Миська Р.Г. Археологічні дослідження середньовічного городища Модричі І у передгір’ї карпат / Роман Миська // Дрогобицький краєзнавчий збірник. – Вип. 14–15. – Дрогобич : Коло, 2011. – С. 19-28 (original) (raw)

Капустін К.М. Об’єкти післямонгольського часу з Городська (за матеріалами розкопок 1947 р.) // Археологія та давня історія України. Вип.1 (12). Колекції Наукових фондів Інституту археології НАН України. Результати досліджень. – К., 2014 – С. 119–126

K. M. K a p u s t i n Post-Mongolian times objects from Horodsk (based on the materials from the excavations in 1947) In 1947, an expedition of IHMC AS USSR under the direction of V.K. Goncharov and M.J. Braychevskij investigated 380 m2 in the north-eastern part of the settlement. Analysis of a collection of materials stored in the scientific funds of Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, led to the conclusion that in the course of work 2 dwellings (deepened to the mainland by 0,2—0,3 m, the size of 7,0—7,2 × 3,2—3,8 m), one — with the pit-shaped (size 3,3 × 3,3 m) deepening to the mainland by 0,6, and the object of economic purpose of the 13th—14th centuries were discovered. Overland dwelling’s pise-walled (size 1,2 × 1,0 m), was usually located at the east or south-west wall of the southern premises. In the dwelling with pitshaped deepening once, pit oven (size 0,8 × 0,7 m) was located in the northern corner of the building. In the objects fragments of ancient pottery of the Kiev Russ and Golden Horde times, iron, wood, bone and glass products were found.

Литвиненко Р.О., Санжаров С.М., Усачук А.М. Кістяний диск з карпато-мікенським декором із Середнього Подонців'я и деякі питання хронології зрубної культури // Донецький археологічний збірник. - № 17. - Донецьк: Вид-во Донецьк. ун-ту, 2013. - С. 180–198.


Lytvynenko R.A., Sanzharov S.N., Usachuk A.N. BONE DISC WITH CARPATHIAN-MYCENAEAN DECOR FROM THE MIDDLE REACHES OF THE SEVERSKY DONETS AND SOME QUESTIONS OF CHRONOLOGY OF TIMBER-GRAVE CULTURE In 2013, on the right bank of the middle reaches of the Seversky Donets River, near the village Shipylоvka (Lugansk region) the barrow of Bronze Age was excavated. In barrow, among others, was investigated the burial 1 of Timber-Grave culture. In the burial found a rare artifact – bone disk with the Carpathian-Mycenaean carved decoration. Mound’s stratigraphy and ritual characteristics can be attributed this burial to II (Middle) chronological horizon of Timber-Grave culture. This conclusion is confirmed by materials of settlements of Timber-Grave culture in Seversky Donets basin (Ilichivka, Kapitanove I), where similar bone artifacts, as well as other artifacts of carved bone (cheekpieces, finials, rings, bushings etc.) with Carpathian-Mycenaean ornaments were found. On the mentioned settlements and mound Shipilоvka ornamented bone artifacts are chronologically later than Pokrovsk horizons. Shipylоvka bone disc finds many analogies in the monuments of the Bronze Age of the Carpathian-Danube, the Peloponnesus and Asia Minor, such as Vatin-Vrsac culture and Fuzesabony culture, Mycenaean Shaft Graves 4 and 5, Tholos Tombs of Kakovatos (A) and Stafilos. Typological comparison with the closest analogies can synchronize ornamented disc from Shipylоvka with LH IIA period, that simultaneous with Central European B1a period on modified scheme of P. Reinecke. The latest research on the correlation of radiocarbon and historical dates (Hittite, Egyptian), allow us to date this period in the range of the second half of the XVI century BC with his possible ancientizing. Keywords: Bronze Age, Timber-Grave culture, chronology, trasology, Seversky Donets, Eastern Europe, the Carpathian-Danube, Mycenaean Greece

Забавін В.О., Небрат С.Г. Археологічні дослідження поселення зрубної культури біля с. Кременівка у північно-східному Приазов’ї (за матеріалами 2018 р.). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія. Вип. 24. Маріуполь, 2019. С. 29-43.

Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія. Вип. 24., 2019

V. Zabavin, S. Nebrat Archaeological research of the settlement of the Timber-grave culture near the Kremenivka village in the North-east Azov Sea region (based on materials 2018.) The article analyses materials of the settlementof the late bronze age Timber-grave culture in Northern Azov Sea region which were explored by archeological expedition of Mariupol State University on the territory of Kremenivka Village council of Nikolske district of Donetsk region. Some peculiarities of the inventory complex and issues of cultural-chronological periodization of the settlement are examined. Discovered archaeological site is located on the left bank of the river Kalchik, in its middle reaches.The total area of the excavation is 68 m².The overwhelming number of finds related to i and ii conditional horizons.In these layers were discovered destroyed remains of stone structures, which were a collection of raw stone of medium size.In some areas traced clear masonry lines, two rows high.There is no reason to consider this as remnants of the foundation structure, most likely the stone was used as a facing material.It can be assumed that the remains of two premises have been investigated:the first is almost completely investigated(dimensions 9×2,5 m), the second is partially open. Ceramics is the most expressive cultural identifier.Stylistic and morphological features of ceramic pots, that can be reconstructed using the found fragments,provide an opportunity to date the settlement of the late bronze age- this is the late stage of the Timber-grave culture of Northern Azov Sea region (within the 15th - 13th centuries BC).

Горбаненко С.А., Ковальчук О.М. Риболовецький промисел ранніх слов’ян Середнього Подніпров’я (за матеріалами городища Монастирок) (Gorbanenko S.A., Kovalchuk O.M. Fishery of Early Slavs in Dnipro River Middle Region (Based on Materials from Monastyrok Hill-fort)). Археологія, 2017, 1, 99—109.

Based on materials from Monastyrok hill-fort, fishery of the Early Slavs from the Dnipro River (middle region) is analyzed in this paper. A comprehensive study of the circumstances in which ichthyological remains and fishing tackle were uncovered, as well as the comparative analysis of the latter was conducted. As a result, a conclusion is made that the fish-hooks belong to the Early Slavonic period of the hill-fort. In addition, owing to the work with the collections of the N national Museum of Natural history of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, uncovered and attributed was the ichthyologic material from the site describing the industrial fish species in the Early Slavonic period. Ichthyologic identification showed that at least 10 fish species of 9 genera and 5 families were encompassed into the fishery. The majority of these remains belong to fish of prey: pike, catfish, zander, and perch; sturgeons and carp fishes are represented by single bones. numerous findings of cranium bones are indisputable evidence for fishery, but not fish import. The method of reconstruction the weight and body size of single fish individuals showed that big mature fishes prevailed in catch. O owing to this reconstruction, it is ascertained that both tackle for individual (with hooks), and mass (with nets) catch were used. The data obtained convincingly prove the importance of fishery in vital activity of population at the Monastyrok hill-fort and of all the East Slavs habituating the middle region of the Dnipro River in the period from the 8th to the 13th centuries AD. The species and size diversity of industrial fish is an indirect evidence for the usage of both tackle types: of individual (with hooks) and mass (with nets) catch. Analysis of the context of the hooks’ finds testifies for their usage mainly in the Early Slavonic period of the Monastyrok hill-fort existence.