Kinematics, Localization and Control of Differential Drive Mobile Robot

Global Journal of Research In Engineering, 2014

The present work focuses on Kinematics, Localization and closed loop motion control of a differential drive mobile robot which is capable of navigating to a desired goal location in an obstacle free static indoor environment. Two trajectory planning approaches are made (i) the robot is rotated to eliminate orientation error and then translate to overcome distance error (ii) Both rotational and translational motion is given to the robot to overcome orientation and distance error simultaneously. Localization is estimated by integrating the robot movement in a fixed sampling frequency. The control law is based on kinematics model which provides updated reference speed to the high frequency PID control of DC motor. Stability of proposed control law is validated by Lyapunov Criterion. Both experimental and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the achieved control algorithms and their efficient implementation on a two wheeled differential drive mobile robot using an 8-bit micro...

Autonomous Navigation of a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments


This paper presents the use of probabilistic algo-rithms in a differential drive robot for totally autonomous nav-igation in indoor environment. The robot is capable of buildingmap of its environment and global localization in the map thusbuilt. The robot then performs path planning to compute anoptimal path towards the goal location. We make use of LiDARfor mapping and localization, and a Microsoft Kinect is used inaddition to detect obstacles not falling in the plane of LiDAR.

Where Am I? Autonomous Navigation System of a Mobile Robot in an Unknown Environment

A navigation system is a program that provides graphical maps, coordinates or directions to a destination. Now autonomous navigation system of a mobile robot involves self-steering of a robot from one place to another based on computational resources on-board the robot. There are several ways to approach mobile robot navigation. This paper discusses the most common algorithms used for any kind of mobile robots for navigational purpose which are go-to-goal, avoiding obstacles, following wall and path planning. Sonar range sensors are used as the sensing elements and wheel encoders are used for robot localization. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed navigation system in an unknown environment which contain convex and concave objects. To test the proposed algorithms in real life, a differential drive wheeled robot which is a kind of mobile robot, has been made. However, this paper also contains the motor model of differential drive wheeled robot.

Real time navigation of autonomous robot with fuzzy controller and ultrasonic sensors


This paper shows a strategy suitable for navigating autonomous robots in a completely unknown environment. The method proposed combines optimum path planning techniques with fuzzy logic to avoid obstacles and to determine the shortest path towards its goal. The technique computes the potential surface using Dijkstra’s algorithm in a moving window, updating the cost map as it moves with the information obtained by the ultrasonic sensors. A Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) controls the wheels of a differential drive robot to the angle of minimum potential. This ensures a smooth trajectory towards the objective. A second FLC controls the average speed of the platform.


Mobile robotics is an area that deals with the control of autonomous and semiautonomous vehicles. The use of mobile robots is growing in a large number of applications especially in manufacturing, hazardous materials handling …etc In this paper, the navigation system built on a mobile robot operating in a warehouse is presented. As the mobile must be able to navigate from a known position to a desired new location and orientation avoiding any contact with fixed or moving objects while in Route, the sensory system is very important. Hybrid navigation system that combines the perception and dead reckoning is used and gives satisfactory operation .The encoder and the ultrasonic sensors used are presented in details and the navigation system designed based on their operation is illustrated. 1 INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES Navigation means the ability to wonder in the environment without colliding with obstacles, the ability to determine one's own position, and the ability to reach ...

Corridor navigation and wall-following stable control for sonar-based mobile robots

Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2003

In this paper, a mobile robot control law for corridor navigation and wall-following, based on sonar and odometric sensorial information is proposed. The control law allows for stable navigation avoiding actuator saturation. The posture information of the robot travelling through the corridor is estimated by using odometric and sonar sensing. The control system is theoretically proved to be asymptotically stable. Obstacle avoidance capability is added to the control system as a perturbation signal. A state variables estimation structure is proposed that fuses the sonar and odometric information. Experimental results are presented to show the performance of the proposed control system.

Outdoor Navigation Of Mobile Robots By Using Ultrasonic Sensors


Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006Bu çalışmanın amacı ultrasonik sensör kullanan mobil robotun dış ortamda bir yerden bir yere gitmesi için gerekli olan yol planlamasının grid, quadtree ve framed-quadtree yöntemleri ile oluşturulmuş haritalarda A* ve D* algoritmaları kullanılarak yapılmasıdır. Matlab programında yazılmış olan simülasyon programı ile gidilen yolun uzunluğu , zaman ve kullanılan hafıza açısından sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Simülasyon programı kullanılarak dış ortamlar için yol planlamasında dinamik A* algoritmasının ve büyük alanların haritalanmasında framed-quadtree yönteminin kullanılmasının hafıza, zaman ve yol uzunluğu açısından avantajları gösterilmiştir.This work reports outdoor navigation of mobile robots equiped with ultrasonic sensors. A simulation environment is created with Matlab program and by using this simulation en...

Differential Steering Control for an Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Preliminary Experimental Study

Procedia Engineering, 2012

In this paper, we present the first stage of a study in reducing errors occurred during the trajectory tracking by a nonholonomic mobile robot forwarding to a stable-target point. A preliminary experimental study is very important in order to verify the both velocity of DC motors with and without control the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for DC motors which control the velocities of left and right wheels of the mobile robot. Before any navigation control algorithm can be developed for navigate the mobile robot move in straight line to the stable target, both wheels should be set to move with the same velocity. From these preliminary experiments, we found that the PWM for left DC motor must be set higher than PWM for the right DC motor in order to achieve the least different velocity of both wheel. These PWMs setting for both DC motors then tested with a simple proportional control algorithm to verify effectiveness of selected PWM value for both DC motors in mission to navigate the mobile robot to the stable-target.

Controlling the navigation of a mobile robot in a corridor with redundant controllers


This work presents a strategy to control a mobile robot navigating along a corridor. The proposed control system is based on the fusion of the control signals generated by two redundant controllers. Redundancy here means that both controllers have the same objective, which is to keep the mobile robot in the middle of the corridor. The two control signals being fused are generated by a controller based on the optical flow technique and by a controller based on distance measures provided by ultrasonic sensors.

Ultrasonic navigation for a wheeled nonholonomic vehicle

Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 1995

In this paper, we demonstrate a reliable and robust system for localization of mobile robots in indoors environments which are relatively consistent to a priori known maps. Through the use of an Extended Kalman Filter combining dead-reckoning, ultrasonic, and infrared sensor data, estimation of the position and orientation of the robot is achieved. Based on a thresholding approach, unexpected obstacles can be detected and their motion predicted. Experimental results from implementation on our mobile robot, Nomad-200, are also presented.