Even-Odd Effect in Andreev Transport through a Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot (original) (raw)

Andreev tunneling through a double quantum-dot system coupled to a ferromagnet and a superconductor: Effects of mean-field electronic correlations

Physical Review B, 2010

We study the transport properties of a hybrid nanostructure composed of a ferromagnet, two quantum dots, and a superconductor connected in series. By using the non-equilibrium Green's function approach, we have calculated the electric current, the differential conductance and the transmittance for energies within the superconductor gap. In this regime, the mechanism of charge transmission is the Andreev reflection, which allows for a control of the current through the ferromagnet polarization. We have also included interdot and intradot interactions, and have analyzed their influence through a mean field approximation. In the presence of interactions, Coulomb blockade tend to localized the electrons at the double-dot system, leading to an asymmetric pattern for the density of states at the dots, and thus reducing the transmission probability through the device. In particular, for non-zero polarization, the intradot interaction splits the spin degeneracy, reducing the maximum value of the current due to different spin-up and spin-down densities of states. Negative differential conductance (NDC) appears for some regions of the voltage bias, as a result of the interplay of the Andreev scattering with electronic correlations. By applying a gate voltage at the dots, one can tune the effect, changing the voltage region where this novel phenomenon appears. This mechanism to control the current may be of importance in technological applications.

Transport Measurement of Andreev Bound States in a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot


We report nonequilibrium transport measurements of gate-tunable Andreev bound states in a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to two superconducting leads. In particular, we observe clear features of two types of Kondo ridges, which can be understood in terms of the interplay between the Kondo effect and superconductivity. In the first type (type I), the coupling is strong and the Kondo effect is dominant. Levels of the Andreev bound states display anticrossing in the middle of the ridge. On the other hand, crossing of the two Andreev bound states is shown in the second type (type II) together with the 0transition of the Josephson junction. Our scenario is well understood in terms of only a single dimensionless parameter, k B T min K =Á, where T min K and Á are the minimum Kondo temperature of a ridge and the superconducting order parameter, respectively. Our observation is consistent with measurements of the critical current, and is supported by numerical renormalization group calculations.

Nonequilibrium Transport through a Spinful Quantum Dot with Superconducting Leads

Physical Review Letters, 2011

We study the nonlinear cotunneling current through a spinful quantum dot contacted by two superconducting leads. Applying a general nonequilibrium Green function formalism to an effective Kondo model, we study the rich variation in the IV-characteristics with varying asymmetry in the tunnel coupling to source and drain electrodes. The current is found to be carried respectively by multiple Andreev reflections in the symmetric limit, and by spin-induced Yu-Shiba-Russinov bound states in the strongly asymmetric limit. The interplay between these two mechanisms leads to qualitatively different IV-characteristics in the cross-over regime of intermediate symmetry, consistent with recent experimental observations of negative differential conductance and re-positioned conductance peaks in sub-gap cotunneling spectroscopy.

Controlling the Sign of Magnetoconductance in Andreev Quantum Dots

Physical Review Letters, 2009

We construct a theory of coherent transport through a ballistic quantum dot coupled to a superconductor. We show that the leading-order quantum correction to the two-terminal conductance of these Andreev quantum dots may change sign depending on (i) the number of channels carried by the normal leads or (ii) the magnetic flux threading the dot. In contrast, spin-orbit interaction may affect the magnitude of the correction, but not always its sign. Experimental signatures of the effect include a non-monotonic magnetoconductance curve and a transition from an insulator-like to a metal-like temperature dependence of the conductance. Our results are applicable to ballistic or disordered dots.

Non-equilibrium singlet–triplet Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes

Nature Physics, 2006

The Kondo-effect is a many-body phenomenon arising due to conduction electrons scattering off a localized spin 1 . Coherent spin-flip scattering off such a quantum impurity correlates the conduction electrons and at low temperature this leads to a zero-bias conductance anomaly 2,3 . This has become a common signature in bias-spectroscopy of single-electron transistors, observed in GaAs quantum dots as well as in various single-molecule transistors . While the zero-bias Kondo effect is well established it remains uncertain to what extent Kondo correlations persist in non-equilibrium situations where inelastic processes induce decoherence. Here we report on a pronounced conductance peak observed at finite bias-voltage in a carbon nanotube quantum dot in the spin singlet ground state. We explain this finite-bias conductance anomaly by a nonequilibrium Kondo-effect involving excitations into a spin triplet state. Excellent agreement between calculated and measured nonlinear conductance is obtained, thus strongly supporting the correlated nature of this nonequilibrium resonance.

Evidence of Andreev blockade in a double quantum dot coupled to a superconductor

arXiv (Cornell University), 2021

We design and investigate an experimental system capable of entering an electron transport blockade regime in which a spin-triplet localized in the path of current is forbidden from entering a spin-singlet superconductor. To stabilize the triplet a double quantum dot is created electrostatically near a superconducting lead in an InAs nanowire. The superconducting lead is a molecular beam epitaxy grown Al shell. The shell is etched away over a wire segment to make room for the double dot and the normal metal gold lead. The quantum dot closest to the normal lead exhibits Coulomb diamonds, the dot closest to the superconducting lead exhibits Andreev bound states and an induced gap. The experimental observations compare favorably to a theoretical model of Andreev blockade, named so because the triplet double dot configuration suppresses Andreev reflections. Observed leakage currents can be accounted for by finite temperature. We observe the predicted quadruple level degeneracy points of high current and a periodic conductance pattern controlled by the occupation of the normal dot. Even-odd transport asymmetry is lifted with increased temperature and magnetic field. This blockade phenomenon can be used to study spin structure of superconductors. It may also find utility in quantum computing devices that utilize Andreev or Majorana states.

Zero-Bias Conductance in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

Physical Review Letters, 2008

We present numerical renormalization group calculations for the zero-bias conductance of quantum dots made from semiconducting carbon nanotubes. These explain and reproduce the thermal evolution of the conductance for different groups of orbitals, as the dot-lead tunnel coupling is varied and the system evolves from correlated Kondo behavior to more weakly correlated regimes. For integer fillings N 1, 2, 3 of an SU4 model, we find universal scaling behavior of the conductance that is distinct from the standard SU2 universal conductance, and concurs quantitatively with experiment. Our results also agree qualitatively with experimental differential conductance maps.

First order 0/pi0/\ pi 0/pi quantum phase transition in the Kondo regime of a superconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot

Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2011

We study a carbon nanotube quantum dot embedded into a SQUID loop in order to investigate the competition of strong electron correlations with proximity effect. Depending whether local pairing or local magnetism prevails, a superconducting quantum dot will respectively exhibit positive or negative supercurrent, referred to as a 0 or π Josephson junction. In the regime of strong Coulomb blockade, the 0 to π transition is typically controlled by a change in the discrete charge state of the dot, from even to odd. In contrast, at larger tunneling amplitude the Kondo effect develops for an odd charge (magnetic) dot in the normal state, and quenches magnetism. In this situation, we find that a first order 0 to π quantum phase transition can be triggered at fixed valence when superconductivity is brought in, due to the competition of the superconducting gap and the Kondo temperature. The SQUID geometry together with the tunability of our device allows the exploration of the associated phase diagram predicted by recent theories. We also report on the observation of anharmonic behavior of the current-phase relation in the transition regime, that we associate with the two different accessible superconducting states. Our results ultimately reveal the spin singlet nature of the Kondo ground state, which is the key process in allowing the stability of the 0-phase far from the mixed valence regime.

Tunneling through the Quantum Dot Coupled between Normal and Superconducting Leads

Acta Physica Polonica A, 2007

We study the charge tunneling via the quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting leads, where the superconducting electrode has either an isotropic or anisotropic (of d-wave symmetry) energy gap. We use the single impurity Anderson model and apply the nonequilibrium Green function formalism to determine the differential tunneling conductance. The influence of the proximity effect between the quantum dot and superconductor on the transport properties of the system manifests itself in the Andreev conductance.