Interiores haggádicos: estructura de TanjB (I) (original) (raw)

Análisis estructural del compadrazgo yaqui

Ciencia Ergo Sum

The practice of "compadrazgo" (compaternity) has been widely discussed in numerous monographs, and these studies have given rise to one of the most important debates of Anthropology. In the majority of studies of "compadrazgo", the main objective is to explain its social function in political and economic terms. Nevertheless, we are convinced that the functional schema is not enough by itself. We give a description of the different types de "compadrazgo" practiced among the Yaquis, who live in the northeastern part of Mexico. Proceeding from the ideas of Claude Lévi-Strauss, we intend to get to the subjacent symbolic structure of this phenomenon and utilize it as an explanatory source which will provide us with an interpretative key to an empirical order.

Diseño de (01) Tanque Atmosférico de 80000 Barriles de Techo Domo Geodésico Autosoportado con Sábana Flotante


The present thesis "DESIGN OF (01) ATMOSPHERIC TANK OF 80000 ROOF BARRELS DOMO GEODESICO SELF-SUPPORTED WITH FLOATING SÁBANA" details step by step the design of a tank of 80 MB from the selection criteria of materials such as the selection of plate thicknesses Each of the rings that make up this design follows national and international standards of tank design as well as storage of hydrocarbons that require certain characteristics of the tank. This design has a self-supporting geodesic dome roof that is a relatively new technology in our country since the tanks are usually made of floating roof or fixed roof. Using the method of calculating a foot and verifying the data with the variable point equation method, the plate thicknesses of each of the rings of the tank will be selected, for the development of the same the specific weight of the water will be used since This is greater than the fluid to be stored. The present project will count on the tank nozzle calculation, this calculation is necessary since the deformations that these will suffer when they are welded to the hull of the tank and are bolted to the flanges of the product pipes are analyzed. The tank will have fire protection system required by the national norm and based on the NFPA, this design will have to be calculated according to the need of the tank, which will have a minimum of one toroid. In addition, it will also have a foam system which will have an independent toroid this ring of foam and will have its own design standards. The tank will have a floating sheet this is done to reduce gas emissions from the tank, this savanna will have its own pontoons and a structural framework that supports the savanna itself and also supports live loads. The tank will have the design of its self-supporting geodesic dome roof, this will have an independent calculation for the design of the dome roof panels that is required in the API 650, the type of materials for the roof profiles will be selected as well as its section, to then make a simulation of it.

Instituto Gal Einai La Dimensión Interior

El Shemá es la declaración esencial de la fe Judía: "Oye Israel, Havaiá es nuestro Dios, Havaiá es Uno". La primera palabra "Oye" ‫ַע(‬ ‫מ‬ ְׁ ‫,ש‬ shemá), tiene 3 letras que pueden ser permutadas en seis formas diferentes, que alude cada una a una parte de un verso o de un dicho rabínica. Vamos a ver: ‫:שמע‬ "Alcen sus ojos a las alturas" (

Interior/exterior: antítesis en la temática y en la estructura del Fedro

Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 1992

Plato's Phaedrus is a work of strong contrasts: in the form and in the content. Thus, of the two parts mío which it is divided, one consists of discourses and the other of a dialogue; one is practical and the other theoretical; one is about ἒρως and the other about λόγος. Nevertheless, the most signifteant antithesis appears between the extreme passages (prologue and epilogue) and the central one (the second discourse of Socrates), with regard to the structure as well as to the meaning, and in every aspect: space, time, movement, characters and, specially, in the ontologic level. In fact, the sensitive world of the images and appearances is opposed to the intelligible world of the Reality, in the same way as exterior and interior, nature and man, body and soul are opposed.

La casa del centro histórico de Maracaibo: La organización interior

Tecnologia Y Construccion, 2005

Resumen El presente trabajo está enmarcado dentro de un programa de investigación que aborda el estudio de la vivienda histórica de Maracaibo. En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis morfológico de los aspectos relacionados con el interior de la vivienda. En la lectura realizada se consideró: la disposición del conjunto, la organización de la planta, la disposición volumétrica y los componentes del decoro interior. Su lectura permitió el reconocimiento de un componente arcaizante heredado de la colonia que persiste hasta el presente a pesar de los procesos modificatorios posteriores.


Roque de Oliveira, Francisco (ed.), Cartógrafos para toda a Terra. Produção e circulação do saber cartográfico ibero-americano: agentes e contextos, Lisboa: Bilioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2015, 2015

produção e circulação do saber cartográfico ibero-americano: agentes e contextos Cartógrafos para toda la Tierra producción y circulación del saber cartográfico iberoamericano: agentes y contextos Cartógrafos para toda a Terra produção e circulação do saber cartográfico ibero-americano: agentes e contextos Volume 2 Lisboa 2015 Cartógrafos para toda a Terra. Produção e circulação do saber cartográfico ibero-americano: agentes e contextos Cartógrafos para toda la Tierra. Producción y circulación del saber cartográfico iberoamericano: agentes y contextos organizador Francisco Roque de Oliveira comissão editorial capa Fernão Vaz Dourado -Carta parcial da costa noroeste da América do Norte, [ca 1576], perg., il. color.; 385 × 277 mm bnp, Lisboa: IL 171, fl. 19 (pormenor) design tvm designers

Sandhi tonal interno en la morfología verbal tlapaneca

VIII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el …, 2006

1 Sandhi tonal interno en la morfología verbal tlapaneca Søren Wichmann Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology ... que ayuda ver algunas regularidades en la selva de idiosincracias. Para poder tratar la infleccional verbal es necesario brevemente describir el ...



Resumen: El mapa tradicional del Arte Postpaleolítico de la Península Ibérica dejaba fuera de su geografía una parte importante de las tierras interiores. Ausencias generalizadas de población prehistórica eran la tónica que explicaba la escasez de proyectos de investigación. Afortunadamente, los trabajos de campo de los últimos años han comenzado a mostrar una riqueza demográfica y una simbología totalmente inédita. Un estudio de su visibilidad próxima, de sus posiciones predominantes y de su imbricación en áreas de fuerte implantación desde el Neolítico al Bronce avanzado ofrece, por primera vez, una imagen única de la ocupación sin fisuras de todas las sierras interiores con sus correspondientes áreas de valle. Símbolos con gran arraigo en todo el arte esquemático clásico protagonizan los paneles de la zona e, incluso, figuras de mayor antigüedad apuntan secuencias gráficas de profundo recorrido. Palabras clave: Península Ibérica; territorios interiores; Holoceno; simbología; análisis sig.