Skarrelling: les itinéraires des récupérateurs informels de déchets dans la ville du Cap, Afrique du Sud (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019
Waste collection system is inefficient in Parakou (Northeast, Benin), as only 10 to 15 % of the household waste produced is collected. The NGOs involved in the sanitation of this city, are major players in the collection of waste. This study aims to analyze the economic and technical viability of these NGOs. To this end, 12 NGOs were surveyed from which the data collected were related to the costs and revenues of the waste collection activity, the number of workers in the activity, transport equipment and work tools. The results of a hierarchical classification analysis followed by a Mann-Whitney test, showed that most NGOs (58, 34%) found themselves in the non-viable class characterized by NGOs which cannot renew and multiply their equipments and tools of work. As for economic viability, the cost benefit ratio revealed that only 41, 66% % of NGOs are viable. The Mann-Whitney test exposed that the costs of non-viable class are significantly higher than those of the viable class. It would be necessary to support and assist NGOs taking into account their technical and economic aspects.
Espace Géographique et Société Marocaine, 2023
La gestion des déchets solides notamment la collecte et l’élimination des ordures ménagères est un défi pour les autorités communales des pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest comme celles de la commune de Saaba au Burkina Faso. Le présent travail vise alors à analyser la localisation des sites favorables à l’implantation de Centres d’enfouissement technique (CET) dans la commune de Saaba en vue d’une meilleure gestion des déchets solides. Ainsi, en plus des travaux de terrain (l’observation directe et des entretiens semi-directifs), la présente recherche a surtout utilisé les Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG) et l’Analyse multicritère selon la méthode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) de Saaty. La synthèse de toutes ces informations à l’intérieur d’un SIG a permis d’établir la carte des zones favorables à l’implantation du Centre d’enfouissement technique dans cette commune. Autrement dit, les classes d’étendue excellemment favorables couvrent 4 370,27 ha de la zone d’étude. Ces zones convenables à l’implantation de Centres d’enfouissement technique sont localisées au Nord-est, au Centre et au Sud de la commune étudiée. La validation de cette carte a montré les différentes zones avantageuses dans la commune de Saaba, allant de la plus petite unité de 50,24 ha à la plus grande de 1 518,45 ha. The location of potential sites for a household wastes treatment center in the Commune of Saaba in Burkina Faso Abstract :Solid wastes management, in particular the collection and disposal of household waste, is a challenge for the municipal authorities of West African countries such as those of the municipality of Saaba in Burkina Faso. The present work therefore aims to analyze the location of sites favorable to the establishment of technical landfill centers (TLC) in the municipality of Saaba with a view to better management of solid wastes. Thus, in addition to fieldwork (direct observation and semi-structured interviews), this research has mainly used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-criteria Analysis according to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method by Saaty. The synthesis of all these informations within a GIS has made it possible to draw up a map of the areas favorable to the establishment of the Technical Landfill Center in this municipality. In other words, the excellently favorable extent classes cover 4,370.27 acres of the study area. These areas suitable for the establishment of technical landfills are located in the North-East, Center and South of the municipality studied. The validation of this map showed the different advantageous zones in the commune of Saaba, ranging from the smallest unit of 50.24 acres to the largest of 1,518.45 acres.