2014, Indian Streams Research Journal

India is a land of rich diversities in terms of religion, language, customs, traditions etc.Hindus are in majority and followed by Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis, who are in minorities ? According to 2001 Census of India, Muslim population comprised about13.4% of the total population of India. Prima facie, India is a secular country and its constitution guarantees equal rights to all its citizens without any discrimination on the lines of caste, religion, language and race. But the same is not happening with the print media. In the age of information technology, print and social media is playing negative role at least in the context of the minorities,as viewed by the minority’s commentators. The fact is that media without any kind of evidenceand investigation soon after whatever terrorist activities being taken place, portrayed Muslims asterrorists. However, it cannot be denied that there may be actual cases that spoiling and downgradingthe name of community . Generally, it has been seen that whenever legal or illegal arrest of any Muslim is there, lot of coverage is given in the media but whenever after investigation s (he) is released, no coverage used to take place. This kind of discrimination on the part of media raises a serious question on the credibility of print media. The main focus of this paper is to findout how Muslim minorities is portrayed in the media