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Project Portfolio Management is a tool for enterprise project management. Proper selection and successful implementation of project portfolios is link between strategic planning and project management. Portfolio Management allows you to balance the potential for conflict between the activities of the company, resources and preoritety, certain programs. Application portfolio management techniques allow more qualitative assessment of the risks of projects, their benefits, and to monitor and predict the development of companies. Article showily use Markov chains for project portfolio management. The justifications of the law of Yu. L. Vorobyov (control law risk parameters) for portfolios. A model of risk mapping in portfolios on the basis of representation in the form of assessment homogeneous Markov chain with discrete state and time. Application of the proposed model allows to pass from one-dimensional to multidimensional assessment in controlling the level of risk in the portfolios of projects. The developed model "5P" is universal and can be applied not only for the individual components of projects as portfolios and programs, but also for the portfolios as a whole. Keywords:projects, project portfolio, the law of Yu.L.Vorobev, the risks, the Markov chain, the environment, model «5P», transition probabilities
Економіка та суспільство, 2021
З’ясовано, що вплив туризму як потужного механізму забезпечення соціально-економічного піднесення держави допустимий завдяки розвитку внутрішнього та в’їзного туризму, що потребує проєктування нового туристичного продукту (туру, маршруту, послуги), організації рекреаційних послуг адекватно всесвітнім та європейським тенденціям із урахуванням національних та регіональних властивостей. Визначним і далекосяжним шляхом для розвитку туристичної галузі в Україні, зважаючи на європейську практику диверсифікації надання рекреаційних послуг, служить становлення таких видів туризму, як: сільський, зелений, агротуризм, що відповідає дотриманню гармонійності між економічними, соціокультурними, політичними, екологічними площинами.
The evaluations by researchers monitoring attitudes towards innovations among teacher groups were analyzed during the process of implementing innovations in one elementary school. The teachersʼ attitudes towards innovative practice were evaluated from the following perspectives: (1) motivation of teacher groups to grasp and implement knowledge and skills acquired during the intervention, (2) improvement of teacher groups in the area of knowledge and skills, (3) the role of researchers in enhancing motivation of teacher groups to change their practice, (4) the role of the teacher groups in motivating individuals to change practices (while working on professional issues). Sixteen researchers/evaluators followed up six teacher groups during the intervention. The researchers had a double role. They were educators on the teacher training course and facilitators in the teacher working groups. A method of structured guided interviews was applied in the case follow up study. Quantitative...
Purpose is a substantiation of the theoretical basis of the research of preconditions of actualization of the inclusive vector of the strategy of sustainable development of tourist and recreational activity in the regions of Ukraine. The analysis of the impact of the main trends of sustainable development of tourism and recreation in the regions of Ukraine and the prerequisites for inclusive growth is based on the methods of theoretical generalization, grouping, and comparison. The study of scientific approaches to the consideration of tourism and recreational activities on the basis of sustainable development and inclusive growth is based on the methodology of systems analysis and synthesis. Results. Emphasis is placed on the inclusive vector of sustainable development of tourism and recreation in the regions of Ukraine as a complex dynamic process focused on maximum interaction with the external environment and constant variability of internal. It not only ensures the achievement ...
Currently in developed countries, there is an intensive development of "smart cities" with the integration of it-technologies into this process. In order to develop the digital economy, the Russian government adopted a number of strategic documents, in which the introduction of smart technologies was identified as a priority. The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the implementation of priority state innovation projects. A simulation model of the effective management system for an innovative project, a new theoretical approach and a methodology for assessing the economic feasibility of using nanotechnology in the production of new building materials and structures are developed. We are concluded that the development of the Smart City concept is hampered by the lack of public and private financing, as well as the severe shortage of highly qualified personnel and the lack of a scientific base for conducting research and testing.
Information Technologies and Learning Tools
The article is devoted to some aspects of the problem of forming future software engineers’ competences in the process of training at universities. The aim of the paper is to determine approaches to creation short-term bachelor curricula for future software engineers. The results of the analysis of the 2016 entrance campaign on the specialties of the baccalaureate level of the branch of knowledge 12 «Information technologies» for training on the basis of a short term are highlighted. The labour market requirements for future software engineers (for individual specializations) are analyzed. The rate of correspondence between the requirements of employers and the content of Ukrainian universities curricula is determined. Methods for forming the educational programs content for future software engineers training with a shorter learning period are suggested.
The innovation activities of the Bulgarian companies lag behind the development of innovation culture and business attitude. The problems are due to the lack of information about the characteristics of the innovations as well as the insufficient knowledge on the investment practices in this field and the available financing programmes. By means of the process approach the article aims to clarify the nature of investments and innovation, innovation project management and the possible sources of financing. An attempt has been made to justify the need for a
Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2020
У статті розглянуто структуру та функції механізмів розвитку та ерозії компетенцій в інноваційних проєктах упровадження інформаційно-коммунікаційних технологій. Визначено фактори розвитку та ерозії компетенцій та визначено модель оцінки компетентності та компетенцій щодо успішного впровадження інформаційно-коммунікаційних технологій на прикладі підготовки магістрів з управління проєктами та програмами. Запропоновано нову парадигму побудови моделі розвитку компетентності команди проєкту щодо створення та впровадження ІКТ, яка базується на балансі факторів розвитку компетенцій інноваційного проєкту та їх ерозії в процесі впровадження. Визначено три концепції еволюції компетенцій. Перша концепція визначається конвергентною схожістю компетенцій систем управління. Друга пов’язана з процесом формування нових компетенцій через наближення характеристик систем знань унаслідок взаємного руху одна до одної. Третя концепція забезпечується за рахунок визначення ступеня та міри подібності систем ...