Fostering Compassion and Communication: Mindfulness-based Approaches with Veteran Couples (Part I) (original) (raw)

Mindfulness-Based Processes of Healing for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 2018

U.S. veterans are at increased risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prior studies suggest a benefit of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for PTSD, but the mechanisms through which MBSR reduces PTSD symptoms and improves functional status have received limited empirical inquiry. This study used a qualitative approach to better understand how training in mindfulness affects veterans with PTSD. Qualitative study using semistructured in-depth interviews following participation in an MBSR intervention. Outpatient. Eight-week MBSR program. Participants' narratives of their experiences from participation in the program. Interviews were completed with 15 veterans. Analyses identified six core aspects of participants' MBSR experience related to PTSD: dealing with the past, staying in the present, acceptance of adversity, breathing through stress, relaxation, and openness to self and others. Participants described specific aspects of a holistic mindfulness...

A Qualitative Study of Mindfulness Among Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 2017

This qualitative study explored and compared the subjective experiences of 102 veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 arms: ( a) body scan, ( b) mindful breathing, ( c) slow breathing, or ( d) sitting quietly. Qualitative data were obtained via semistructured interviews following the intervention and analyzed using conventional content analysis. The percentage of participants within each intervention who endorsed a specific theme was calculated. Two-proportion z tests were then calculated to determine if the differences among themes endorsed in specific groups were statistically significant. Six core themes emerged from analysis of participant responses across the 4 groups: ( a) enhanced present moment awareness, ( b) increased nonreactivity, ( c) increased nonjudgmental acceptance, ( d) decreased physiological arousal and stress reactivity, ( e) increased active coping skills, and ( f) greater relaxation. More participants in the min...

Feasibility and Acceptability of a Brief Mindfulness Program for Veterans in Primary Care with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Mindfulness, 2014

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Challenges to Enrollment and Participation in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Among Veterans: A Qualitative Study

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2015

Background: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is associated with reduced depressive symptoms, quality of life improvements, behavioral activation, and increased acceptance among veterans. This study was conducted to increase the reach and impact of a veterans' MBSR program by identifying barriers to enrollment and participation to inform modifications in program delivery. Objective: Verify or challenge suspected barriers, and identify previously unrecognized barriers, to enrollment and participation in MBSR among veterans. Design: A retrospective qualitative analysis of semistructured interviews.

Compassion Meditation for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): a Nonrandomized Study

Mindfulness, 2019

Compassion meditation (CM) is a contemplative practice that is intended to cultivate the ability to extend and sustain compassion toward self and others. Although research documents the benefits of CM in healthy populations, its use in the context of psychopathology is largely unexamined. The purpose of this study was to refine and initially evaluate a CM protocol, Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT®), for use with Veterans with PTSD. To this end, our research team developed and refined a manualized protocol, CBCT-Vet, over 4 sets of groups involving 36 Veterans. This protocol was delivered in 8-10 sessions, each lasting 90-120 min and led by a CBCT®-trained clinical psychologist. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to identify areas to be improved and to assess change that occurred during the treatment period. Based on pooled data from this series of groups, CM appears to be acceptable to Veterans with PTSD. Group participation was associated with reduced symptoms of PTSD (partial eta squared = .27) and depression (partial eta squared = .19), but causality should not be inferred given the nonrandomized design. No change was observed in additional outcomes, including positive emotion and social connectedness. The results of this open trial support additional exploration of CM as part of the recovery process for Veterans with PTSD.

Original Research Article_Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Enhancing Resilience and Well-being of Spouses of Soldiers

Indian Journal of Mental Health, 2020

Background: The Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a reputed intervention programme which employs an active, purposive and non-judgemental awareness of experiences. The present study aims to evaluate relative efficiency of MBCT in improving resilience and well-being of Spouses of deployed military soldiers. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design was adopted with a non-randomized single group pre-test posttest design. The sample of the study comprised of N=53 female spouses of soldiers of Indian army with age range of 28-45 years. The Experimental Group (Mage= 38.35; SD= ±4.27) received MBCT sessions for 8 weeks. The participants completed measures of Resilience, Psychological well-being, Hardiness, HEXACO personality model and Social Support. Results: Post-test results showed that the experimental group participants scored higher in the overall resilience, certain domains of psychological well-being i.e. Personal Growth, Positive relations and Purpose in life in the pos...

Compassion Meditation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans: A Randomized Proof of Concept Study

Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2019

There is considerable interest in developing complementary and integrative approaches for ameliorating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Compassion meditation (CM) and loving-kindness meditation appear to offer benefits to individuals with PTSD, including symptom reduction. The present study was a pilot randomized controlled trial of CM for PTSD in veterans. The CM condition, an adaptation of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT R), consists of exercises to stabilize attention, develop present-moment awareness, and foster compassion. We compared CM to Veteran.calm (VC), which consists of psychoeducation about PTSD, rationale for relaxation, relaxation training, and sleep hygiene. Both conditions consist of 10 weekly 90-min group sessions with between-session practice assignments. A total of 28 veterans attended at least one session of the group intervention and completed pre-and posttreatment measures of PTSD severity and secondary outcomes as well as weekly measures of PTSD, depressive symptoms, and positive and negative emotions. Measures of treatment credibility, attendance, practice compliance, and satisfaction were administered to assess feasibility. A repeated measures analysis of variance revealed a more substantive reduction in PTSD symptoms in the CM condition than in the VC condition, between-group d = −0.85. Credibility, attendance, and satisfaction were similar across CM and VC conditions thus demonstrating the feasibility of CM and the appropriateness of VC as a comparison condition. The findings of this initial randomized pilot study provide rationale for future studies examining the efficacy and effectiveness of CM for veterans with PTSD.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Veterans Exposed to Military Sexual Trauma: Rationale and Implementation Considerations

Military Medicine, 2015

Military sexual trauma (MST) represents a significant public health concern among military personnel and Veterans and is associated with considerable morbidity and suicide risk. It is estimated that 22% of Veteran women and 1% of Veteran men experienced sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment during their military service. Exposure to traumatic stress has detrimental effects on emotion regulation, which refers to a set of strategies used to modulate different components of emotion at different points on the trajectory of an emotional response. Mindfulness-based interventions offer approaches to health that focus on mind and body practices that can help regulate the experience and expression of difficult emotions. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based therapy shown to be effective for depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This article discusses the rationale for providing MBSR to Veterans who have been exposed to MST. The article also discusses ways to facilitate implementation of this practice in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care system. We address potential barriers to care and ways to facilitate implementation at the patient, provider, organization/local, and policy levels. MBSR is likely to be an important component of a comprehensive approach to care for Veterans exposed to MST.

Veterans Using Mindfulness Practice To Cope With Trauma & Operational Stress Injuries


Psychological distress due to military operations is impacting returning veterans mentally and physically. The purpose of exploring literature relating to veterans is to determine if mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) are beneficial in managing the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Data generated by the research question "What are the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness-based interventions, if any, in managing the symptoms of PTSD among veterans?" were explored to determine the effectiveness of using mindfulnessbased coping skills to manage symptoms such as hyperarousal, intrusive recollections, and avoidance. The studies that were analyzed reported on veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and have used mindfulness-based interventions to manage symptoms relating to PTSD. Data collected during the content analysis pertained to the general demographic of subjects in the studies, including the number of veterans and completers, selected MBI, and results of MBI. A total of 24 scholarly articles were analyzed for the study. This content analysis demonstrated that mindfulness-based interventions are an effective evidence-based treatment for veterans to cope with trauma and operational stress injuries.

Increasing Mindfulness Skills of Veterans With PTSD Through Daily Mindfulness Training Incorporated Into an Intensive Treatment Program

Mindfulness, 2020

Objectives-Mindfulness training is frequently included as part of an integrative care approach to treating PTSD in veterans. However, the utility and acceptability of daily group mindfulness training in an intensive treatment program (ITP) for PTSD have not been explored. The study objectives were to determine: (a) whether mindfulness skills significantly increased from pre-to post-treatment and (b) if daily group mindfulness training was acceptable to veterans. Methods-Veterans (N = 170 outpatients, age M = 40.7 (SD 9.3), 67.6% male) in this prospective study were consecutively enrolled in a 3-week ITP that included daily mindfulness group sessions. Mindfulness skills were assessed using the Five Facet of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) at intake and post-treatment. Acceptability was assessed using an anonymous post-treatment program satisfaction survey. Results-Paired t tests demonstrated significant increases in overall mindfulness skills from preto post-treatment (t(169) = − 6.33, p < 0.001, d = 0.49). Small to medium effect sizes were observed across subscales: describing, (t(169) = − 5.91, p < 0.001, d = 0.38); acting with awareness, (t(169) = − 3.70, p < 0.001, d = 0.29); nonjudging, (t(169) = − 7.54, p < 0.001, d = 0.58); and nonreactivity, (t(169) = − 4.84, p < 0.001, d = 0.41). Most veterans (n = 125, 74.4%) found daily mindfulness training moderately to very helpful. Conclusions-Veterans' mindfulness skills significantly increased over the course of a 3-week ITP, and mindfulness training was found acceptable. Mindfulness training can be delivered daily as part of an ITP for veterans with PTSD, and mindfulness skills can meaningfully increase over the course of 3 weeks. A significant limitation is the lack of control condition.