Naumov, N. (2015) Tourism and Cultural Heritage – Development perspectives and potential issues in the island of St Anastacia [in Bulgarian] (original) (raw)

(2014). Гюрова, M., Стефанова, T., Григоров, В., & Торбатов, С. (Ред.). Проучвания на културно-историческото наследство: предизвикателства и перспективи. Investigations of the cultural heritage: challenges and perspectives. (Bulgarian E-Journal of Archaeology, Suppl. 3)

This volume includes Proceedings of the second postgraduate conference, Sofia, 28-29.11.2013. It is important for global archaeology since very clearly demonstrates the crisis of archaeology in Bulgaria and provides evidence of this crisis in a very unblemished manner: 1. The first two editors of the post-graduate publication, Maria Gurova (listed as main editor) and Tatiana Stefanova do not have any published monograph. However, in science the continuity is based on personal example. To the absence of significant background to be editors, it can be added one more paradox of culture: Tatiana Stefanova is a failed post-graduate students who was hired at the Archaeological Institute for unknown reasons and in unknown way by Vasil Nikolov. Social media also documents the Maria Gurova's behavior. This is typical continuity in science in Bulgarian coming from the traditions of the communist dictatorship when not professionalism, but the connections/non-scientific reasons work only, resulting in a devolution and corruption of science and culture. 2. The volume has been attempting to make the smooth bridge between the communist regime archaeology and post-1989 which results in a series of authors' failures: continuing of the communist tradition to replicate science instead producing science; publication of new material in a popular way although in a scholarly journal, and absence of a strong critical view on science, in particular. 3. As a rule, in such volumes, identical to the works which served the communist regime in past (making servers of the regime authors), usually there are few better works, which however do not make the global archaeology not to conclude that obviously because of inner corrupted leadership structure, the crisis of Bulgarian archaeology has been going deeper and deeper. The work by Stoyan Dechev on the old Bulgarian fountains is in a typical ethnographic method, but touches contemporary archaeology. The work by Milena Mitova et al. on the microbial intervention of the Magura Cave's rock painting reports good results.

Cultural heritage as potential for tourism in the lower Danube Basin in Serbia

Arhitektura i urbanizam

The Lower Danube Basin boasts rich and quite diverse cultural heritage, which can be pivotal for the development of tourism and an important factor with regard to social and economic changes in Eastern Serbia. As a result of cultural heritage, numerous European and world capitals have invested effort in developing destinations and sites that promote cultural content and attractions. Cultural values and traits from different historical periods attract more and more tourists, thus increasing interest in cultural tourism. Cultural heritage adds value to the basic tourist content, greatly contributing to increased tourist traffic and the promotion of local communities, but also to the further development and improvement of tourist offers. When it comes to cultural tourism in the Lower Danube Basin, it must be stressed that there is no individual or common tourism development strategy in this area. This paper is aimed at presenting historical heritage as cultural potential for tourist va...

Ганева-Райчева, Валентина, Ирена Бокова, Николай Ненов (съст.). Културни ресурси, валоризиране на наследства и местно развитие / Ganeva-Raycheva, Valentina, Irena Bokova, Nikolay Nenov (eds.) Cultural Resources, Heritage Valorization and Local Development


Културни ресурси, валоризиране на наследства и местно развитие Cultural Resources, Heritage Valorization and Local Development Книгата е резултат от проект "Културни ресурси, валоризиране на наследства и местно развитие", финансиран от Фонд "Научни изследвания" при Министерството на образованието и науката на Република България (ДН20/12 от 20.12.2017 г.) The book is published under the project 'Cultural Resources, Heritage Valorization and Local Development', funded by the National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria (under number ДН20/12, 20.12.2017) Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей-Българска академия на науките Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences С финансовата подкрепа на Фонд "Научни изследвания" With the financial support of the National Science Fund

Tourist Resources (in Bulgarian)


публикувано в: Иванов, Ст. (2005) -"Туристически ресурси на дестинация България", в "Маркетингова стратегия за препозициониране на дестинация България", монографично изследване на авторски колектив, издателство "Наука и икономика", Икономически Университет -Варна, 2005 г., стр. 93-104, ISBN 954-21-0234-8 МАРКЕТИНГОВА СТРАТЕГИЯ ЗА ПРЕПОЗИЦИОНИРАНЕ НА ДЕСТИНАЦИЯ БЪЛГАРИЯ Глава ІІІ Ресурсна база на дестинация България

Tourist valorization of cultural heritage in Bač

Collection of Papers – Faculty of Geography at University of Belgrade

In Bač on a geographically small area of a few square kilometers there aret hree monuments of culture (Fortress, Franciscan monastery and Turkish hammam), which are valuable testimony to the times in which they were built, and with appropriate valorization they can be used as resources in the development of cultural tourism in this region, and thereby strengthen the position of Vojvodina in Serbia's tourist offer. For this reason it is necessary to point out the possibilities of valorization of these sites depending on their attractiveness, artistic quality and other values. Putting Bač to the list of UNESCO will significantly contribute to better quality promotion of its cultural and natural heritage at regional, European and international level.

The Problem of Usage of Elements of Natural Reserve and Museum Heritage in Tourism (On the Example of Ivano-Frankivsk Region)


In terms of pandemics, tourism gained a huge loss. However, the background for a qualitatively new restoration of the branch has appeared. One of the actual scientific and practical problems is an estimation of the condition of usage of elements of natural and historical-cultural heritage in tourism in terms of probable growth of domestic tourism during quarantine. In the article was analyzed the potential of natural heritage and museums as elements of the historical-cultural heritage of the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the context of their usage in tourism and dynamics of tourism visits of these objects which testify about the existence of the number of barriers of growth. As of 26.01.2020 region`s natural reserve fund counts of 482 territories and objects of the total area of 218,9 thousand hectares which is 15.7% of the total region`s area. It can be stated that the Ivano-Frankivsk region is a popular tourist destination due to the tourist visits of the territories of the national p...

Current Problems of Using Cultural Heritage Sites in Historical Cities for Tourist Purposes (Experience of the City of Kaliningrad)

Service & Tourism: Current Challenges, 2017

The article presents an overview of the theoretical and practical approaches of domestic and foreign authors to the using historical and cultural heritage sites for tourist purposes for the development of regional tourism. Most scientists define cultural heritage sites as one of the most important conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism. Further development of this territory is provided by strategic planning, state policy, the creation of a regulatory and legal framework, the development of specialized state programs, attraction of investments, creation of a specialized infrastructure, and implementation of a competent marketing policy. The article also presents the limiting factors of the using cultural heritage sites in the Russian Federation on the example of Kaliningrad region. Within the study the authors examine institutional capacities and state instruments for the restoration of cultural heritage objects with the aim of including in a regional tour...


Natural, historical and cultural background of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland are static factors of tourism development. They form the basis for determining the types of tourism activities in the region. By the method of SWOT have been identified strengths (biotic and landscape diversity, a large excess of heights, a large forest area, the presence of mineral springs, plentiful historical and cultural heritage, etc.), weaknesses, opportunities and threats for sustainable tourism development in the region (based on Yavorivskiy and Lyubachivsky district). Key words: recreational resources, the method of SWOT, Ukrainian-Polish borderland.