Engaging Levels of Knowing for Adult Classroom Instruction: Three Cognitive Processes -PLUS! (original) (raw)

Adults Learning and development

Adults Learning Development, Knowing, learning and problem solving of Adults, 2023

Definition Adults Learning in according to IGGI Global education, ‘Adult learning is a process of adults gaining knowledge, skills, and competence. It is defined as the practice of teaching and educating adults, theory and study of adults learning, or pedagogical process”. The adults’ learning about the wuggles is characteristic of developing learning. Their learning showed the three attributes that characterize an identify developing learning; a growth trend, qualitative restructuring, and self – scaffolding to new knowledge. Indeed, developing learning reflects attributes to which educators have long aspired: No educator attempts to generate the shallow, superficial, easily reversible processes that identify non developing learning. Adults learning developments are process to give and take or transferred science from a person to another person or people with the way and process and need approach, strategic behavior based on experience for the aimed that the process of learning would be enjoy both of learner or lecturer and accepted that learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or in behavioral potentiality that results from experience and cannot be attributed to temporary body states. Learning is more focus in a process to be maturation. A Person will be change from depend on from another person to be have skill to direct for her / himself and independent. The main principles of adults in learning are get understanding and maturation to be survive and learning used to experiment, discussions, problem solving, exercise, and experiment simulation. Adults will ready to study if they get subject exercise is appropriate by what is their sense important in problem solving in their life. They need facilities to support and create learning situation.

Understanding the Characteristics of an Adult Learner

Jamia Journal of Education, An International Biannual Publication, 2015

ABSTRACT Learning is a continuous, ongoing and a lifelong process. It is perhaps the fundamental process for survival and adaptation of human beings to both internal as well the external environment. Learning is most effective when geared to the physical and intellectual ability of the learner. Each learner has individual learning needs and it is important for the teachers/facilitators to know their learners well. The principles of pedagogy applicable to a child learner do not apply to adult learners. The adult learner cannot be treated as an oversized child learner. Hence the teachers/facilitators of adult learners prior to conceiving, designing or implementing learning programs have to first understand the characteristics of the adult learners. Adult learner (mature student) is a term used to describe any person socially accepted as an adult who is involved in a systematic learning process, be it formal or non formal or informal. This process maybe self-mentored or corporate-sponsored; where learning may be undertaken as fulltime or a part time learner. Adult learners comprise of a diverse groups of people belonging to different genders, caste, class, religion, region, majority or minority groups, creed, race, ethnicity varying from each other in their needs, problems, requirements, attitudes and outlook towards life. Unlike a child learner the adult learner is autonomous and comes voluntarily to the learning situation. Since the adult learners are very clear about the results they anticipate from the learning process they may drop out of learning activities if their expectations aren’t met. Adult learners have a vast wealth of knowledge acquired by controlling their environment and experiences of life. Their opinions, values and beliefs are their defining characteristics which they bring to the learning situations. The teachers/facilitators in order not to hurt the self-image of adult learners have to treat them with utmost respect and equality. Any learning process construed for the adult learners has to be geared to meet the needs of the adult learners. The motivation to continue to learn for adults comes intrinsically unlike children and hence learning should be goal and relevancy-oriented, practical, using purposeful activities. And not to forget that the adult learners usually carry a big bag of burden in form of commitments and responsibilities in their professional, personal, social life and the advancing age may add to their potential physical limitations. Hence the teachers /facilitators for learning to be successful have to be alert and sensitive to the needs and characteristics of their adult learners.

1 Making Leadership Development Developmental


Abstract: For leadership development to be effective, it must also address the development of structures of consciousness. Practices aimed at the transformation of consciousness and used in a leadership course are described. Research using Q-methodology is presented. Preliminary interpretation of research results indicates one factor as having the most capacity in areas indicated by the literature as important. It also points to the effectiveness of the course processes of dialogue and reflection in developing consciousness.

Principles of adult learning

This paper summarises a broad review of literature on adult learning, describing the different models of adult learning and their significance for research and development in adult literacy, numeracy and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL). It examines models of adult learning to emerge from disciplines such as psychology and adult education. The aim is to provide useful ideas for developing teaching and learning within the Skills for Life strategy. Overview of Adult Learning  Most adults are self-directed learners; they want to learn what they want, when they want, and how they want. Adult learners have their own style of learning.  Learning can be defined formally as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skills. In contrast, memory can define the capacity of storing, retrieving, and acting on that knowledge. Learning helps adults move from novices to experts and allows them to gain new knowledge and abilities.  Learning strengthens the brain by building new pathways and increasing connections that we can rely on when we want to learn more. Definitions that are more complex add words such as comprehension and mastery through experience or study.  Physiologically, learning is the formation of cell assemblies and phase sequences. Children learn by building these assemblies and sequences. Adults spend more time making new arrangements than forming new sequences. Our experience and background allow us to learn new concepts.  At the neurological level, any established knowledge (from experience and background) appears to be made up of exceedingly intricate arrangements of cell materials, electrical charges, and chemical elements. Learning requires energy; re-learning and un-learning requires even more. We must access higher brain functions to generate the much-needed energy and unbind the old. Our discussion here assumes learning, from the most fundamental to complex, to be  any increase in knowledge,  memorizing information,  acquiring knowledge for practical use,  abstracting meaning from what we do, and  a process that allows us to understand.