Diasporic Cycles CLOSED (original) (raw)
Call : Diasporas are not an unchanging phenomenon: they arise, they live and they decline, or they dilute into a wider ensemble. Some are just sketched before disappearing, some are constructions due to a particular political event or a commercial opportunity. For instance, the Judeo-Iberian diaspora emerged from the continuing flood of people leaving the Iberian peninsula after the expulsions of the 15th century, and it only died in the 19th century, diluting itself in the wider Sephardic world. Some stop-off cities in the migration, such as Goa or Mexico, were the melting-pots of a well-defined diaspora, that was circumscribed in time and space. Situating the diasporical phenomenon can help us understand the dynamics and temporality of those contingent social constructions. Thus, it challenges the traditional representation of diasporas as being continuous and atemporal processes. The special issue of the journal Diasporas will be questioning this alleged linearity and the movements of the different diasporic segments by proposing different kinds of studies. They may offer a “bird’s-eye” view embracing a whole movement or a study from a particular implantation location, a long term analysis or a focus on a key moment in the history of a diaspora. The collective work on this subject will occur in two steps: a meeting will take place in Toulouse (June 2016) before the publication of the special issue (Spring 2018). The coordinators of this special issue are eager to bring together participants from different disciplines and different historical periods. We suggest three points of reflection that correspond to three phases of a diaspora’s life cycle.
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