MOOCS in Higher Education–State of the Art Review (original) (raw)

Informatologia 1-2008.indd


Literature: Serial Bibliographic level: Analytic UDC: 378:371.8::497.15 ISSN: 1330-0067 Coden: IORME7 Short title: Informatologia, Zagreb Vol. No. (Year): 41(2008) Issue No:1 Other indetification: INFO-1007 Page numbers: 1-9 Received: 2007-02-19 Issued: 2007-08-16 Language –of text: Croat. – of Summary: Croat., Engl. References: 24 Tables: 6 Figures: 0 Category: Original Scientific Paper Title: BOLOGNA PROCESS IN PERCEPTION OF UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR STUDENTS Author(s): Slavo Kukić, Marija Čutura, Mirela Mabić Affilation: Faculty of Economy, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


With the rapid development of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) since 2012, it has been a common view that MOOC's sustainable development must rely on learning needs and good learning experience of learners. MOOC online teaching model is analyzed from the teaching side and the learning side, the mismatch between the two sides is sorted out. Based on the bibliographic method, the core idea of learning community theory is that learning is the process of knowledge meaning constructing through learners' interaction and consultation, which is applied to MOOC, four strategies are proposed to optimize MOOC online teaching model. Learners can get good and persistent learning experience on in the condition of reaching match and balance of different kinds of subjects in MOOC learning.

Doğu Akdeni̇z Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ İngi̇li̇z Di̇li̇ Eği̇ti̇mi̇ Bölümü Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Bi̇r Harmanlanmiş Mooc Modeli̇ Olarak Sinif Yöntemi̇ne İli̇şki̇n Bakiş Açilarinin İncelenmesi̇

Uluslararası anadolu sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2023

anlamına gelir ve eğitim içeriğinin internet üzerinden çok sayıda öğrenciye yaygın olarak dağıtılmasına olanak tanıyan bir çevrimiçi eğitim modelini ifade eder. MOOC modeli erişilebilirliği, esnekliği ve küresel bir izleyici kitlesine ulaşma yeteneği nedeniyle popülerlik kazanmıştır. Kurum ve kuruluşlar tarafından kurumsal eğitim ve mesleki gelişim amacıyla da kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, MOOC'un pek çok avantaj sunmasına rağmen, aynı zamanda tamamlama oranları ve kendi kendine ilerleyen kurslarda öz disiplin ihtiyacı ile ilgili sorunlar gibi zorlukları da beraberinde getirdiğini belirtmekte fayda var. Bu araştırmada araştırmacılar, harmanlanmış MOOC modelinin en önemli parçası olarak ters çevrilmiş sınıfı araştırdılar. Bu araştırmanın amacı ters yüz sınıf öğretiminin öğrencilerin öğrenmesi üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerini incelemektir. Araştırma, DAÜ Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümü tüm (35 kişi) 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin tamamını kapsamaktadır. Metodoloji olarak hem nicel hem de nitel (karma) yaklaşımlar kullanılmıştır. Bulgulara göre öğrenciler, ters çevrilmiş sınıf deneyimini yaşadıktan sonra evde hazırlık yaptıkları için kendilerini derslere daha hazır hissettiklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Ayrıca öğrenciler genel olarak konu hakkında kendilerini daha güvende hissettiklerini ve sınıflarında sokratik tipte sorular sormaya entelektüel açıdan daha hazırlıklı olduklarını bildirmişlerdir.

A Study on the Pedagogical Components of Massive Online Courses Un estudio sobre los componentes pedagógicos de los cursos online masivos

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the rapid growth in the MOOCs offering brought about a new educational landscape, posing new challenges to teaching and learning, mainly due to massive participation, ubiquity and free enrollment. These courses embody a confluence of technological and pedagogical mediations yet to be fully explored. This study, applying an instrument of educational and interactive indicators on a MOOC (INdiMOOC-EdI) designed by the authors, seeks to ascertain the pedagogical components of MOOCs delivered in the Spanish language in order to establish which course features are platform dependent. An exploratory sequential mixed methods study was carried out on a total of 117 courses within 10 different platforms via an instrument developed and validated ad hoc. The data obtained is subjected to a content analysis for a qualitative perspective; while a quantitative perspective is obtained through a statistical analysis complemented with classification algorithms typical in data mining. The results suggest that the different platform providers condition the pedagogical design of the MOOCs in five key areas: learning, activities and tasks, means and resources, interactivity and assessment. It concludes with a series of descriptive , educational and interactive indicators that can be a pedagogical benchmark for future MOOCs. RESUMEN A finales de la primera década del siglo XXI, el rápido aumento de cursos MOOC dibuja un nuevo panorama educativo plan-teando nuevos retos a la enseñanza y al aprendizaje debido, fundamentalmente, a sus características de masividad, ubicuidad y gratuidad. En estos cursos se da una confluencia de mediaciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas aún por explorar en todas sus dimen-siones. Este trabajo, utilizando un instrumento de indicadores educativos e interactivos en un MOOC (INdiMOOC-EdI) de ela-boración propia, se centra en averiguar qué componentes pedagógicos posee la actual oferta de MOOC en lengua hispana, para poder dirimir aquellos elementos dependientes de las plataformas que los soportan. Para ello se realiza una investigación mixta de tipo exploratoria y secuencial que analiza un total de 117 cursos ubicados en 10 plataformas diferentes, utilizando el instru-mento creado y validado a tal efecto. Con la información obtenida se lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido en su vertiente cua-litativa, mientras que con la cuantitativa se efectúan análisis estadísticos complementados con algoritmos propios de la minería de datos. Los resultados muestran que las diferentes plataformas condicionan los diseños pedagógicos del MOOC en cinco aspectos fundamentales: el aprendizaje, las actividades y tareas, los medios y recursos, la interactividad y la evaluación. Se concluye con una serie de indicadores de tipo descriptivo, formativo e interactivo que pueden orientar la pedagogía de futuros Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos.

Un enfoque teórico para el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la Educación Física

SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 2019

El mundo cambiante de hoy impone nuevos desafíos en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas. Los cambios más destacados se han observado en la tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC). Estos cambios impusieron nuevos desafíos para el sistema educativo, las escuelas y especialmente para los docentes. Mantener el ritmo de estos desarrollos ha ganado una mayor popularidad en la cultura digital actual, y en consecuencia el interés académico aumentó significativamente en el uso de tecnologías inteligentes y modernas en el campo de la Educación Física. Hasta ahora, se ha realizado una cantidad razonable de investigación para estudiar la integración de la tecnología en entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Sin embargo, es necesario dedicar más esfuerzo a los reclamos e investigaciones en el ámbito de la Educación Física. Por lo tanto, este documento intenta presentar una breve descripción general sobre el tema, los enfoques, las herramientas y los estudios sobre el uso de la tec...

Prácticas universitarias innovadoras sobre las ventajas educativas y desventajas de los entornos MOOC

Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 2021

Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han revolucionado el mundo tal como lo conocíamos antes de su uso y aplicabilidad a la vida diaria. Este uso también se ha trasladado al campo educativo y ha transformado la forma en que se aprende y se enseña hoy. En medio de este panorama, los cursos abiertos masivos en línea emergen como una oportunidad disponible para que todos puedan aprender, lo que ha causado muchos cambios en el campo educativo. Este estudio se presenta como una investigación sobre prácticas universitarias innovadoras para analizar las ventajas y desventajas de estos MOOC en el entorno de la educación superior. Entre las principales ventajas analizadas, destacamos su gratuidad, el establecimiento de redes de colaboración y la flexibilidad horaria, mientras que entre las desventajas podemos destacar el abandono, que algunos cursos no están adaptados o disponibles para dispositivos fáciles o falta de seguimiento. La idea principal es que una vez que se conoce...


The main aim of this research is to recognize and differentiate several kinds or modalities of elaboration of a cognitive product in pairs, in this case, the elaboration of conceptual maps. These modalities come from a comparative analysis between individual and collective productions. This comparison is not concerned only with the quality of the productions, but also with qualitative differences that could show processes of social influence. In this case, it is interesting to analyze the different modalities of social interaction and of reaching consensus. After a master lecture of a professor, 24 university students were requested to individually produce a conceptual map of the topic. The students were able to consult their notes. Finally, in pairs, they were asked to collaboratively develop a single conceptual map, consulting their respective individual conceptual maps, but not their notes, which were taken away. The analysis is based on a comparison, inside each pair, between the individual and the collective conceptual maps. This analysis includes both cognitive (content) and formal (graph) aspects. Two dimensions were considered: homogeneity-heterogeneity and symmetry-asymmetry of individual contributions. The crossing between these dimensions allowed to differentiate the modalities of the collective construction. Finally, the article analyses the relation between cognitive and formal aspects, which are not always in accordance. The most general conclusion is that, concerning the social construction of conceptual maps, the cognitive contribution of each subject/student to the collective production must be differentiated from the instrumental operation of drawing the map.

MOOCs: A New Means of Higher Learning

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

MOOCs are an innovative way to conduct teaching-learning in online, with the help of internet technology. The objectives of the study are to Know about the user friendly characteristics of MOOCS. Know the role of MOOCS as an alternative to traditional education, role of MOOCs in higher education. Explore the benefits of MOOCS and to know about the disadvantages of MOOCS. It is a qualitative research. The study is conducted on the bases of researcher observation and critically analysis of the providing facilities of MOOC S in higher education. MOOCs is so popular because it is based on learner centered pedagogy, select learner interest topic, Value oriented, Language is no barrier here, globally use, any time anywhere, Learning is so enjoyable. MOOCs are no alternative to traditional formal education but it is modified then traditional learning. The special role of MOOCs in higher education is it is a free platform, Access for all, Professional development, Provide new courses. Including above benefits there are some limitations of MOOCs are-absence of physical classroom, absence of teacher physical interaction, Here individual attention by the teacher is absent, in remote area where internet connection is week where it is a big problem, most courses are provided by English that's why language is one of the barriers, to assessment the students is difficult, interaction with teacher and other students is less.