Baja frige San Diego Cal, (original) (raw)
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Cien Obras Maestras De La Catedral De Jaen 2012 Isbn 978 84 8439 671 0 Pags 66 67, 2012
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723
Isla de Calor Urbana de Superficie de Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, 2020
Accelerated urbanization processes and consequent loss of green spaces are generating a problem of "overheating" of the urban microclimate, impacting upon the health and well-being of the population and energy efficiency. It is important to understand this problem in emerging countries, such as Paraguay, where the approach on the subject is incipient. In this way, there could be possibility to act effectively, efficiently, and promptly, mitigating or avoiding the effect upon this matter. In order to understand the behavior of the indices of the Urban Surface Heat Island (ICUS) effect in Ciudad del Este, between the years 2002 to 2015, we performed a study, calculating the average annual surface temperature increase rate, recorded at night by the Terra MODIS sensor, and compared to the population growth in the same period, this growth also was reflected in land use changes, deforestation and densification of the constructed area and the road network. The results show that, although there have been increases in temperature values in 2015 compared to 2000, as well as the population and urban densification indexes, the temperature differences between the urban, urban expansion and peri-urban sectors in Ciudad del Este, are not significant. A possible explanation for this issue could be that the ICUS process is still incipient.
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Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 2015
Resumo: Uma reflexão sobre o potencial de um pensamento pós- estatista a partir da análise de um pequeno mural de Diego Rivera em um dormitório da Universidade de Califórnia em Berkeley. Começaremos com um comentário sobre o “Still Life or the Blossoming Almond Trees” (1931), que nos levará ao tema da “segunda língua materna” em um poema de Rosario Castellanos, “Silencio cerca de una piedra antigua” (De: El rescate del mundo).Palavras-chave: estudos culturais; muralismo; poesia; romance hispano-americano.Resumen: Una reflexión sobre el potencial de un pensamiento posestatista a partir del análisis de un pequeño mural de Diego Rivera en un dormitorio de la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Comenzaremos con un comentario sobre el Still Life or the Blossoming Almond Trees (1931), que nos llevará al tema de la “segunda lengua materna” en un poema de Rosario Castellanos, “Silencio cerca de una piedra antigua” (De: El rescate del mundo).Palabras-clave: estudios culturales; muralismo;...