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Selective Inventory Control Using ABC And FSN Analysis in Retail Sector: A Case Study
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Inventory is the most important assets of any Enterprises whether it is micro, small or medium. The efficient use of selective inventory control model will result high flexibility and control over surplus and deadstock inventory. The aim of this study is to identify various factors that affect the enterprises performance in urban region. The study is conducted in A2Z Pharmacy store in an urban region. Data that has been collected is of primary type and has been collected from the database of the pharmacy store. ABC and FSN analysis methods are used on 190 types of medicine. ABC-FSN matrix is prepared using ABC and FSN combined analysis. On the basis of combined analysis and priority matrix there are three sub-categories in which some sub-category element has to be eliminated by anyhow and some sub-category element has to be maintained with minimum stocks (i.e. safety stock) and some sub-category elements has to be maximised or maintained.
Use and Application of Selective Inventory Control Model in a Tractor Trailer Manufacturing Plant
Industrial Engineering Journal
This paper describes an Application of Selective Inventory Control Model in a Tractor Trailer Manufacturing Plant. Incorporation of the appropriate inventory management system plays an important role in determining the financial health of a manufacturing company. In most of the cases, unjustified inventory of raw materials is kept causing certain loss to the company. Keeping the above in mind, in the present work, a task is undertaken to find out relevant items that need stringent inventory management in one manufacturing company. Based on the demand pattern of spare parts different inventory control models are proposed. Since it is difficult to apply a proper inventory control model for each item separately because of its huge variety, it is necessary to find out few significant items using 'Selective Control' method. ABC and VED analyses are performed. The major thrust of the work is on inventory control of A and B class Vital and Essential items. The model used for the different categories are Periodic Review Model and Continuous review model. The analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed inventory control model against the present inventory control system is done.
Today, the effective inventory management plays an im-portant role in the success of the organizations in the new business environment. It is not clearly possible for the organizations that store hundreds of inventory items to economically design an inventory management policy for each inventory item separately. Moreover, various inven-tory items may play quite different roles in the business of the organization. Hence, the managers need to classify these items in order to control each inventory category properly based on its importance rating. This research is composed of the following sections: In the first section, the criteria affecting the evaluation of the inventory control system of the studied factory and the priority of each one of them will be identified, in the second section, the prior-ity of each criterion in each inventory category (A, B, C) is calculated using the analytical hierarchy process, in the third section, a mathematical model will be presented to evaluate th...
Industrial Engineering Journal, 2020
The purpose of this study was to improve the inventory management policy adopted by Dugar TVS Showroom, a well-known and authorized dealer of automobiles in Indore. The objective of this study was to identify problems in the inventory management of above mentioned firm and improving it in terms of investment, categorization of items, customer satisfaction by timely delivering what is needed and when by proposing an efficient and effective analysis. This study employs the procedure of inventory audit and uses Selective Inventory Control techniques to improve the inventory status at Dugar TVS, Indore. A survey has been conducted for inventory management at Dugar TVS showroom to improve their inventory management policy. This study uses systematic observation, mathematical tools and graphical representation in ABC analysis for categorization of items integrated with the tool of XYZ analysis and FSN analysis as project methodology. The improvement in inventory status has been executed by identifying the category of each item which is A, B, C and/or X, Y, Z and/or F, S, N. A combined study integrating ABC, XYZ and FSN analysis was also performed to provide a comprehensive solution of inventory classification which is most suited to the firm as per their requirements.
Comprehensive approach to the inventory control system improvement
Management and Production Engineering Review, 2012
The methodology describes the optimal procedure for the application of basic analytical methods and tools in practice. The results of the analysis are in the algorithm linked to the subsequent actions realized to improve inventory management system and to minimize inventory level in the company. Described procedure is the result of methodology examination and verification in practical conditions of production enterprises. In the following sections of this paper, there are presented a comprehensive approach to the inventory analysis and the own algorithm, which contains 3 phases: inventory analysis on enterprise level, summary analysis of individual item groups and individual analysis of material items. In the last section, there are described examples of results from such analysis and conclusions. The presented approach is an attempt to create a universal procedure of analysis which integrates methods and tools described in various publications.
Analysis of Inventory Control Techniques-Abc & Ved; a Comparative Study
Every organization needs inventory for smooth running of its activities. It serves as a link between production and distribution processes. The investment in inventories constitutes the most significant part of current assets and working capital in most of the undertakings. Thus, it is very essential to have proper control and management of inventories. The purpose of inventory management is to ensure availability of materials in sufficient quantity as and when required and also to minimize investment in inventories. So, in order to understand the nature of inventory management of the organization, In this study we analysingABC and VED inventory control techniques for efficient inventory management system. Introduction:
An ABC Analysis Model for the Multiple Products Inventory Control ----A Case Study of Company X
Company X is a small manufacturer in Thailand that produces hundreds of small joint hinges or lockers for the home furniture around the world. The company usually orders mass different raw material irregularly and causes different raw material inventory shortage for the multiple products manufacturing process. The shortage of raw material for production always makes the process discontinuous and reduces the productivity. To solve this problem, this paper intends to study a raw material inventory control model for the most important multiple products production in the company X. The ABC analysis technique for the inventory control system is first used to identify the most important multiple products and then the economic order quantity (EOQ) of each product is developed to find their inventory model equation individually. Using the regression technique, the raw material inventory control model for the important multiple products is constructed. The result of regression model analysis shows a goodness of fitting to the selected important multiple products and would expected to avoid the raw material shortage problem and help to organize the complicate inventory control system for company X in the future.
An Informative Literature Review on Inventory Control System
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
In supply chain management inventory control is a challenging problem. To fulfill customer demand , companies require to have sufficient inventories in stock meanwhile these inventories have holding costs and this is frozen fund that can be lost and burdens the company’s account. Therefore, the task of inventory management is to find the quantity of inventories that will fulfill the demand, avoiding overstocks. In the present paper , an attempt is made to provide an up-to-date and complete review of existing literature, concentrating on descriptions of the characteristics and types of inventory control models that have been developed by Indian as well as Foreign authors. KEY WORDS-Inventory Management, Survival, Working Capital, Liquidity and Profitability, models under uncertainty, EOQ, EPQ. INTRODUCTION The word inventory refers to the goods or resources used by a firm for the purpose of production and sale. Inventories include the matter, which are used as helpful materials to ea...
Analysis of Inventory Control Techniques and Study of Non Conventional Parameters
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2015
This paper aims to review the basic principles of inventory control and reduction in material handling costs by discussing traditional techniques and parameters which influence them. It aims to define the relationship between production and distribution and the use of technology to serve this relationship better. It also aims elucidate various flaws in the typical techniques and provides solutions to the same. It introduces RFID technology as a realistic technical tool which can help serve the supply chain more efficiently, with better balancing of resources and by acting as a continuous source of information. It also outlines the importance of customer feedback on the sales and reputation of the company and its goods. With better visibility in a supply chain, several positive changes can be brought which can redefine the operations and investments involved.
Inventory management using both quantitative and qualitative criteria in manufacturing system
The success parameters for any company are on time completion, within specific budget and with requisite performance. In particular an efficient and effective inventory management helps a firm maintaining competitive advantage, especially in a time of accelerating globalization. From this point of view several organizations employ the ABC analysis to have an efficient control on a large number of inventory items. With the increasing levels of integration in manufacturing and service systems conventional ABC analysis is limited because it accounts for only one criterion, mostly "annual dollar usage", for classifying inventory items. To alleviate this shortcoming, this paper proposes a modified version of ABC analysis and Cross Analysis based on Analytic Network Process, a multicriteria approach, that allows to consider several criteria all at once for the optimal choice of materials management.