elderly singularities affecting nursing care, nurse’s perceptions on the care delivered to the elderly; nurse’s preparation for caring of the elderly. For the research subjects, changing on the profile of the SICT clients, there’s a need to deliver a differentiated care, because of the increasing number of elderly in this Units, and due of the singularities of this specific phase of the life cycle, as well as their vulnerability to chronic and transmissible diseases, and complications during treatments. They stated that they f...
The nursing in the context of the programs of encouragement to the research from CNPQ
Rev enferm UFPE on line, 2009
Objective: exposing the Programs and issuances capable of insertion of the area of health, and specifically in the nursing from 2006 to November 2008, as well as weaveeing some reflections on the Nursing in this context. Methods: quantitative retrospective documentary research developed during November 2008 by means of search in the site of the CNPq, referring to the report of 2006 and the proclamations published during 2007 and 2008. Results: 19 proclamations had been found in 2006, with 596 projects and only 15 of them with possible linkage with the area of the health. In 2007 42 proclamations had been launched, being that in 10 the Nursing could be enrolled. Already in 2008, 7 programs with possibility of insertion of the Nursing had been verified; e 24 of the 70 divulged proclamations had presented affinity with this professional category. Conclusion: It is possible to verify that the Nursing must adjust its lines of research and projects to the programs and proclamations of the CNPq and thus to concur for the financing. It is recommended undertaking studies that specify which programs and issuances Nursing have been inserted, and make an exploration on how scientific research in this profession can be developed, with a view to greater participation in bids to promote the research and scholarship. Descriptors: research; nursing research; research financing.
[Nursing and the family program: a successful partnership?]
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2004
As atividades desenvolvidas eram as ações de saúde coletiva como visitas domiciliárias, atendimentos individuais de puericultura, pré-natal, saúde da mulher, incluindo a coleta de citologia oncótica, atendimentos coletivos como grupos de hipertensos, gestantes, idosos, acompanhamento de crianças desnutridas, vacinação, curativos e outros procedimentos de enfermagem, além de ações intersetoriais em parceria com a educação e a promoção social. O trabalho que eu faço é o mesmo (antes e depois do Paidéia/PSF), eu sempre fiquei na puericultura, vacina, Rev Bras Enferm, Brasília (DF) 2004 set/out;57(5):545-50 Marques D, Silva EM. Data de Recebimento: 16/06/2003 Data de Aprovação: 22/12/2004 Rev Bras Enferm, Brasília (DF) 2004 set/out;57(5):545-50 A enfermagem e o Programa Saúde da Família...
Nursing care plan for patients with chronic heart disease
Escola Anna Nery, 2009
The present study is a qualitative and explorative analysis that took place in the Teaching Hospital in Curitiba. The main objective is to identify the nursing care plan for patients with chronic heart failure followed by the analysis of its contents. Eight nurses were chosen to participate in this study. The data collection was obtained using semi-structured interviews followed by the analysis of their contents. We observed that during the nurses' daily visit they developed the care process through expressive actions and technical dimensions. Another relevant aspect about the practice of health care is that the nurse is aware of the need to master a deep knowledge of each specialty. This will support the nurse's clinical trial process, ensuring the correct decisions are being made, according to orientation from the nursing team. We want to highlight that the nursing care process provides better health standards targeted to promote a better quality of life for the patients.
[The practice of nursing auxiliaries in the family health program]
Revista latino-americana de enfermagem
This study aims to evaluate the practice of nursing auxiliaries in the Family Health Program, identifying their daily activities, as well as factors that facilitate or hinder their work. A qualitative approach was chosen, using the focal group technique, with the participation of 34 nursing auxiliaries from the Federal District, Brazil. It was found that the nursing auxiliaries carry out a variety of activities, both of individual and collective nature, heavily influenced by the clinical model and with different degrees of complexity, such as: family registration, brief clinical evaluation, group activities, technical procedures, home visits, sanitary and epidemiological vigilance in day care centers. The participants related that they found it easy to bond with the clientele, but complained of the shortage of continuing education courses and imprecision as to their true assignments and lack of local coordination. The authors conclude that the program must reassess the role of this ...
Family perspective on a family care program
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2008
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ótica do usuário sobre a atenção à saúde da família, a fim de verificar as dificuldades e potencialidades para a transformação do modelo de atenção à saúde. Trata-se de estudo de caso qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, a de São Sebastião, Brasília, DF, cuja coleta de dados consistiu da observação do processo de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe e grupos focais com usuários. Os dados analisados, utilizando-se a técnica de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, demonstraram que as ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde e a relação profissionais-usuários foi avaliada positivamente e o acesso aos serviços de saúde, aos medicamentos e aos profissionais foram avaliados negativamente. As ações desenvolvidas não garantem a integralidade da atenção à saúde da família e apontam para a necessidade de se reverem as estratégias de organização do serviço, sobretudo aquelas que possibilitem a participação da comunidade para o alcance de suas necessidades. DESCRITORES: atenção primária à saúde; saúde da família; satisfação dos consumidores FAMILY PERSPECTIVE ON A FAMILY CARE PROGRAM This study aimed at assessing the family's perspective on a family care program to better understand the challenges and potential capacities for changing the health care model. A qualitative study was carried out to assess the Family Health Program in the city of São Sebastião, Brasília, Brazil. Data was collected through direct systematic observations of the workflow developed by the program's team, and through focal groups with family members. The discourse of the collective subject was used in data analysis and showed that health prevention and promotion actions and the relationship between providers and consumers were positively evaluated while access to health services, drugs and providers was negatively evaluated. There is no assurance of comprehensive and continuous care to the family, which points to the need of reviewing the strategies of health service organization for more effective involvement of the community to meet their health needs. DESCRIPTORS: primary health care; family health; consumer satisfaction
The main objective of this study is to approach home care as an alternative of care provided in continuous care to the elderly by home nurses having the expertise or being a specialist in the field of gerontology. This is a qualitative review and exploratory scientific literature, conducted through online search of national and international articles, from 2009 to 2019. The study population was the elderly, who need nursing care in the home environment, instead of having care provided by visiting a medical clinic and being cared for at home under the supervision of their families. Thus, it is essential to identify that the nurse will be in order to contribute to the promotion and quality of life of these individuals in their family.