MDWiZ: A platform for the automated translation of molecular dynamics simulations (original) (raw)

MDAnalysis: A toolkit for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulations

Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2011

MDAnalysis is an object-oriented library for structural and temporal analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trajectories and individual protein structures. It is written in the Python language with some performance-critical code in C. It uses the powerful NumPy package to expose trajectory data as fast and efficient NumPy arrays. It has been tested on systems of millions of particles. Many common file formats of simulation packages including CHARMM, Gromacs, Amber, and NAMD and the Protein Data Bank format can be read and written. Atoms can be selected with a syntax similar to CHARMM's powerful selection commands. MDAnalysis enables both novice and experienced programmers to rapidly write their own analytical tools and access data stored in trajectories in an easily accessible manner that facilitates interactive explorative analysis.

Wordom: a program for efficient analysis of molecular dynamics simulations

Bioinformatics, 2007

Wordom is a versatile program for manipulation of molecular dynamics trajectories and efficient analysis of simulations. Original tools in Wordom include a procedure to evaluate significance of sampling for principal component analysis as well as modules for clustering multiple conformations and evaluation of order parameters for folding and aggregation. The program was developed with special emphasis on user-friendliness, effortless addition of new modules and efficient handling of large sets of trajectories. Availability: The Wordom program is distributed with full source code (in the C language) and documentation for usage and further development as a platform-independent package under a GPL license from

MDLab: A molecular dynamics simulation prototyping environment

Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2009

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation involves solving Newton's equations of motion for a system of atoms, by calculating forces and updating atomic positions and velocities over a timestep ∆t. Despite the large amount of computing power currently available, the timescale of MD simulations is limited by both the small timestep required for propagation, and the expensive algorithm for computing pairwise forces. These issues are currently addressed through the development of efficient simulation methods, some of which make acceptable approximations and as a result can afford larger timesteps. We present MDLab, a development environment for MD simulations built with Python which facilitates prototyping, testing, and debugging of these methods. MDLab provides constructs which allow the development of propagators, force calculators, and high level sampling protocols that run several instances of molecular dynamics. For computationally demanding sampling protocols which require testing on large biomolecules, MDL includes an interface to the OpenMM libraries of Friedrichs et al. which execute on graphical processing units (GPUs) and achieve considerable speedup over execution on the CPU. As an example of an interesting high level method developed in MDLab, we present a parallel implementation of the On-The-Fly String Method of Maragliano and Vanden-Eijnden. MDLab is available at

MDWeb and MDMoby: an integrated web-based platform for molecular dynamics simulations

Bioinformatics, 2012

MDWeb and MDMoby constitute a web-based platform to help access to molecular dynamics (MD) in the standard and high-throughput regime. The platform provides tools to prepare systems from PDB structures mimicking the procedures followed by human experts. It provides inputs and can send simulations for three of the most popular MD packages (Amber, NAMD and Gromacs). Tools for analysis of trajectories, either provided by the user or retrieved from our MoDEL database ( are also incorporated. The platform has two ways of access, a set of web-services based on the BioMoby framework (MDMoby), programmatically accessible and a web portal (MDWeb).

MODYLAS: A highly parallelized general-purpose molecular dynamics simulation program

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2014

Our new molecular dynamics (MD) simulation program, MODYLAS, is a general-purpose program appropriate for very large physical, chemical, and biological systems. It is equipped with most standard MD techniques. Long-range forces are evaluated rigorously by the fast multipole method (FMM) without using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Several new methods have also been developed for extremely fine-grained parallelism of the MD calculation. The virtually buffering-free methods for communications and arithmetic operations, the minimal communication latency algorithm, and the parallel bucket-relay communication algorithm for the upper-level multipole moments in the FMM realize excellent scalability. The methods for blockwise arithmetic operations avoid data reload, attaining very small cache miss rates. Benchmark tests for MODYLAS using 65,536 nodes of the K-computer showed that the overall calculation time per MD step including communications is as short as about 5 ms for a 10 million-atom system; i.e., 35 ns of simulation time can be computed per day. The program enables investigations of large-scale real systems such as viruses, liposomes, assemblies of proteins and micelles, and polymers.

OOPSE: An object‐oriented parallel simulation engine for molecular dynamics

Journal of …, 2005

Preface OOPSE is a new molecular dynamics simulation program which is capable of efficiently integrating equations of motion for atom types with orientational degrees of freedom (e.g. "sticky" atoms and point dipoles). Transition metals can also be simulated using the embedded atom method (EAM) potential included in the code. Parallel simulations are carried out using the force-based decomposition method. Simulations are specified using a very simple C-based metadata language. A number of advanced integrators are included, and the basic integrator for orientational dynamics provides substantial improvements over older quaternion-based schemes.

MDAnalysis: A Python Package for the Rapid Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Proceedings of the 15th Python Science Conference, 2016

MDAnalysis ( is a library for structural and temporal analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trajectories and individual protein structures. MD simulations of biological molecules have become an important tool to elucidate the relationship between molecular structure and physiological function. Simulations are performed with highly optimized software packages on HPC resources but most codes generate output trajectories in their own formats so that the development of new trajectory analysis algorithms is confined to specific user communities and widespread adoption and further development is delayed. MDAnalysis addresses this problem by abstracting access to the raw simulation data and presenting a uniform object-oriented Python interface to the user. It thus enables users to rapidly write code that is portable and immediately usable in virtually all biomolecular simulation communities. The user interface and modular design work equally well in complex scripted work flows, as foundations for other packages, and for interactive and rapid prototyping work in IPython / Jupyter notebooks, especially together with molecular visualization provided by nglview and time series analysis with pandas. MDAnalysis is written in Python and Cython and uses NumPy arrays for easy interoperability with the wider scientific Python ecosystem. It is widely used and forms the foundation for more specialized biomolecular simulation tools. MDAnalysis is available under the GNU General Public License v2.

Software News and Update Packmol: A Package for Building Initial Configurations for Molecular Dynamics Simulations


Adequate initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations consist of arrangements of molecules distributed in space in such a way to approximately represent the system's overall structure. In order that the simulations are not disrupted by large van der Waals repulsive interactions, atoms from different molecules must keep safe pairwise distances. Obtaining such a molecular arrangement can be considered a packing problem: Each type molecule must satisfy spatial constraints related to the geometry of the system, and the distance between atoms of different molecules must be greater than some specified tolerance. We have developed a code able to pack millions of atoms, grouped in arbitrarily complex molecules, inside a variety of three-dimensional regions. The regions may be intersections of spheres, ellipses, cylinders, planes, or boxes. The user must provide only the structure of one molecule of each type and the geometrical constraints that each type of molecule must sa...