Average dynamics of a driven set of globally coupled excitable units (original) (raw)

Cooperative oscillatory behavior of mutually coupled dynamical systems

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 2001

In this paper, we make a qualitative study of the dynamics of a network of diffusively coupled identical systems. In particular, we derive conditions on the systems and on the coupling strength between the systems that guarantee the global synchronization of the systems. It is shown that the notion of “minimum phaseness” of the individual systems involved is essential in

Synchronization in interacting populations of heterogeneous oscillators with time-varying coupling

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2008

In many networks of interest ͑including technological, biological, and social networks͒, the connectivity between the interacting elements is not static, but changes in time. Furthermore, the elements themselves are often not identical, but rather display a variety of behaviors, and may come in different classes. Here, we investigate the dynamics of such systems. Specifically, we study a network of two large interacting heterogeneous populations of limit-cycle oscillators whose connectivity switches between two fixed arrangements at a particular frequency. We show that for sufficiently high switching frequency, this system behaves as if the connectivity were static and equal to the time average of the switching connectivity. We also examine the mechanisms by which this fast-switching limit is approached in several nonintuitive cases. The results illuminate novel mechanisms by which synchronization can arise or be thwarted in large populations of coupled oscillators with nonstatic coupling.

Bistable solutions in the onset of the synchronization of a array of oscillators

The existence of multi-stable solutions in the onset of synchronization of the lckm has been investigated in recent years by **, in what the topology of the system proved to be tantamount of existence/non-existence of multistable solutions.In our paper we investigated a array of oscillators synchronized with external forces, we show that this systems presents bi-stability, we deduce analitical expressions for symmetrical cases.

Synchronization from Disordered Driving Forces in Arrays of Coupled Oscillators

Physical Review Letters, 2006

The effects of disorder in external forces on the dynamical behavior of coupled nonlinear oscillator networks are studied. When driven synchronously, i.e., all driving forces have the same phase, the networks display chaotic dynamics. We show that random phases in the driving forces result in regular, periodic network behavior. Intermediate phase disorder can produce network synchrony. Specifically, there is an optimal amount of phase disorder, which can induce the highest level of synchrony. These results demonstrate that the spatiotemporal structure of external influences can control chaos and lead to synchronization in nonlinear systems.

Hierarchical dynamics in large assemblies of interacting oscillators

Physics Letters A, 1991

We study a collection of phase-coupled oscillators possessing a hierarchical coupling structure. We establish a necessary condition for the existence ofa phase transition to collective synchrony for finite values ofthe coupling strength in terms of an inequality involving the connectivity between clusters of oscillators, the rate at which coupling strengths decrease with ultrametric distance, and the dispersion of intrinsic frequencies. When the inequality is not satisfied, there is a cascade of discrete transitions to intracluster synchrony as the coupling strength is increased, but no global synchronization is possible in the infinite size limit. 0375-9601/91/S 03,50

Collective synchronization in spatially extended systems of coupled oscillators with random frequencies

Physical Review E, 2005

We study collective behavior of locally coupled limit-cycle oscillators with random intrinsic frequencies, spatially extended over d-dimensional hypercubic lattices. Phase synchronization as well as frequency entrainment are explored analytically in the linear (strong-coupling) regime and numerically in the nonlinear (weak-coupling) regime. Our analysis shows that the oscillator phases are always desynchronized up to d = 4, which implies the lower critical dimension d P l = 4 for phase synchronization. On the other hand, the oscillators behave collectively in frequency (phase velocity) even in three dimensions (d = 3), indicating that the lower critical dimension for frequency entrainment is d F l = 2. Nonlinear effects due to periodic nature of limit-cycle oscillators are found to become significant in the weak-coupling regime: So-called runaway oscillators destroy the synchronized (ordered) phase and there emerges a fully random (disordered) phase. Critical behavior near the synchronization transition into the fully random phase is unveiled via numerical investigation. Collective behavior of globally-coupled oscillators is also examined and compared with that of locally coupled oscillators.

Synchronization in a chain of nearest neighbors coupled oscillators with fixed ends

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2003

We investigate a system of coupled phase oscillators with nearest neighbors coupling in a chain with fixed ends. We find that the system synchronizes to a common value of the time-averaged frequency, which depends on the initial phases of the oscillators at the ends of the chain. This time-averaged frequency decays as the coupling strength increases. Near the transition to the frozen state, the time-averaged frequency has a power law behavior as a function of the coupling strength, with synchronized time-averaged frequency equal to zero. Associated with this power law, there is an increase in phases of each oscillator with 2 jumps with a scaling law of the elapsed time between jumps. During the interval between the full frequency synchronization and the transition to the frozen state, the maximum Lyapunov exponent indicates quasiperiodicity. Time series analysis of the oscillators frequency shows this quasiperiodicity, as the coupling strength increases.

Cluster synchrony in systems of coupled phase oscillators with higher-order coupling

Physical Review E, 2011

We study the phenomenon of cluster synchrony that occurs in ensembles of coupled phase oscillators when higher-order modes dominate the coupling between oscillators. For the first time, we develop a complete analytic description of the dynamics in the limit of a large number of oscillators and use it to quantify the degree of cluster synchrony, cluster asymmetry, and switching. We use a variation of the recent dimensionality-reduction technique of Ott and Antonsen (Chaos 18, 037113 (2008)) and find an analytic description of the degree of cluster synchrony valid on a globally attracting manifold. Shaped by this manifold, there is an infinite family of steady-state distributions of oscillators, resulting in a high degree of multi-stability in the cluster asymmetry. We also show how through external forcing the degree of asymmetry can be controlled, and suggest that systems displaying cluster synchrony can be used to encode and store data.

Synchronization in populations of globally coupled oscillators with inertial effects

Physical Review E, 2000

A model for synchronization of globally coupled phase oscillators including "inertial" effects is analyzed. In such a model, both oscillator frequencies and phases evolve in time. Stationary solutions include incoherent (unsynchronized) and synchronized states of the oscillator population. Assuming a Lorentzian distribution of oscillator natural frequencies, g(Ω), both larger inertia or larger frequency spread stabilize the incoherent solution, thereby making harder to synchronize the population. In the limiting case g(Ω) = δ(Ω), the critical coupling becomes independent of inertia. A richer phenomenology is found for bimodal distributions. For instance, inertial effects may destabilize incoherence, giving rise to bifurcating synchronized standing wave states. Inertia tends to harden the bifurcation from incoherence to synchronized states: at zero inertia, this bifurcation is supercritical (soft), but it tends to become subcritical (hard) as inertia increases. Nonlinear stability is investigated in the limit of high natural frequencies.