Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation Demand for Potato in Egypt

The present work is mainly directed to discuss sensitivity of climate change upon the irrigation demand for Potato yield in Egypt. The selection of potato product is mainly dependent upon that potato represent strategic crop and is one of the major crop cultivated in Egypt. The IRRICLAC model was employed to calculating irrigation requirement for potato yield. IRRICLAC model produced by the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC). The model has several forms including location and soil to calculate irrigation requirements. The model can be linked to other models developed in CLAC to estimate potential evapotranspiration and other agrometeorological applications. The model calculates the water schedule aCcording to the potato age, soil type and location. The present 'l\ork introduce to investigate two cases, the first validating the model with experimental data by calculating the irrigation requirement for potato under Egyptian conditions and the second calculating irrigation requirements for potato under climate change. The climate change data is used from two general circulation models CSIRO and HadCM3 for A1 greenhouse gas emissions scenario for the year 2050. The results indicated that we can use the IRRICLAC model to calculating irrigation requirement for potato yield under current and future climate. Irrigation requirements will increase under climate change for potato yield. Drip irrigation under climate change will increase from 8 to 10% and flood irrigation will increase from 10 to 12%' for the two GCM model (HadCM3 and CSIRO) and Toshka will take the highest drip and flood irrigation under climate change. Drip and flood irrigation by using climate change output data from CSIRO gave the highest irrigation water as compared with other model HadCM3.

Winter Potato Water Footprint Response to Climate Change in Egypt


The limited amount of freshwater is the most important challenge facing Egypt due to increasing population and climate change. The objective of this study was to investigate how climatic change affects the winter potato water footprint at the Nile Delta covering 10 governorates from 1990 to 2016. Winter potato evapotranspiration (ETC) was calculated based on daily climate variables of minimum temperature, maximum temperature, wind speed and relative humidity during the growing season (October–February). The Mann–Kendall test was applied to determine the trend of climatic variables, crop evapotranspiration and water footprint. The results showed that the highest precipitation values were registered in the northwest governorates (Alexandria followed by Kafr El-Sheikh). The potato water footprint decreased from 170 m3 ton−1 in 1990 to 120 m3 ton−1 in 2016. The blue-water footprint contributed more than 75% of the total; the remainder came from the green-water footprint. The findings fr...

Impact of Climate Change on Water Requirements and The Productivity on Potato Crop

Egyptian Journal of Horticulture

el-Khaimah, Qalyubiah Governorate. The aim of the current investigation was to study the impact of three planting dates (18-Dec, 7-Jan and 27-Jan), three irrigation levels at 60, 80 and 100% of irrigation water requirements (IR) and their interaction on potato crop productivity. 9 treatments were obtained by combination of different planting dates and irrigation levels. Planting dates were arranged as the main plots, while, irrigation levels were arranged in the sub plots, The obtained results indicated that the highest tuber yield was obtained by the first planting date (18 Dec.) during both studied seasons, While, The highest plant growth parameters and tuber yield per plant were obtained by 100% followed by 80% irrigation level during both seasons. However, the interaction effectindicated that first planting date (18-Dec) combined with 100 % irrigation level gave the highest potato tuber productivity than the other treatments, whereas the interaction of first planting date 18-(Dec) combined with 80% irrigation level gave the best for water use efficiency compared to the other treatments during both tested seasons.

Water Budget for the Production of Major Crops under Climate Change in Egypt

Global climate change poses serious impacts on water resources and agriculture in the future. The aim of this research was to calculate water requirements and water Budget for maize, wheat and sugarcane grown in six governorates in Egypt under current climate and under ongoing climate change scenario up to 2100. The results indicated that water requirements and water Budget for maize, wheat and sugarcane will increase by 12 %–18% compared to the current water use depending on governorate location., where the applied irrigation amount is expected to increase in all governorates under climate change water Budget .This study investigates the projected changes in evapotranspiration and irrigation water demand for maize, wheat sugar cane crop Middle and Upper Egypt. The mean air temperature as statistically downscaled and compared with the current climate, defined as the period 1971–2000. FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation was used to estimate ETo by using the climatic data. Evapotranspiration is estimated based on the predicted maximum and minimum using the RCPs scenarios (RCP2.6. – RCP4.5 – RCP6.0 and RCP8.5) during three time series (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100). The obtained results revealed that the maximum and minimum air temperatures were increased under all RCPs scenarios compared to current data. Moreover, the RCP8.5 had the highest maximum and minimum air temperature compared to the other RCPs scenarios. It was found that for all future periods the annual evapotranspiration will increase for the all agro-meteorological zones by uneven values. The main results in this study revealed that ETo significant increase in different tested time series compared to current ETo values. The values of ETo in long term (2071-2100) were higher than short (2011-2040) or mid-term (2041-2070) with respect to the current situation. The highest ETo values were predicted in this study by RCP8.5 during the 2071 – 2100 time series in the Upper Egypt region. The estimation of water Budget of the major crops in different agro-climatic zone show that winter season had the highest cultivated area with wheat followed by summer season. Upper Egypt region has the largest cultivated area of maize and sugar cane during different cultivation season. Total water Budget (WB) for maize, wheat and sugar cane during the different cultivating seasons revealed that WB will increase under all scenarios in comparison with the current conditions. The highest water use efficiency was recorded in the Upper Egypt climatic zone during the winter season. Winter season gave the highest water use efficiency under (WUE) current and future conditions. Moreover, all RCPs scenarios had lower WUE than the current conditions during different time series. Regardless of the seasons, the RCP8.5 gave the lowest WUE in comparison with the other RCPs scenarios. This paper suggested a adaptation options for better water management for maize, wheat and sugar cane crop Middle and Upper Egypt region, such as Gated pipe system consumed total water budget in Middle and Upper Egypt.


Egypt appears to be particularly vulnerable to climate change especially with water scarcity problem. Climate change not only affects the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources, but also will increase the crop evapotranspiration. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of climate change on water consumptive use for six main major crops in Egypt (rice, summer potato, summer tomato, wheat, winter potato, and winter tomato). The climate change data has been developed from downscaling of global climate model ECHAM6 of scenario RCP. 4.5 by a horizontal resolution 50 km during the period from 2010 up to 2090, and the water consumption has been assessing at the governorates that have largest areas of determined crops distributed in different geographic regions. The obtained results indicate that, climate change conditions expected to increase water consumption for all examined regions in Egypt, and the most effect will be in Upper Egypt and specific areas in Lower Egypt region. The results also indicated to extreme increment [decrement] will effect during 2070 and 2080 [2050 and 2060] decades in Dakahlia [Aswan and Minya] governorates. Also the study concluded that, the impact of climate change on water consumption is limited and acceptable up to 2040 for the studied crops among the determined governorates and it not excessed 5% than its current, however, after this period the rate of increment transit to higher level, and sharp extreme effects appeared in some regions.

Water requirements for maize under climate change

In support of research to predict the impact of climate change on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Egypt, this study investigates the projected changes in evapotranspiration in Egypt, with a focus on the Delta, Middle and Upper Egypt. FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation was used to estimate ETo by using the climatic data. The obtained results revealed that the air temperatures increased under all projected RCPs scenarios compared to current data. Moreover, the RCP8.5 had the highest air temperature compared to the other RCPs scenarios. It was found that for all future periods the annual evapotranspiration will increase for the all agro-meteorological zones by uneven values. The main results in this study revealed that ETo significant increased in different tested time series compared to current ETo values. The values of ETo in long term (2071-2100) were higher than short (2011-2040) or mid-term (2041-2070) with respect to the current situation. The highest ETo values was predicted in this study by RCP8.5 during the 2071 -2100 time series in the Upper Egypt region. The estimation of water requirements for maize crop in different agro-climatic zone show that winter season had the highest cultivated area with maize followed by summer season. Upper Egypt region has the lowest cultivated area of maize during different cultivation season. Total water requirements (WR) for maize during the different cultivating seasons revealed that WR will increase under all scenarios in comparison with the current conditions. The highest water use efficiency was recorded in the Upper Egypt climatic zone during the winter season at 2012. Winter season gave the highest water use efficiency under (WUE) current and future conditions. Moreover, all RCPs scenarios had lower WUE than the current conditions during different time series. Regardless of the seasons, the RCP8.5 gave the lowest WUE in comparison with the other RCPs scenarios.

Irrigation water requirements as affected by diverse climate conditions

International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), 2022

Determination of crop water requirement is one of the key parameters for precise irrigation scheduling, especially under limited water resources, such as in Egypt. Hence, an accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is a vital factor for agriculture production, therefore the objectives of the present study were to study the influence of climate change on different seasons and comparing of ETo estimations using Blany-Criddle (BC) and FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) equations under present and future climatic conditions. Data on the present climate have been collected from Wadi El-Natrun meteorological station, Egypt from 1991 to 2020. While the future climate data have been chosen for the concerned RCPs scenarios:

Irrigation-water demands under current and future climate conditions in Egypt

This study aims to investigate the effect of climate change on potential irrigation-demands for agriculture under Egyptian conditions. The investigation examined the current and future potential evapotranspiration (ETo) trends under IPCC's SRES scenarios. Historical data for 31 stations were collected and applied to FAO-Peneman equation in order to calculate the current ETo trends. The implications of IPCC's SRES scenarios (A1, A2, B1 and B2) to air temperature changes were used to determine the future ETo. Future projections were estimated for years 2025s, 2050s and 2100s, using HadCM3 climate model. Temporal and spatial ETo distribution were represented map. Results indicated that, under current conditions, about 70% of the Egyptian cultivated area have an average ETo values more than 4 mm/day. The general trend of the climate change impacts was an increase in ETo values from North to south. , this increase will be uneven between regions and seasons. The future climatic ch...

Projecting Future Crop Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Requirement of Potato in Lower Gangetic Plains of India using the CROPWAT 8.0 Model

Potato Research, 2016

A study on evapotranspiration from potato fields was conducted in the Lower Gangetic Plains of India. The input data required for the CROPWAT irrigation management model was collected, and evapotranspiration (ET) and irrigation water requirement (IWR) for potato crops were calculated using the model. Firstly, the CROPWAT model was validated by comparing simulated crop evapotranspiration (SET) with actual ET calculated through the field water balance method. Thereafter, SET and IWR for nine locations in the lower Gangetic plains of India were calculated for the period from 1996-1997 to 2008-2009, for the current situation (using 20-yearaverage weather data of the stations), and for elevated thermal conditions, i.e. considering 2 and 3°C increases over the current temperature. The future change in IWR for potato up to 2050 was also calculated considering the projected climatic scenario generated by the PRECIS model. The CROPWAT calculated IWR values showed an increasing, though not statistically significant, trend in requirement of irrigation water for potato across the nine locations during the period from 1996-1997 to 2008-2009. At a temperature increase of 2°C over normal, the mean SET of potato would increase by 0.06 mm per day and the average IWR would be 6.0 mm per season more. If the mean temperature would be 3°C more than normal, the SET would be 0.16 mm day −1 higher and the IWR 16.6 mm. Also based on the projected climatic scenario generated

Assessment of AquaCrop Model on Potato Water Requirements in Climate Change Conditions


Potato is the most important non-grain crop in the world. Produced in a traditional way (without irrigation) in Bosnia and Herzegovina averages about 370 000 tons per year. Climate change will probably affect potato crop production, especially due to shallow rooting system. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of climate change on the potato water requirements for the IPCC RCP 8.5 scenario. AquaCrop V6.0 model was used to estimate potato irrigation norms (In), drainage water and yield. Three distinct area were analyzed; Banja Luka, Bijeljina and Mostar. Climate data were obtained from a climate change simulation of a regional climate model NMMB. The simulation is done as a dynamical downscaling of the global model CMCC-CM over the Southeast Europe. Models are forced with IPCC RCP8.5 scenario. Four periods were analyzed; the reference period (1971-2000) and three time slices in the future:). Obtained results in three future periods were compared with referenced ones, and shown as a relative ratio. Sowing dates will be moved towards winter months in all areas. Such results will have an impact on yield increment in rainfed conditions up to 85%. Obtained data showed decrement of the In in Banja Luka and Mostar area up to 18% and 25% through the century, respectively. However, drier conditions in Bjeljina region will affect yield decline. In increment with magnitude of 70% to 34% will be expected in Bjeljina area due to lower precipitation. Thus makes irrigation very important in order to achieve genetic potential of potato. Drainage system should be implemented and/or well maintained in all areas.