Microfluidic Generated EGF-Gradients Induce Chemokinesis of Transplantable Retinal Progenitor Cells via the JAK/STAT and PI3Kinase Signaling Pathways (original) (raw)
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PLOS ONE, 2014
A growing number of studies are evaluating retinal progenitor cell (RPC) transplantation as an approach to repair retinal degeneration and restore visual function. To advance cell-replacement strategies for a practical retinal therapy, it is important to define the molecular and biochemical mechanisms guiding RPC motility. We have analyzed RPC expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and evaluated whether exposure to epidermal growth factor (EGF) can coordinate motogenic activity in vitro. Using Boyden chamber analysis as an initial highthroughput screen, we determined that RPC motility was optimally stimulated by EGF concentrations in the range of 20-400ng/ml, with decreased stimulation at higher concentrations, suggesting concentration-dependence of EGFinduced motility. Using bioinformatics analysis of the EGF ligand in a retina-specific gene network pathway, we predicted a chemotactic function for EGF involving the MAPK and JAK-STAT intracellular signaling pathways. Based on targeted inhibition studies, we show that ligand binding, phosphorylation of EGFR and activation of the intracellular STAT3 and PI3kinase signaling pathways are necessary to drive RPC motility. Using engineered microfluidic devices to generate quantifiable steady-state gradients of EGF coupled with live-cell tracking, we analyzed the dynamics of individual RPC motility. Microfluidic analysis, including center of mass and maximum accumulated distance, revealed that EGF induced motility is chemokinetic with optimal activity observed in response to low concentration gradients. Our combined results show that EGFR expressing RPCs exhibit enhanced chemokinetic motility in the presence of low nanomole levels of EGF. These findings may serve to inform further studies evaluating the extent to which EGFR activity, in response to endogenous ligand, drives motility and migration of RPCs in retinal transplantation paradigms.
A model microfluidics-based system for the human and mouse retina
Biomedical Microdevices, 2015
The application of microfluidics technologies to the study of retinal function and response holds great promise for development of new and improved treatments for patients with degenerative retinal diseases. Restoration of vision via retinal transplantation therapy has been severely limited by the low numbers of motile cells observed post transplantation. Using modern soft lithographic techniques, we have developed the μRetina, a novel and convenient biomimetic microfluidics device capable of examing the migratory behavior of retinal lineage cells within biomimetic geometries of the human and mouse retina. Coupled computer simulations and experimental validations were used to characterize and confirm the formation of chemical concentration gradients within the μRetina, while real-time images within the device captured radial and theta cell migration in response to concentration gradients of stromal derived factor (SDF-1), a known chemoattractant. Our data underscore how the μRetina can be used to examine the concentrationdependent migration of retinal progenitors in order to enhance current therapies, as well as develop novel migration-targeted treatments.
Experimental Cell Research, 2011
The directed migration of cells towards chemical stimuli incorporates simultaneous changes in both the concentration of a chemotactic agent and its concentration gradient, each of which may influence cell migratory response. In this study, we utilized a microfluidic system to examine the interactions between Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) concentration and EGF gradient in stimulating the chemotaxis of connective-tissue derived fibroblast cells. Cells seeded within microfluidic devices were exposed to concentration gradients established by EGF concentrations that matched or exceeded those required for maximum chemotactic responses seen in transfilter migration assays. The migration of individual cells within the device was measured optically after steady-state gradients had been experimentally established. Results illustrate that motility was maximal at EGF concentration gradients between .01-and 0.1-ng/(mL.mm) for all concentrations used. In contrast, the numbers of motile cells continually increased with increasing gradient steepness for all concentrations examined. Microfluidics-based experiments exposed cells to minute changes in EGF concentration and gradient that were in line with the acute EGFR phosphorylation measured. Correlation of experimental data with established mathematical models illustrated that the fibroblasts studied exhibit an unreported chemosensitivity to minute changes in EGF concentration, similar to that reported for highly motile cells, such as macrophages. Our results demonstrate that shallow chemotactic gradients, while previously unexplored, are necessary to induce the rate of directed cellular migration and the number of motile cells in the connective tissue-derived cells examined.
Experimental Eye Research, 2019
Photoreceptor degeneration is a significant cause of visual impairment in the United States and globally. Cell replacement therapy shows great promise in restoring vision by transplanting stem-like cells into the sub-retinal space as substitutes for damaged photoreceptors. However, vision repair via transplantation has been limited, in large part, by low numbers of replacement cells able to migrate into damaged retinal tissue and integrate with native photoreceptors. Projects have used external chemical fields and applied electric fields to induce the chemotaxis and electrotaxis of replacement cells, respectively, with limited success. However, the application of combined electro-chemotactic fields in directing cells within biomaterials and host tissue has been surprisingly understudied. The current work examined the ability of combined electro-chemotactic fields to direct the migration of transplantable retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) in controlled microenvironments. Experiments used our established galvano-microfluidic system (Gal-MµS) to generate tunable chemotactic concentration fields with and without superimposed electric fields. Result illustrate that combination fields increased the distance migrated by RPCs by over three times that seen in either field, individually, and with greater directionality towards increasing gradients. Interestingly, immunofluorescence assays showed no significant differences
Journal of neuroscience methods, 2015
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Tumor spheroid invasion in epidermal growth factor gradients revealed by a 3D microfluidic device
Physical Biology
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), a potent cytokine, is known to promote tumor invasion both in vivo and in vitro. Previously, we observed that single breast tumor cells (MDA-MB-231 cell line) embedded within a 3D collagen matrix displayed enhanced motility but no discernible chemotaxis in the presence of linear EGF gradients using a microfluidic platform. Inspired by a recent theoretical development that clustered mammalian cells respond differently to chemical gradients than single cells, we studied tumor spheroid invasion within a 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) in the presence of EGF gradients. We found that EGF gradients promoted tumor cell detachment from the spheroid core, and the position of the tumor spheroid core showed a mild chemotactic response towards the EGF gradients. For those tumor cells detached from the spheroids, they showed an enhanced motility response in contrast to previous experimental results using single cells embedded within an ECM. No discernible chemotactic...
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Differential effects of EGF gradient profiles on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell chemotaxis
Experimental Cell Research, 2004
Chemotaxis, directed cell migration in a gradient of chemoattractant, is an important biological phenomenon that plays pivotal roles in cancer metastasis. Newly developed microfluidic chemotaxis chambers (MCC) were used to study chemotaxis of metastatic breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231, in EGF gradients of well-defined profiles. Migration behaviors of MDA-MB-231 cells in uniform concentrations of EGF (0, 25, 50, and 100 ng/ml) and EGF (0-25, 0-50, and 0-100 ng/ml) with linear and nonlinear polynomial profiles were investigated. MDA-MB-231 cells exhibited increased speed and directionality upon stimulation with uniform concentrations of EGF. The cells were viable and motile for over 24 h, confirming the compatibility of MCC with cancer cells. Linear concentration gradients of different ranges were not effective in inducing chemotactic movement as compared to nonlinear gradients. MDA-MB-231 cells migrating in EGF gradient of 0-50 ng/ ml nonlinear polynomial profile exhibited marked directional movement toward higher EGF concentration. This result suggests that MDA-MB-231 cancer cell chemotaxis depends on the shape of gradient profile as well as on the range of EGF concentrations. D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.