In vitro antimycotic activity of some natural products againstSaprolegnia ferax (original) (raw)

Since the induction of chemical defensives in agriculture, human beings have suffered from our own actions, caused by the indiscriminate and abusive use of those substances; therefore, researches have been motivated to look for alternative ways, aiming to use plant inputs to control pathogenic agents in agriculture. As the essential oils from the species Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus), Callis-temon viminalis (weeping bottlebrush), Cymbopogon winterianus (citronella grass) and Tetradenia riparia (misty plume bush) have proved effectiveness and an immense applicability, this research studied the use of those essential oils, aiming the effectiveness against plant pathogens. The plants were collected from Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí, Pouso Alegre (MG). The fungi's samples belong to the mycology collection from the institution and the tests were based on the mycelial development comparison of the control fungi on the dishes with essential oils. Notice that the inhibition caused by the oils over fungi's mycelial developing and the analysis of the data have been made through Turkey's statistic. From the data analyzed, it was possible to realize that the citronella's grass essential oil was efficient to control the mycelial development of fungi analyzed, followed by, in order of efficiency, the eucalyptus oil, the weeping bottlebrush oil and the misty plume bush oil. Keywords: Citronella grass. Essential oil. Fungal plant pathogens.

Fungi cause huge yield losses due to their ability to cause serious devastating diseases to the crops. Minimizing their effect on the crops need to get a promising way of controlling them. Therefore, the use of essential oils could be a good option to tackle the challenge of fungal diseases. Essential oils are natural products that are extracted from plants by different methods. They have been used for a long history of time for different purposes. Nowadays there is a huge interest to use them as plant protection product to be alternative for chemicals like fungicides. The main reasons for choosing them are their antimicrobial activity and their environmental friendly. As we observed from the antifungal trials in different literature, the essential oils have a great antifungal effect on many plant pathogens and inhibited most of the tested plant pathogens in the laboratory. Thus, essential oils could be a control agent for plant fungal diseases and further investigation is required to use in the field. Bitki fungal hastalıkları için antifungal ajan olarak uçucu yağlar Özet: Funguslar, mahsullerde ciddi tahrip edici hastalıklara neden olma yeteneklerinden dolayı büyük verim kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Mahsuller üzerindeki etkilerini en aza indirgeme ve onları kontrol etmenin bir yolunu bulmak gerekir. Bu amaçla, uçucu yağların kullanılması, fungal hastalıklarının zorluğuyla mücadele etmek için iyi bir alternatif seçenek olabilir. Esansiyel yağlar, bitkilerden farklı yöntemlerle elde edilen doğal ürünlerdir. Farklı amaçlarda uzun süre kullanılan maddelerdir. Günümüzde fungisitler gibi kimyasallara alternatif olabildikleri için onları bitki koruma ürünü olarak kullanmaya büyük ilgi duyulmaktadır. Bunları seçmenin ana nedenleri, antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri ve çevre dostu olmalarıdır. Farklı literatürdeki antifungal çalışmalardan gözlemlediğimizde, uçucu yağlar birçok bitki patojeni üzerinde büyük antifungal etkiye sahiptir ve test edilen bitki patojenlerinin çoğunu laboratuarda inhibe ederler. Bu nedenle, uçucu yağlar, bitki fungal hastalıkları için bir kontrol maddesi olabilir ve tarlada kullanılabilmeleri için daha fazla araştırma yapılması gerekir.

Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from flowers, leaves, stems, roots, seeds, barks, resins, or fruit rinds. These oils are often used for their flavour and their therapeutic or odoriferous properties, in a wide selection of products such as foods, medicines, and cosmetics. Extraction of essential oils is one of the most time-and effort-consuming processes. The way in which oils are extracted from plants is important because some processes use solvents that can destroy the therapeutic properties. There are wide number of ways to extract the Essential oil but the quality never remains the same. Here we are using the " Steam Distillation " method for extraction which is the cheapest way for the extraction of oils from the different parts of the plants. The present study constitutes an initiative to explore the anti-fungal activity of Trachyspermum ammi (ajwain oil), Cymbopogon winteranus (citronella Oil), Elettaria cardamomum (cardamom), Anethum gravelous (Dilseed oil) essential oil against fungal pathogen. Anti-fungal activity against Aspergillus niger were determined in terms of mycelial growth inhibition (MGI) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Trachyspermum ammi (ajwain oil) essential oil showed lower values of MIC against fungal pathogen. The essential oil also significantly inhibited the mycelial growth of the fungi. Hence, Trachyspermum ammi (ajwain oil) essential oil can be formulated into the antifungal ointments for topical applications in future.