The Property Right and the Requirements of Environmental Protection (original) (raw)

Aspects Regarding Environmental Protection in Romania and EU, from a Juridical Perspective

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

The article aims to present the general principles of environmental protection, in the Romanian and European legislation, as well as to present some of the most challenging issues that environment protection is being confronted with, and how are those issues reflected in Romanian and European jurisprudence.Most of the EU countries (such as Belgium, etc.) have proclaimed, in their constitutions, the principle of protecting the environment and the right to a healthy environment. The European Court of Human Rights has stated that the right to a healthy environment is similar with the right of respecting private and family life. The Court has stated that significant damage inflicted upon the environment can affect individual welfare.

Constitutional principles of environmental law in Romania: enshrinement in the Constitution and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law = Agrár- és Környezetjog

The consolidation of the right to a healthy environment as one of the fundamental human rights can be seen as a result of the enshrinement in the Constitution of Romania since its revision in 2003, as well as the interpretations offered by The Constitutional Court in its pertinent jurisprudence. The present study aims to review previous research results in the field of legal doctrine and case law pertaining to environmental law in Romania, as well as to continue the examination of the most relevant cases contributing to the consolidation of constitutional dimensions of the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.

Environmental protection - the responsibility of all socio-economic actors in Romania

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, 2014

Environmental problems, by the nature, character and its implications, increasingly proves to be a global problem. The environment and its protection claims becoming more consistent management, a variety of intervention tools and ongoing communication with socio-economic actors, in order to minimize the phenomena of pollution and use of resources natural. Aware that the intensity of human activity is increasing the pressure on the environment, either by uncontrolled consumption of resources and space, either by producing waste that nature can not absorb without suffering, prompted the international community to move to initiate and support concrete actions to prevent, counteract and eliminate disturbing factors repercussions of ecological balance. Environmental issues can be made from multiple angles: legal, institutional, economic, technological, etc. This paper aims to address environmental responsibility that should be considered permanent so all economic agents and civil society...

Property and Environment: Old and New Remedies to Protect Natural Resources in the European Context


At the Common Core meeting of 1995 a "Working Agenda" was presented to the "Group on Property" with the aim of facing the problem of individualising the common core of European Private Law in the field of property as related to the environment. It was pointed out that this is actually a field where not only private law, but also many other components play a very important role. As the purpose of the Trento project is basically one of private law, the aim of the Working Agenda and of the following Questionnaire was to focus on the particular question: "Who owns the environment?" On this basis, the "Group on Property", agreed to give me the task, as coordinator of the project on "Property and Environment", of drafting the questionnaire applying the methodology decided in Trento. The first version of the questionnaire was presented at the Common Core meeting of 1996 and revised after a discussion with the national reporters and the chairman of the session "Property", Professor Antonio Gambaro. The revised version was then circulated to environmental law experts from different European countries. The selection of the contributors as well as the development and refinement of the questionnaire took a considerable amount of time, but I finally reached the objective of collecting case studies from thirteen European jurisdictions, representing civil law countries, common law countries and Nordic countries in a balanced way. The volume is divided in two main parts: the first one contains three introductory chapters where the authors try to sketch out the general scenario in an historical and comparative law perspective; the second one includes, after a short description of the working agenda and the questionnaire, the case studies of the thirteen European jurisdictions. Now that the volume is finally coming to completion, I would like to thank all of the contributors. In particular, I express my deepest thanks to all national reporters and contributors for undertaking this task and preparing their reports. Moreover, I would like to thank Valentina Jacometti, research assistant to the chair of Private Comparative Law at the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, for her assistance with the editing of the volume, and Francesco Castelli for his help with the collection of the bibliographical references and the abbreviations.

The Protection of Eco-Systems Through Civil Law


New Considerations Regarding the Right to a Non-Polluted Environment. For the second time the authors express ideas regarding an issue, which is important, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The previous ideas were based not only on the former environmental law no. 9/1973-which did not contain precise provisions regarding the protection of the environment-but also on the international provisions and doctrine in the field. However, the new opinions are based on the provisions of the new law no. 135/1995 which states the right to a healthy environment. Nowadays, the necessity to ensure the prevention of pollution is a major problem, which needs to be solved in order to ensure the right to a healthy and civilized life to all citizens. An important goal in this field remains still the introduction in the Constitution of some provisions ensuring this important right.

Environmental Protection as Fundamental Right Guaranteed to the European Level

Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 2020

The article examines, in a comparative perspective, both legal framework of the European Union and Council of Europe and case law of the Court of Justice of European Union and European Court of Human Rights in order to highlight superior level of the right to a healthy environment European protection. The multitude of concepts related to the environmental protection and their connections require compulsory conceptual delimitations. As other international and regional organizations, the European Union expresses interest in environmental protection, consecrating to it numerous legal instruments, the most relevant of these, in terms of human rights, being the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in which (Article 37) is provided expressly that environmental protection is a fundamental right, unlike the Council of Europe where this right is recognized only as an indirect right. Affiliation of this right to a certain category of rights – global rights, solidarity rights or individual or collec...

The Place of Environmental Policy in the Strategy for Sustainable Development-Tendencies and Perspectives for Romania


The present paper describes some of the increasingly controversial and debated - at a planetary level - implications and interrelations generated by the "man-environment" binominal, in an attempt to motivate the main causes of environmental degradation. As a natural consequence of the baneful impact of modern world's development has exercise upon the future generations, ambiental ethics is a discipline considered one of the most significant contributions of the 20th century to mankind's general progress. Further on, in a logical approach, we see the modalities of influencing human behaviour towards its transformation into a "respectful" attitude versus the environment, namely by means of legal regulations - that soon became standards and norms of environmental approaching, as well as by economic stimuli specific to the market, thus going beyond the "command and control" procedure. If considering the worldwide orientation of the environmental problems, Romania has demonstrated its preoccupation for the environmental variables and for the economic and social implications they have, adapting its legislation in view of a continuous monitoring of the economy - environment relation, being now in the position of selecting its social, economic and environmental pattern in the times to come. Keywords: environment, environmental policy, sustainable development, the pollution degree, living standard, ambiental ethics.


Social and economic changes in Romania focused on economic centralism for a society that wants a set of value based on market economy system determine system and structure changes. These changes are accompanied by change in the law since the Constitution. The privatization process in the 1990's was not accompanied by performance legislation on environmental conservation and protection. Many privatized companies were mishandled and soon reached the liquidation and asset recovery as scrap metal. I some cases, previous technological processes with chemical compounds polluted soil, subsoil, groundwater with hazardous chemical waste. Decontamination is the responsibility of anyone; public administration has no property right, but has interest in environmental law principles. Such a situation analyzes the effects of pollution from Turda, Cluj County chemical waste from the former company, chemical Turda plants.

The need to conceptualize the principles of application of the institution of property for environmental objects


Din ce în ce mai des apare problema utilizării și exploatării resurselor naturale drept principala traiectorie de promovare a economiilor naționale. Unele țări încearcă să renunțe complet la exploatarea acestora altele însă înafara de ele nu prea au nimic pentru ași subsidia economia națională. Pe parcursul utilizării intensive a acestora de către omenire, s-au formulat niște concluzii ce presupun că utilizarea necontrolată a acestora poate duce direct la distrugerea planetei pe care noi trăim. Esența lucrării date manifestă principiile de abordare a resurselor naturale sub aspectul ulterioarei introduceri în circuitul civil capitalizându-le, dar aceasta trebuie să fie făcută foarte atent cu condiția că valorificarea lor nu va duce la imposibilitatea ulterioară a folosirii lor sau epuizarea lor completă fără a fi posibilă regenerarea lor. Tratarea corectă a obiectelor respective în circuitul civil, având o conotație mai specială din cauza importanței lor, a fost și este nucleul necesității existenței unor principii în abordarea acestora.

The Environmental Field within the Process of Constitutionalisation of Private Law in Europe: Fundamental Right to Environment

This paper deals briefl y with the issue of the horizontal effect of fundamental rights and its illustration in the context of environmental law. The so-called process of 'constitutionalization of private law in Europe' is the main issue behind the analysis of the impact of fundamental rights in private relationships. The analysis has been approached mostly by private lawyers, who more and more are realizing the importance of mooring arguments in the land of the 'European Constitutionalization Process'. The argument shall be integrated in a discourse of a constitutional nature that has not been taken seriously yet. The fundamental right to environment, one of the most controversial social rights (in terms of the delimitation of its contents) emerges as a right of impossible enforcement by a private individual. Still, it is possible to draw some positive conclusions on the impact that the constitutional developments in respect of the protection of the environment have for the protection of private interests. The constitutionalization of private law has broadened the grounds of protection of private interests related to environmental issues. Certain court decrees would be unthinkable under the traditional rules and concepts of a systematic and hermetic system of private law. The analysis of the right to environment brings as a consequence the understanding of what happens to be the conciliation of private and public law.