Students' Perspective on On-line College Education in the Field of Journalism (original) (raw)

Examining competences in online journalism at Spanish Universities: The case of the Miguel Hernández University. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013, pp. 245-263

Major changes in the workplace associated with the widespread use of online journalism, the consequences of news gathering in a digital environment and the ability to produce content for multimedia platforms are setting new goals in journalism education. One of the defining features of journalism university education is the requirement that students demonstrate their understanding of core skills by producing professional work. The identification of competencies constitutes one of the key dimensions in current Journalism education. This article examines the Online Journalism courses at the Miguel Hernández University (Spain), in order to analyse the competences acquired by the students. The methodology includes a multi-layered approach: on the one hand, we conducted interviews with over twenty media professionals who currently work in Spanish online media, to identify the skills that are most demanded. Their answers provided a working framework during the design and implementation of our research. We also carried out a survey with 250 students in their final years of the Grade in Journalism at the UMH, with the aim of exploring their adaptation to five specific courses: news writing, media production, online news design, digital communication and database management. AJMS_2.2_Lara_245-263.indd 245 9/17/13 4:27:02 PM I n t e l l e c t L t d . 2 0 1 3 N o t f o r D i s t r i b u t i o n Contact:

El estudiante en la educacin superior: Usos acadmicos y sociales de la tecnologa digital

This article presents the results of an in-depth interview of twenty Education students at a public face-to-face university in Catalonia on how they use digital technologies in their social and academic lives. The results show that while students have a certain level of competence in digital technology, the way they use the technologies varies according to their purpose. The results also show that social networks and WhatsApp are the most important applications for students, because they enable them to contact others, communicate with each other over long distances, and contact people with shared interests.

College Students’ Views about Journalism Education in Spain

Valoración de los estudiantes sobre la enseñanza del Periodismo en España v Dr. María Luisa Humanes is Associate Professor and Member of the Advanced Studies in Communication Group (GEAC) at the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain) ( v Dr. Sergio Roses is Interim Professor in the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Málaga (Spain (

Online Journalism Education in the Hybrid Media System


In the current context of constant educational change and adaptation, this book examines a range of Educational Innovation Projects (EIPs) aimed at dynamizing and improving teaching-learning processes in the field of Social Communication (the degrees of Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, and Advertising and Public Relations) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). These innovative educational projects responded to specific moments in research into pedagogical innovation and were carried out in cooperation with the students. These EIPs covered in this book are part of the consolidated activity of KZBerri, a group that specializes in educational innovation and new teaching methods, which has the University of the Basque Country's IKD (Ikaskuntza Kooperatibo eta Dinamikoa) stamp. KZBerri is part of the Gureiker Consolidated Research Group, which specializes in the analysis of digital communication and journalism on the Web.


ICERI2018 Proceedings. 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2018

Higher distance education gains acceptance, the academic offers of this type of studies cover several fields thanks to the pedagogical mediation that is carried out through information technologies. The synchronic relationship between teachers and students plus open educational resources emulate to a great extent the conditions of the classroom and even allow simulation tools in real time. However, one of the most discussed elements are the practice spaces because it would seem that they are not designed to form the skills that professionals require in the future. The purpose of the research is to evaluate pre-professional practices in the career of social communication, in the distance mode, of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, in the Republic of Ecuador, to determine strengths and weaknesses in the training of competencies. The research hypothesis is: The virtual tools and the detailed planning of pre-professional practices in coordination with media counterparts allow to form the practical competences of the students of the career of social communication. The work methodology is qualitative and is carried out through the analysis of contents of articles published by social communication students, registered at, and compared with articles published in the media. traditional professionals, based on the classic structure of journalistic genres; In addition, semistructured interviews are proposed to experts and participants in distance education: teachers, students, qualified professionals and employers. There are elements of the methodology of distance education, tools of virtual environments and pre-professional practices that should be encouraged in the training of skills in this type of studies to maintain the same quality standards of face-to-face education.

The Show must go on: How Students’ Perception on Online Learning in Bojonegoro

Eduvelop (Journal of English Education and Development), 2022

Pandemic covid 19 spreads rapidly. Due to its quick breaks, a lot of countries decided to change some daily routine activities. One of affected aspects is education. Face to face learning has to be turned out into online learning in any level of schools. This present reseach aims to investigate and survey the students' perception on online learning and what online fatlform mostly used by the students. This research is classified as qualitative research. This research took 74 participants. The data was obtained by distributing questionnaire which consist of some aspects namely method in delivering material, accessibility, beneft and challenges in onine learning and the most common used flatform during online learning. The result reveals that students prefer to get explanation in online learning. Internet connection and accessibility are complicated problems foun during online learning. Most of students also have lack of proper devices. They mostly use their smartphone with less memory devices. As a result, they have problems during online learning. In short, online learning is challenging for students. Microsoft teams is the most common online flatform used by the students in online learning.

Obtienen mejores resultados los estudiantes que siguen cursos por Internet que los que siguen cursos presenciales? Reflexiones y breve revisión de algunos resultados empíricos

Rusc Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 2008

The increases in the number of online courses given by universities have been quite dramatic over the last couple of years. Nowadays, many universities even give complete degree programs online where instructions and lectures in the form of, for example, streaming videos, are available for students to watch 24 hours a day. In a sense, the use of Internet and Interactive Computer Technologies (ICT) in higher education can be compared to any other type of teaching tool, such as the blackboard and overhead projectors. The motivation for using the Internet and ICT in higher education, from an economic point of view, is if they are more effective as teaching tools compared to any relevant alternative. That is, all else being equal, if the Internet is an effective teaching tool in that students who attend online courses or complete degree programs perform better in terms of marks in the final exam compared to face-to-face students. In this paper we reflect on and summarize some of the empirical findings in the literature on the effects of online teaching on student performance compared to face-to-face equivalents.



Advanced education in journalism and communication in Ecuador phases a period of transition normalized by the Organic Law of Higher Education and by the Organic Law of Communication that present's regulations to optimize teaching and research in Ecuadorian universities and ensure the rights of citizens in the media, to comply with regulations involving the reformulation of academic offerings regardless of joint policy, but integrating the study of new digital communication as an ubiquitous and immediate environment. The investigation seeks to determine whether meshes meet academic training in journalism and digital communication. It is proposed to analyze the academic meshes of the qualifications approved by the Council of Higher Education on November 12, 2016, using content analysis as a fundamental tool. The sample consists in academic meshes approved by the Council of Higher Education of the universities San Francisco, Politécnica Salesiana and Universidad Católica del Ecuador, branch Ibarra. The research hypotheses are: 1) The contents of the academic meshes include studies on digital journalism; 2) Each university proposes an academic mesh with a structure that differs between the three institutions of higher education analyzed. From the research, it is concluded that Ecuadorian universities present subjects in favor of training in digital communication as a channel to establish a free and autonomous journalism, in addition to establishing contents that contemplate theoretical training in journalism, linked to the inclusion of pre professional practice and projects linked with society.


The reform process in higher education has introduced significant changes in the way of studying, teaching organization and in the use of different work methods. Consequently, the questions of application of modern media technologies in the process of studying are attracting more attention, which is especially important in the university programs educating future journalists. In fact, the profession of journalists and communication experts relies heavily on the use information and communication technologies, which implies the need for students to acquire adequate knowledge of the various ways of using modern media means during their studies. The main goal of this research is to examine students' opinions on the application of new media technologies in the process of studying at the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis, Serbia. The study sample consisted of 50 undergraduate students, and the main survey instrument was a structured interview. Research data were analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The research results show that the new media technologies are present in the process of teaching, that certain subjects are directed precisely towards developing the necessary media and information literacy, and that there are subjects that still insufficiently use the advantages of new technologies. Answers show that students identify use media technologies in lectures and exercises commonly for presentation purposes, while much less for other purposes. The research results indicate high level of media technology use for students' pre-exam requirements-search for the information for the purpose of writing articles, etc. Based on the analysis of students' answers it can be concluded that modern media technologies play an important role in the education of students. Also, there is a necessity for constant effort in order to increase the implementation of media technologies into study programs of the Department of Communication and Journalism in time to come.

Análisis de las competencias mediáticas del alumnado que ingresa en la universidad: un estudio de caso en estudiantes de comunicación

Vivat academia (Alcalá de Henares), 2022

In the current era, it is necessary to train the new generations in competencies that allow them to be information literate. In this context, the general objective of the study is to analyze whether students entering university have information literacy skills in accessing information (Internet search strategies) to carry out their academic work. The objectives are: to identify the digital and printed resources they use to prepare academic assignments; to find out if they know meta-search engines and specialized search engines; to reveal which is their main search engine; and to investigate if they have the skills to access information through Boolean indicators, commands, and operators. The methodology used is a questionnaire of open questions to students who have entered the degree of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Malaga, in a compulsory subject. It is concluded that being digital natives does not imply having skills to locate reliable data in the huge amount of information located on the Internet as they present various dysfunctions such as lacking knowledge about the boolean indicators, commands, and operators to search for information, and lack of knowledge of meta-search engines and specific directories. They also confuse a browser with search engines and digital resources with tools, which makes it necessary to have formal training in specific subjects,