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—This paper describes the basics of GPS and also its working. The GPS works on the finds our position by the process of Trilateration. This paper describes the process of Trilateration. It also describes the basic issues in accuracy in GPS and also a wide area of applications of the GPS satellites.
A Review of GPS Based Applications
Here in this paper we are giving information of all the GPS as far as our knowledge concerned we have tried to highlight the basic functioning of GPS which could be used in many other number of application which may be the need of the hour. We have also purposed here an application which is based on GPS functioning.
global positioning system Global Positioning System – A Mini Review
If we are ever been lost and wished there was an easy way to find out which way we needed to go and ever find that perfect fishing or hunting spot and not been able to remember how to get back to it easily? How about finding ourselves out hiking and not known which direction we should go to get back? Ever been flying along and needed to locate the nearest airport or identify the type of air space we were in? With GPS (Global Positioning System) unit we could know where we are located on the planet at all times. Whether it be for fun, saving lives, or whatever use you can ever dream of, GPS navigation is becoming more common every day. In this paper, we have elucidated the segments of GPS, the working principle, and its receiver technology. Besides these we also elaborated the sources of errors in GPS positioning, working of DGPS (Differential GPS), and WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System). The concepts of Mapping and Navigation are briefed. A brief description of Mapping, Navigation is dealt and finally the important applications of GPS are discussed.
Global Positioning System (GPS) and its Application
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2017
The study represents that with this GPS information you know exactly where you are. Most modern GPS receivers are able to store your track. As you move, the GPS periodically stores your position in its internal memory. It can then show you the path you have followed on the display so that you can see exactly where you have been. Tacks also make backtracking easy. Most modern GPS receivers also support the concept of waypoints and routes. A waypoint is a specific point (longitude and latitude) that you have stored in memory.
Global Positioning System Introduction
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a burgeoning technology, which provides unequalled accuracy and flexibility of positioning for navigation, surveying and GIS data capture. The GPS NAVSTAR (Navigation Satellite timing and Ranging Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation, timing and positioning system. The GPS provides continuous three-dimensional positioning 24 hrs a day throughout the world. The technology seems to be beneficiary to the GPS user community in terms of obtaining accurate data upto about100 meters for navigation, metre-level for mapping, and down to millimetre level for geodetic positioning. The GPS technology has tremendous amount of applications in GIS data collection, surveying, and mapping.
Global Positioning System - Geodetic Applications
IntroductionA The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) is a joint service space-0 based radio navigation network of the U. S. Department of Defense with the CAir Force as the executive service. The system, which will be fully operational in the late 1980's, has evolved from Air Force and Navy programs S initiated in the mid-1960's. GPS will provide accurate time and three 'dimensional position and velocity information to users anywhere in the S world, including those in near-earth orbits. The (real-time) navigation position determinations will be based on satellite-to-user transit times of modulated microwave signals broadcast by the GPS satellites. For navigation, the capability for absolute positioning on the order of 200 m or better will be made available for general civil use. (Reference is Federal Radio Navigation Plan dated June 1980.) The highest accuracy three dimensional navigation capability, on the order of 16 m, will be made available to U. S. Government agencies and to qualified U. S. commercial Cusers where proper security measures can be established. Even higher C-) accuracy relative geodetic positioning capability, on the order of 1 to 10 cm (depending on the baseline lengths), will be attainable by radio interferometric (differential phase) techniques which will be available for general civil use. Achieving these high geodetic accuracies requires continuous simultaneous observations for up to two or three hours at 4A 20. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT
Understanding GPS: principles and applications
This thoroughly updated second edition of an Artech House bestseller brings together a team of leading experts who provide you with a current and comprehensive treatment of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The book covers all the latest advances in technology, applications, and systems. The second edition includes new chapters that explore the integration of GPS with vehicles and cellular telephones, new classes of satellite broadcast signals, the emerging GALILEO system, and new developments in the GPS marketplace.
In this paper, some of the ideas of positioning and navigation using GPS (Global Positioning System) where explored, GPS is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. This paper provides the use of a handheld GPS receiver in the areas of precise positioning, mapping locations, navigating across the mapped locations very easily. The purpose of this paper is to showcase the experiences that incurred in designing a positioning and navigation system (with the aid of a 12 parallel channel handheld GPS), which can be used as a moving compass, steering to any mapped destination, providing the information about near by places, tourist attractions, petrol bunks etc. The Magellan 310 handheld GPS which is being used for developing the proposed system allows users to connect to a personal computer through RS-232 Serial Interface and the protocol used by the device for communication is NMEA 0183, (National Marine Electronics Association). It is an American national regulatory body, which, among other things, sets standards pertaining to the interfacing of marine electronic devices. This NMEA 0183 Protocol transmits data to the connected PC every 1 second, this data has to be interpreted and filtered accordingly to get the needed information from the GPS device. This paper provides a case study in the process of designing such a system and its limitations in the era where through distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's position and display it on the unit's electronic map. It also portrays the implementation details and their results obtained and along their pros and cons when compared with the other existing positioning and navigation system designed for basic handheld GPS (without having advance features like provision for electronic map etc. in the device), It also addresses some of the enhancements that can be accomplished in the designed system. This paper is organized by providing a brief introduction to GPS technology and then dealing with hardware description & NMEA Messages along with a case study implementation detail of the system, its features and possible enhancements in the system.