Activity-dependent modulation of adaptation produces a constant burst proportion in a model of the lamprey spinal locomotor generator (original) (raw)
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Dynamic control of spinal locomotion circuits
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2006
We show that an ongoing locomotor pattern can that the physiology of the lamprey's spinal system generalizes to be modulated by application of discrete electrical stimuli to limbed vertebrates, as well [8]. During forward swimming, the the spinal cord at speci£c phases of the locomotor cycle. Data activity of muscles on the left side of the body is 1800 out-of-phase is presented from a series of experiments on in vitro lamprey with the activity of muscles on the right side in any given spinal spinal cords, which were used as an animal model for severe segment, and the duty cycle for each side is about 40%. The same spinal cord injury. For any given stimulus, the effects on activation pattern is observed in lamprey spinal cords in vitro, after frequency, length, and symmetry of locomotor output show a the cord is excised from the body and chemically activated [9]. This strong dependence on the phase at which stimulation is applied. so-called "£ctive swimming" can be recorded in the ventral roots, The most signi£cant changes are seen when stimulation occurs and reliably represents the expected motor output. during motor bursting: stimuli applied to the ipsilateral spinal Inducing a specifc change in the CPG output affects the motoneuhemicord increase the burst length, while stimuli applied to the ron output, which in turn alters the motor output, thereby affecting contralateral spinal hemicord decrease the burst length. Simula-behavior. For example, to generate rightward turns, the lamprey tions using experimentally-measured phase-dependent responses increases the duration of bursting on the right side for a single indicate that by monitoring the state of the neural system, it cycle, then increases the duration of bursting on the left side in the should be possible to apply stimuli at the appropriate times to subsequent cycle [10], [11]. A number of models have been proposed modulate the lamprey "gait" on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Eventually, in the literature to explain both forward swimming [8], [12]-[16] and this approach could lead to development of a neuroprosthetic turning movements [10], [17], but these models primarily focus on device for restoring locomotion after paralysis. the segmental rhythm-generating network and do not include details of the many ascending, descending, and intersegmental £bers [10],
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2005
The spinal network coordinating locomotion in the lamprey serves as a model system, in which it has been possible to elucidate connectivity and cellular mechanisms using the isolated spinal cord. Locomotor burst activity alternates between the left and right side of a segment through reciprocal inhibition. We have recently shown that the burst generation itself in a hemisegment does not require inhibitory mechanisms. The focus of this study is the intrinsic operation of this hemisegmental burst-generating component of the locomotor network.Brief electrical stimulation (0.3 s) of the hemicord evokes long-lasting bouts (>2 min) of bursts (2-15 Hz) in the mid to high-frequency range of locomotion. Bout release is an all-or-none phenomenon requiring a threshold intensity of stimulation and glutamatergic transmission within a population of excitatory interneurons, with axons extending over several segments. The progressive activity-dependent decrease in burst frequency that takes plac...
Neural mechanisms potentially contributing to the intersegmental phase lag in lamprey
Biological Cybernetics, 1999
Most previous models of the spinal central pattern generator (CPG) underlying locomotion in the lamprey have relied on reciprocal inhibition between the left and right side for oscillations to be produced. Here, we have explored the consequences of using self-oscillatory hemisegments. Within a single hemisegment, the oscillations are produced by a network of recurrently coupled excitatory neurons (E neurons) that by themselves are not oscillatory but when coupled together through N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionicacid (AMPA)/kainate transmission can produce oscillations. The bursting mechanism relies on intracellular accumulation of calcium that activates Ca(2+)-dependent K(+). The intracellular calcium is modeled by two different intracellular calcium pools, one of which represents the calcium entry following the action potential, Ca(AP) pool, and the other represents the calcium inflow through the NMDA channels, Ca(NMDA) pool. The Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) activated by these two calcium pools are referred to as K(CaAP) and K(CaNMDA), respectively, and their relative conductances are modulated and increase with the background activation of the network. When changing the background stimulation, the bursting activity in this network can be made to cover a frequency range of 0.5-5.5 Hz with reasonable burst proportions if the adaptation is modulated with the activity. When a chain of such hemisegments are coupled together, a phase lag along the chain can be produced. The local oscillations as well as the phase lag is dependent on the axonal conduction delay as well as the types of excitatory coupling that are assumed, i.e. AMPA/kainate and/or NMDA. When the caudal excitatory projections are extended further than the rostral ones, and assumed to be of approximately equal strength, this kind of network is capable of reproducing several experimental observations such as those occurring during strychnine blockade of the left-right reciprocal inhibition. Addition of reciprocally coupled inhibitory neurons in such a network gives rise to antiphasic activity between the left and right side, but not necessarily to any change of the frequency if the burst proportion of the hemisegmental bursts is well below 50%. Prolongation of the C neuron projection in the rostrocaudal direction restricts the phase lag produced by only the excitatory hemisegmental network by locking together the interburst intervals at different levels of the spinal cord.
Modelling self-sustained rhythmic activity in lamprey hemisegmental networks
Neurocomputing, 2006
Recent studies of the lamprey spinal cord have shown that hemisegmental preparations can display rhythmic activity in response to a constant input drive. This activity is believed to be generated by a network of recurrently connected excitatory interneurons. A recent study found and characterized self-sustaining rhythmic activity-locomotor bouts-after brief electrical stimulation of hemisegmental preparations. The mechanisms behind the bouts are still unclear. We have developed a computational model of the hemisegmental network. The model addresses the possible involvement of NMDA, AMPA, acetylcholine, and metabotropic glutamate receptors as well as axonal delays in locomotor bouts.
Neuroscience, 2007
Recent renewed interest in the study of rhythmic behaviors and pattern-generating circuits has been inspired by the currently well-established role of oscillating neuronal networks in all aspects of the function of our nervous system: from sensory integration to central processing, and of course motor control. An integrative rather than reductionist approach in the study of pattern-generating circuits is in accordance with current developments. The lamprey spinal cord, a relatively simple and much studied preparation, is a useful model for such a study. It is an example of a chain of coupled oscillatory units that is characterized by its ability to demonstrate robust coordinated rhythmic output when isolated in vitro. The preparation allows maximum control over the chemical (neuromodulators and hormones) as well as neuronal environment (sensory and descending inputs) of the single oscillatory unit -the pattern-generating circuit. The current study made use of recently developed tools for nonlinear analysis of time-series, specifically neurophysiological signals. These tools allow us to reveal and characterize biological-functional complexity and information capacity of the neuronal output recorded from the lamprey model network. We focused on the importance of different types of inputs to an oscillatory network and their effect on the network's functional output. We show that the basic circuit, when isolated from short and long-range neuronal inputs, demonstrates its full potential of information capacity: maximal variation quantities and elevated functional complexity. Morphological and functional constraints result in the network exhibiting only a limited range of the above. This constitutes an important substrate for plasticity in neuronal network function.
Modeling of the Spinal Neuronal Circuitry Underlying Locomotion in a Lower Vertebratea
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1998
The neural circuitry generating lamprey undulatory swimming is among the most accessible and best known of the vertebrate neuronal locomotor systems. It therefore serves as an experimental model for such systems. Modeling and computer simulation of this system was initiated at a point when a significant part of the network had been identified, although much detail was still lacking. The model has been further developed over 10 years in close interaction with experiments. The local burst generating circuitry is formed by ipsilateral excitatory neurons and crossed reciprocal inhibitory neurons. Early models also incorporated an off-switch lateral interneuron (L), the connectivity of which suggested it could contribute to burst termination at moderate to high bursting frequencies. Later examination of this model suggested, however, that the L interneuron was not of primary importance for burst termination, and this was later verified experimentally. Further, early models explained the effects of 5-HT on bursting frequency, spike frequency, and burst duration as being due to its modulatory action on the spike frequency adaptation of lamprey premotor interneurons. In current network models, accumulated adaptation is in addition the main burst terminating factor. Drive-related modulation of adaptation is explored as a mechanism for control of burst duration. This produces an adequate burst frequency range and a constant burst proportion within each cycle. It further allows for hemisegmental bursting, which has been observed experimentally. The local burst generator forms the basis of a network model of the distributed pattern generator that extends along the spinal cord. Phase constancy and flexibility of intersegmental coordination has been studied in such a simulated network. Current modeling work focuses on neuromodulator circuitry and action, network responses to input transients, how to model the intact versus an isolated piece of spinal cord, as well as on improving an earlier neuromechanical model of lamprey swimming.
Burst Dynamics Under Mixed Nmda and Ampa Drive in the Models of the Lamprey Spinal Cpg
Social Science Research Network, 2002
The spinal CPG of the lamprey is modeled using a chain of nonlinear oscillators. Each oscillator represents a small neuron population capable of bursting under mixed NMDA and AMPA drive. Parameters of the oscillator are derived from detailed conductance-based neuron models. Analysis and simulations of dynamics of a single oscillator, a chain of locally coupled excitatory oscillators and a chain of two pairs of excitatory and inhibitory oscillators in each segment are done. The roles of asymmetric couplings and additional rostral drive for generation of a traveling wave with one cycle per chain length in a realistic frequency range are studied.
Experimental Brain Research, 1999
The extent and strength of long-distance coupling between locomotor networks in the rostral and caudal spinal cord of larval lamprey were examined with in vitro brain/spinal cord preparations, in which spinal locomotor activity was initiated by chemical microstimulation in the brain, as well as with computer modeling. When locomotor activity and short-distance coupling were blocked in the middle spinal cord for at least 40 segments, burst activity in the rostral and caudal spinal cord was still coupled 1:1, indicating that long-distance coupling is extensive. However, in the absence of short-distance coupling, intersegmental phase lags were not constant but decreased significantly with increasing cycle times, suggesting that long-distance coupling maintains a relatively constant delay rather than a constant phase lag between rostral and caudal bursts. In addition, under these conditions, intersegmental phase lags, measured between rostral and caudal burst activity, were significantly less than normal, and the decrease was greater for longer distances between rostral and caudal locomotor networks. The above result could be mimicked by a computer model consisting of pairs of oscillators in the rostral, middle, and caudal spinal cord that were connected by short- and long-distance coupling. With short-distance coupling blocked in the middle spinal cord, strychnine was applied to either the rostral or caudal spinal cord to convert the pattern locally from right-left alternation to synchronous burst activity. Synchronous burst activity in the rostral spinal cord resulted in a reduction in right-left phase values for burst activity in the caudal cord. These results also could be mimicked by the computer model. Strychnine-induced synchronous burst activity in the caudal spinal cord did not appear to alter the right-left phase values of rostral burst activity. Taken together, the experimental and modeling results suggest that the descending and ascending components of long-distance coupling, although producing qualitatively different effects, are comparatively weak. In particular, the descending component of long-distance coupling appears to become progressively weaker with increasing distance between two given regions of spinal cord. Therefore, short-distance coupling probably contributes substantially to normal rostrocaudal phase lags for locomotor activity along the spinal cord. However, short-distance coupling may be more extensive than ”nearest neighbor coupling.”
Journal of neurophysiology, 2010
Ryczko D, Charrier V, Ijspeert A, Cabelguen JM. Segmental oscillators in axial motor circuits of the salamander: distribution and bursting mechanisms. . The rhythmic and coordinated activation of axial muscles that underlie trunk movements during locomotion are generated by specialized networks in the spinal cord. The operation of these networks has been extensively investigated in limbless swimming vertebrates. But little is known about the architecture and functioning of the axial locomotor networks in limbed vertebrates. We investigated the rhythm-generating capacity of the axial segmental networks in the salamander (Pleurodeles waltlii). We recorded ventral root activity from hemisegments and segments that were surgically isolated from the mid-trunk cord and chemically activated with bath-applied N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). We provide evidence that the rhythmogenic capacity of the axial network is distributed along the mid-trunk spinal cord without an excitability gradient. We demonstrate that the burst generation in a hemisegment depends on glutamatergic excitatory interactions. Reciprocal glycinergic inhibition between opposite hemisegments ensures left-right alternation and lowers the rhythm frequency in segments. Our results further suggest that persistent sodium current contributes to the rhythmic regenerating process both in hemisegments and segments. Burst termination in hemisegments is not achieved through the activation of apamine-sensitive Ca 2ϩ -activated K ϩ channels and burst termination in segments relies on crossed glycinergic inhibition. Together our results indicate that the basic design of the salamander axial network is similar to most of axial networks investigated in other vertebrates, albeit with some significant differences in the cellular mechanism that underlies segmental bursting. 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Simulation of the segmental burst generating network for locomotion in lamprey
Recently a segmental network of inhibitory and excitatory interneurones, which are active during locomotion, has been described in the lamprey, a lower vertebrate. The interactions between the different neurones were established by paired intracellular recordings. A computer simulation of the segmental network has been performed, which shows that with the established neuronal connectivity rhythmic alternating burst activity can be generated within the upper part of the normal physiological range of locomotion. Three neurones of each kind were used (altogether 18 neurones). As shown previously the lower frequency range used in locomotion most likely depends on an activation of voltage-dependent N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which could, however, not be simulated with the present neuronal models.