Adaptation of autonomic heart rate regulation in astronauts after spaceflight (original) (raw)

Heart rate variability and short duration spaceflight: relationship to post-flight orthostatic intolerance

BMC physiology, 2004

Upon return from space many astronauts experience symptoms of orthostatic intolerance. Research has implicated altered autonomic cardiovascular regulation due to spaceflight with further evidence to suggest that there might be pre-flight autonomic indicators of post-flight orthostatic intolerance. We used heart rate variability (HRV) to determine whether autonomic regulation of the heart in astronauts who did or did not experience post-flight orthostatic intolerance was different pre-flight and/or was differentially affected by short duration (8-16 days) spaceflight. HRV data from ten-minute stand tests collected from the 29 astronauts 10 days pre-flight, on landing day and three days post-flight were analysed using coarse graining spectral analysis. From the total power (PTOT), the harmonic component was extracted and divided into high (PHI: >0.15 Hz) and low (PLO: = 0.15 Hz) frequency power regions. Given the distribution of autonomic nervous system activity with frequency at t...

Intrinsic cardiovascular autonomic regulatory system of astronauts exposed long-term to microgravity in space: observational study

npj Microgravity, 2015

The fractal scaling of the long-term heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the ‘intrinsic’ autonomic regulatory system. Herein, we examine how microgravity on the ISS affected the power-law scaling β (beta) of astronauts during a long-duration (about 6 months) spaceflight. Ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring was performed on seven healthy astronauts (5 men, 52.0±4.2 years of age) five times: before launch, 24±5 (F01) and 73±5 (F02) days after launch, 15±5 days before return (F03), and after return to Earth. The power-law scaling β was calculated as the slope of the regression line of the power density of the MEM spectrum versus frequency plotted on a log10–log10 scale in the range of 0.0001–0.01 Hz (corresponding to periods of 2.8 h to 1.6 min). β was less negative in space (−0.949±0.061) than on Earth (−1.163±0.075; P<0.025). The difference was more pronounced during the awake than during the rest/sleep span. The circadian amplitude and acrophase (phase of maximum) ...

Long-term exposure to space's microgravity alters the time structure of heart rate variability of astronauts

Heliyon, 2016

Spaceflight alters human cardiovascular dynamics. The less negative slope of the fractal scaling of heart rate variability (HRV) of astronauts exposed long-term to microgravity reflects cardiovascular deconditioning. We here focus on specific frequency regions of HRV. Ten healthy astronauts (8 men, 49.1 ± 4.2 years) provided five 24-hour electrocardiographic (ECG) records: before launch, 20.8 ± 2.9 (ISS01), 72.5 ± 3.9 (ISS02) and 152.8 ± 16.1 (ISS03) days after launch, and after return to Earth. HRV endpoints, determined from normal-to-normal (NN) intervals in 180-min intervals progressively displaced by 5 min, were compared in space versus Earth. They were fitted with a model including 4 major anticipated components with periods of 24 (circadian), 12 (circasemidian), 8 (circaoctohoran), and 1.5 (Basic Rest-Activity Cycle; BRAC) hours. The 24-, 12-, and 8-hour components of HRV persisted during long-term spaceflight. The 90-min amplitude became about three times larger in space (ISS...

Reduced heart rate variability during sleep in long-duration spaceflight

AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2013

Limited data are available to describe the regulation of heart rate (HR) during sleep in spaceflight. Sleep provides a stable supine baseline during preflight Earth recordings for comparison of heart rate variability (HRV) over a wide range of frequencies using both linear, complexity, and fractal indicators. The current study investigated the effect of long-duration spaceflight on HR and HRV during sleep in seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station up to 6 mo. Measurements included electrocardiographic waveforms from Holter monitors and simultaneous movement records from accelerometers before, during, and after the flights. HR was unchanged inflight and elevated postflight [59.6 ± 8.9 beats per minute (bpm) compared with preflight 53.3 ± 7.3 bpm; P < 0.01]. Compared with preflight data, HRV indicators from both time domain and power spectral analysis methods were diminished inflight from ultralow to high frequencies and partially recovered to preflight levels after...

Respiratory modulation of cardiovascular rhythms before and after short-duration human spaceflight

Acta Physiologica, 2007

Aim: Astronauts commonly return from space with altered short-term cardiovascular dynamics and blunted baroreflex sensitivity. Although many studies have addressed this issue, post-flight effects on the dynamic circulatory control remain incompletely understood. It is not clear how long the cardiovascular system needs to recover from spaceflight as most post-flight investigations only extended between a few days and 2 weeks. Methods: In this study, we examined the effect of short-duration spaceflight (1-2 weeks) on respiratory-mediated cardiovascular rhythms in five cosmonauts. Two paced-breathing protocols at 6 and 12 breaths min )1 were performed in the standing and supine positions before spaceflight, and after 1 and 25 days upon return. Dynamic baroreflex function was evaluated by transfer function analysis between systolic pressure and the RR intervals. Results: Post-flight orthostatic blood pressure control was preserved in all cosmonauts. In the standing position after spaceflight there was an increase in heart rate (HR) of approx. 20 beats min )1 or more. Averaged for all five cosmonauts, respiratory sinus dysrhythmia and transfer gain reduced to 40% the day after landing, and had returned to pre-flight levels after 25 days. Low-frequency gain decreased from 6.6 (3.4) [mean (SD)] pre-flight to 3.9 (1.6) post-flight and returned to 5.7 (1.3) ms mmHg )1 after 25 days upon return to Earth. Unlike alterations in the modulation of HR, blood pressure dynamics were not significantly different between pre-and post-flight sessions. Conclusion: Our results indicate that short-duration spaceflight reduces respiratory modulation of HR and decreases cardiac baroreflex gain without affecting post-flight arterial blood pressure dynamics. Altered respiratory modulation of human autonomic rhythms does not persist until 25 days upon return to Earth.

Circadian challenge of astronauts' unconscious mind adapting to microgravity in space, estimated by heart rate variability

Scientific reports, 2018

It is critical that the regulatory system functions well in space's microgravity. However, the "intrinsic" cardiovascular regulatory system (β), estimated by the fractal scaling of heart rate variability (HRV) (0.0001-0.01 Hz), does not adapt to the space environment during long-duration (6-month) space flights. Neuroimaging studies suggest that the default mode network (DMN) serves a broad adaptive purpose, its topology changing over time in association with different brain states of adaptive behavior. Hypothesizing that HRV varies in concert with changes in brain's functional connectivity, we analyzed 24-hour HRV records from 8 healthy astronauts (51.8 ± 3.7 years; 6 men) on long (174.5 ± 13.8 days) space missions, obtained before launch, after about 21 (ISS01), 73 (ISS02), and 156 (ISS03) days in space, and after return to Earth. Spectral power in 8 frequency regions reflecting activity in different brain regions was computed by maximal entropy. Improved β (p &l...

Breathing Modulation of Cardiopulmonary Coupling-A Potential Way out of Autonomic Deconditioning after Prolonged Microgravity Exposure

Publication of Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, 2021

Microgravity causes specific consequence on cardiovascular system-an orthostatic intolerance experienced by the astronauts after the long space flight. The major reason for this phenomenon is deconditioning of the cardiovascular autonomic regulation due to microgravity environment. Sympathetic withdrawal is the consequence of cephalad shift of blood and body fluids which is considered as a primary cause of a number of neurophysiologic disturbances during the space flight and postflight recovery (postural hypotension, sleep disturbances, low stress coping abilities). Cardiopulmonary coupling is the issue that potentially offers the possibility of the autonomic conditioning before and during the spaceflight. In human, as opposed to cardiac rhythm, breathing can undergo volitional control. Paced 0.1 Hz breathing rhythm is characteristic, resonant frequency of many autonomic and cortical circuits which amplifies heart rate modulation, on one side, and, recruits central cortical and subcortical circuits resulting in increased sleep propensity and relaxed attentive consciousness. We applied a battery of coefficients estimating the change of self-similarity and irregularity of heart rate and respiratory rate in four different states: supination, standing, supination with 0.1 Hz breathing and standing with 0.1 Hz breathing (Matić Z et al., 2020). Additionally, we analyzed the posture and breathing regime dependence of quotient of pulse/respiration Qpr, the number of heartbeats per respiratory cycle. Chosen parameters are of importance for evaluation of cardiopulmonary adaptability and plasticity. Our results (Matić Z et al., 2020) and state dependent Qpr relation vs. breathing rate support the evidence that cardiorespiratory coupling and cardiorespiratory variability are posture and breathing regime dependent, with the state of combined standing with 0.1 Hz breathing identified as the state with maximal conditioning effect on heart rate, respiratory rate and cardiorespiratory coupling. We propose this maneuver as the autonomic conditioning strategy for the crew before long space flights.

Respiratory modulation of human autonomic function. Long-term neuroplasticity in space

The Journal of Physiology, 2016

We studied healthy supine astronauts on Earth with electrocardiogram, non-invasive arterial pressure, respiratory carbon dioxide concentrations, breathing depth and sympathetic nerve recordings. r The null hypotheses were that heart beat interval fluctuations at usual breathing frequencies are baroreflex mediated, that they persist during apnoea, and that autonomic responses to apnoea result from changes of chemoreceptor, baroreceptor or lung stretch receptor inputs. r R-R interval fluctuations at usual breathing frequencies are unlikely to be baroreflex mediated, and disappear during apnoea. r The subjects' responses to apnoea could not be attributed to changes of central chemoreceptor activity (hypocapnia prevailed); altered arterial baroreceptor input (vagal baroreflex gain declined and muscle sympathetic nerve burst areas, frequencies and probabilities increased, even as arterial pressure climbed to new levels); or altered pulmonary stretch receptor activity (major breathing frequency and tidal volume changes did not alter vagal tone or sympathetic activity). Apnoea responses of healthy subjects may result from changes of central respiratory motoneurone activity.