Secondary School Social Studies Teachers and their Perceptions towards Media (original) (raw)

Public A… tudes to Environmental Change: a selec ve review of theory and prac ce


Executive Summary This research synthesis summarises a selection of the notable academic and non-academic evidence relevant to public attitudes to environmental change in the UK. The aim is to inform the UK research programme Living With Environmental Change (LWEC), and particularly public engagement under LWEC. The focus is on the public as citizens and consumers rather than other stakeholders, except where the latter are closely involved in shaping or mediating public attitudes. Environmental change is ...

Building Information Modelling (BIM) as an Innovation in Power Transmission and Distribution Sector : Investigating BIM Utilisation and Differences in Usage

Power sector is a new dominant sector, faced with workforce shortage and inefficiencies related to traditional design process. Lately, companies turn to Building Information Modelling (BIM) and to the usage of intelligent 3D models by practicing of Innovation through Standardisation. Assessing BIM maturity in the Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) environment remains largely not covered by research, as most of BIM maturity models are based on a research conducted in the Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) environment. As more companies turn to this approach, BIM is still to be regarded as an innovation to power transmission and distribution sector. This study aims to investigate the utilisation of BIM in the power transmission and distribution sector and the differences in usage between utilisers and non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules under different construction methods, by researching whether there is a relation between BIM utilisation and different construction methods, and is there a difference in BIM utilisation between utilisers and non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules under different construction methods. A literature review was undertaken on theory of BIM as an Innovation and on BIM utilisation models, while also reviewing forty-two cases of usage of BIM in practice, before identifying gap by colliding theory and practice. An online questionnaire was published which targeted both professionals from transmission and distribution sector and practitioners of 3D power substation design. Even though reporting the main reason for going BIM as efficiency / productivity, in general, most companies achieve the paradigm of Analysis by conducting model-based analyses, of which, a majority practices the extent of model sharing across project network and achieve the value level of end-value optimization. Under both construction methods observed, BIM practice paradigms of companies as utilisers of standardised 3D modules were higher in average in comparison to companies as non-utilisers of standardised 3D modules. Under both construction methods, utilizers of standardised 3D modules and of intelligent 3D models were associated with higher average frequency of 4D and 5D levels of modelling. It is hoped for that this study will provide the valuable insight into the utilisation of BIM, by bridging Construction Informatics and power transmission and distribution sector, as currently, such a bridge does not exist.

Deutschsprachige Version des Fragebogens für Rechenangst (FRA) für 6- bis 9-jährige Kinder

Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 2007

Zusammenfassung: Einleitung: Rechenangst ist ein häufiges Phänomen und oft mit Dyskalkulie assoziiert. Dementsprechend wichtig ist ein standardisiertes Instrument zur Früherkennung von Rechenangst, welches nun in der deutschsprachigen Version des Fragebogens für Rechenangst (FRA) für 6-bis 9-jährige Kinder (Originalversion: Thomas & Dowker, 2000) vorliegt. Fragestellung: Handelt es sich beim FRA um ein reliables und valides Messinstrument? Gibt es Geschlechtsunterschiede bezüglich Rechenangst? Gibt es diesbezügliche Veränderungen im Verlauf der ersten Schuljahre? Methode: Der Selbstbeurteilungsfragebogen FRA wurde gemeinsam mit dem Dyskalkulietest TEDI-MATH (Kaufmann et al., in Vorbereitung) insgesamt 450 Kindern der ersten bis dritten Grundschulstufe vorgelegt (je mindestens 40 Jungen und 40 Mädchen pro Halbjahr). Ergebnis: Die interne Konsistenz des Fragebogens (Cronbach's Alpha) liegt zwischen 0.83 und 0.91. Korrelationen zwischen Rechenleistung, Selbsteinschätzung und Einstellung zum Rechnen sowie Rechenangst waren großteils signifikant. Den signifikanten Geschlechtsunterschieden (Mädchen erzielten relativ zu Jungen negativere Werte) wurde mit geschlechtskorrigierten Normwerten Rechnung getragen. Systematische Veränderungen mit dem Alter wurden nicht beobachtet. Schlussfolgerungen: Erstmals liegt mit dem FRA ein für die klinische Praxis (Dyskalkuliediagnostik und -intervention) wichtiges und kindgerechtes deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Erfassung der Rechenangst bei Grundschulkindern vor. Es zeichnet sich durch hohe Reliabilität, geschlechtsspezifische Normierung sowie ökonomische Durchführbarkeit aus.

Education and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from India

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000

The impact of education on labour market outcomes is analysed using data from various rounds of the National Sample Survey of India. Occupational destination is examined using both multinomial logit analyses and structural dynamic discrete choice modelling. The latter approach involves the use of a novel approach to constructing a pseudo-panel from repeated cross-section data, and is particularly useful as a means of evaluating policy impacts over time. We find that policy to expand educational provision leads initially to an increased takeup of education, and in the longer term leads to an increased propensity for workers to enter non-manual employment.

L'Apollo di Felix Klein: categorie geometriche e adeguazione descrittiva

in: Cesare Cundari e Riccardo Migliari (a cura di), La geometria descrittiva dalla tradizione alla innovazione, collana : Strumenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze della Rappresentazione e del Rilievo, nuova serie, vol. II. Roma, 2014, pp. 229-246., 2014

IL RITORNO DELL'OGGETTO CORPOREO NELL'EPOCA INFORMATICA DELLA GEOMETRIA DESCRITTIVA Dopo la nascita della geometria descrittiva, in concomitanza con l'avvento della moderna biometria comparativa nelle scienze naturali, l'emergere (nel XIX secolo) delle nozioni di varietà proiettiva, differenziabile e topologica ha raffinato ulteriormente le categorie eidetiche con le quali si studia la forma macroscopica dei corpi a livello plastico (astratto e mereologico) e iconico (figurativo e analogico). Questa vicenda è descritta qui rievocando un esperimento graKlein che evidenzia un aspetto della categorizzazione geometrica attraverso le immagini. Lo scopo di questo contributo è laproposta di una progressione più essenziale delle forme geometriche – dal cerchio ai pattern – tradizionalmente trattate dalla geometria descrittiva. After the birth of descriptive geometry and together with the development of modern comparative biometrics in natural sciences, the historical emergence (in nineteenth century) of geometrical notions of projective, differential and topological variety led to a refinement of the eidetic categories that are used in the study of the macroscopic shape of the bodies considered both at a “plastic” (abstract and mereological) and “iconic” (analogical) level. This story is here recalled through a geometrical exercise led by Klein: it highlights an aspect of image-based geometrical categorisation. The goal of this contribution is to propose a more efficient progression of geometric shapes – from circle to patterns – traditionally dealt by descriptive geometry.

The zoom lens of attention: Simulating shuffled versus normal text reading using the SWIFT model

Visual Cognition, 2012

Assumptions on the allocation of attention during reading are crucial for theoretical models of eye guidance. The zoom lens model of attention postulates that attentional deployment can vary from a sharp focus to a broad window. The model is closely related to the foveal load hypothesis, i.e., the assumption that the perceptual span is modulated by the difficulty of the fixated word. However, these important theoretical concepts for cognitive research have not been tested quantitatively in eye movement models. Here we show that the zoom lens model, implemented in the SWIFT model of saccade generation, captures many important patterns of eye movements. We compared the model’s performance to experimental data from normal and shuffled text reading. Our results demonstrate that the zoom lens of attention might be an important concept for eye movement control in reading.