Suitability of Surface Water from Mouillah Wadi of Algeria for Irrigation Purposes (original) (raw)

The assessment of the physicochemical quality of water intended for irrigation of Oued Méskiana (Oum El Bouaghi) Algeria

Acta Scientifica Naturalis

The aquatic ecosystem of the Meskiana Valley (wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi) covers a large area with a permanent flow and a semi-arid climate characterized by a strong evapotranspiration. In order to determine the Physico-chemical quality, pollution and salinity of the water of the river of Meskiana and more particularly in its downstream part which is exposed to wastewater discharges, analyses were carried out at the level of three sampling points: witness, the upstream (before spill), downstream (after spill)). In order to prevent the risk of alkalization and salinization of soil, the sodium absorption rate (SAR) and the percentage of sodium were determined and represented on the Wilcox and Riverside diagram. The high concentrations of polluting chemical elements and excessive salinity obtained at the downstream site show a high risk of pollution and salinization.

Suitability assessment of the water quality of Medjerda wadi (KalaatLandalous) for irrigation purpose(JSMED16)

The present study examines the suitability assessment of the water quality of Medjerda wadi (Kalaat Landalous) for irrigation purpose. The suitability for irrigation is assessed in terms of salinity hazard, sodium hazard, magnesium hazard, permeability index, water infiltration rate, Kelly Index and widely used graphical methods (Wilcox and USSL Diagram). The results of this study showed that the classification of water samples based on Percentage Sodium (%Na) and Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) versus Electrical Conductivity (EC) indicates that more than 80% of water samples were classified as doubtful based on Wilcox's plot. US salinity hazards reveal also that most water samples fall under C4-S2 (very high salinity hazard and medium sodium hazard) water class which are considered to be unsuitable quality to irrigate semi-tolerant crops.

Assessment of Water Quality of Kodiat Rosfa Dam and Suitability For Consumption and Irrigation (Algeria)

Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences

The approach adopted for the assessment of Kodiat Rosfa dam water quality, through the respective indexes WQI and IWQI, allowed to highlight the quality of its waters for the intended uses. Indeed, the physicochemical analyzes of the months of February, March, July and December, corresponding to the monthly precipitation and regularized volumes of 2013, 2014, 2015 selected, revealed that 08 samples out of 12 have a WQI within 50 to 100, and 04 samples with WQI lower than 50. This classified the dam waters as good to excellent for consumption. Nevertheless, the results of IWQI index used to assess the quality of dam water Kodiat Rosfa for irrigation show that 7 samples out of 12 present an IWQI within 55 to 70 and 5 samples with IWQI lower than 55. These waters are characterized by moderate (MR) to high (HR) restriction.

Assessment of surface water quality in a semi-arid Mediterranean region. Case study of Sikkak dam (north-western Algeria)

Water Practice & Technology, 2022

As far as industry, agriculture, urbanization, lithology and climate are concerned, surface-water vulnerability to pollution has not ceased to amplify especially in semi-arid to arid areas. In the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean and most particularly in Algeria, surface-water quality is highly impacted by anthropogenic activities and climate change. It thus requires a complete diagnosis of the evolution of these impacts through a survey. The present study aims at characterizing and assessing the temporal evolution of surface-water quality in Sikkak wadi watershed (north-western Algeria), particularly at the Sikkak dam. The methodology that was applied to assess and interpret monthly surface-water quality results gathered throughout an 11-year period of time survey (2005À2015) included the following: a quality-grading method, a trend-following approach, a seasonal analysis as well as a principal components analysis (PCA). The results analyzed according to the classification of the Algerian National Agency for Water Resources (ANRH) revealed that the Sikkak dam water is characterized by a natural mineralization that is good (61.37%) to medium (38.63%) taking into account electrical conductivity (EC), chloride, sodium, calcium, magnesium and sulfate contents. However, it is found to be highly contaminated by organic pollution ranging from bad grade (46.37%) to fairly medium quality (34.98%). COD, BOD, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and orthophosphate were used as the evaluation parameters. In general and taking into account all the parameters of pollution, the 'medium' and 'good' classes dominate the quality of the surface water of the Sikkak dam with a percentage of 40.37% and 37.28% successively, followed by the 'poor' (20.72%) and 'very poor' (1.63%) classes. The trend-following method shows that the surveyed waters moderately tend towards more alkaline and exhibit increasing COD and chloride. Further, the waters show a decreasing EC, BOD 5 , organic matter, nitrogen and phosphate as well as most of the salinizing and carbonating compounds. This is mainly due to the contribution of wastewater treatment plant in improving the water quality. The PCA confirmed that the different forms of pollution (domestic, industrial, agricultural) and salinization (for 56.77%) are the main factors for the degradation of the quality of the dam water.

Hydrochemical assessment for the suitability of drinking and irrigation use of surface water in Grouz Dam Basin, Northeast Algeria

Sustainable Water Resources Management , 2022

Surface water quality is critical for regional and local community needs in Grouz Dam basin, NE Algeria. Subsequently, this research was assessed out to analyze the surface water suitability for drinking and irrigation and also aims to measure the degree of the hydrochemical implications to the sustainable control of water resources in this basin. Throughout this study, the aptness of surface waters for domestic use was assessed via evaluating the physicochemical levels with the recommended values for potable water settled by the WHO and water quality index. The values of the considered parameters are below the maximum tolerable limits for drinking except for Na + , NO 3 2− , Fe, Cu, Al and turbidity. The suitability for irrigation was appraised using multiple agricultural water quality indicators like SAR, Na% and RSC. The ionic dominance in water changed into descending order of Na + > Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > K + for cations and of Cl − > (HCO 3 − + CO 3 2− > SO 4 2− > NO 3 − for anions and, in all waters, two facies were determined. The hydrochemical analysis divulges that weathering and dissolution additionally to the anthropogenic activity are the dominant hydrogeochemical processes governing and/ or influencing water chemistry in Grouz Dam Basin. The overall surface waters are good for irrigation use and presenting a low salinity hazard but unsuitable for drinking. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the surface water quality and to implement and formulate an integrated plan to control the level of anthropogenic occurring contamination. It is recommended to carry out a systematic water quality monitoring program and development of effective management practices for water resources utilization in order to their best protection and sustainable preservation in this region of Algeria.


The present study concerns the evaluation of the quality of the water used in irrigation in the perimeter of the DAR EL GUEDDARI wastewater treatment plant, these waters are often purified water coming from the WWTP and sometimes water pumped into the canal. rejection from the Sebou wadi. For this, we realized a set of measures such as: the temperature, the pH, the electrical conductivity, the biochemical demand in oxygen BOD5, the chemical demand in oxygen COD, the suspended matter MES, the total nitrogen (N ( tot), ammonium NH4 +, nitrates NO3-, total phosphorus P (tot), ortho-phosphate PO43-, sulphates SO42-, sodium Na +, chlorides Cl-, potassium K +, metals such as: Cr, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn The results obtained during this study indicate that the physicochemical quality of the WWTP water used for crop irrigation does not always meet the irrigation water criteria in agriculture (Moroccan standard for irrigation water). They are characterized by low levels of dissolved oxygen, high levels of TSS, BOD5, COD and sodium and low levels of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Mn. The combination of the electrical conductivity CE and the SAR sodium absorption coefficient according to the irrigation water classification diagram of RISVERD allows to classify these waters in the box of poor quality water. However, the water pumped into the sewage disposal canal from Oued Sebou is likely to meet the criteria set by the Moroccan standard for irrigation. On average, they are less rich in nutrients (NPK) with moderately lower values than wastewater from the WWTP and they are characterized by low levels of sodium, conductivity, SAR and pose no risk of salinization or alkalization; with the exception of nitrates, which have an average value of 4.2 mg / l.

Assessment of Groundwater Quality and its Suitability for Agricultural Uses in the Nador Plain, North of Algeria

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Assessment of Reservoir Water Quality Using Water Quality Indices: A Case Study from Jordan

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2020

This study was conducted to evaluate the water quality of King Talal Dam (KTD) in Jordan and its suitability for irrigation purposes based on the measurements of several physicochemical parameters and water quality indices. Surface water was sampled from seven different locations in the dam. The values of electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids (TDS) indicate that KTD surface water is relatively saline but still falls within the permissible category for irrigation. The dam's water is suitable for irrigation based on the sodium adsorption ratio-(SAR) and magnesium hazard-(MH) data. It lies between permissible to doubtful categories with respect to the results of sodium percentage (Na%) and lies within the marginal category for irrigation based on Kelly's ratio-(KR) values. Therefore, crops that are not sensitive to sodium and soils with light textures and good permeability are recommended. The data of irrigation water quality index (IWQI) showed that KTD water distributed between moderate to high restrictions for irrigation uses, which indicates that the dam's water can be used to irrigate plants with moderate to high salt tolerance and in soils with moderate to high permeability and good leaching of salts. KTD water requires special measures to reduce salinity and sodium hazards.

Assessment of the quality and irrigation purpose suitability of alluvial water in Erfoud, Morocco

Quaestiones Geographicae

Dry areas are especially exposed to the risk of water shortages and elevated mineralization. High water salinity, caused by low precipitation, high evaporation and human impact, usually strongly limits the use of the water for irrigation. The aim of the study was to assess the quality and irrigation purpose suitability of alluvial water in the Erfoud oasis, Morocco. The samples of water were collected from 20 wells in June 2017. We observed excessive concentrations of many parameters i.a.: NO3, Cd, Ni, Na, NH4, Cl, SO4, Fe, Cr. To determine the possibility to use the water for irrigation purposes, the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), sodium percentage (%Na), permeability index (PI), Kelly’s ratio (KR), magnesium hazards (MH) and electrical conductivity (EC) were assessed. The values of KR and MH qualified the waters as unsuitable for irrigation purposes. The observed %Na indicates that the groundwater is permissible for irrigation purposes, and permeability index, that it is of modera...

Demarcation of groundwater quality for irrigation purposes in Sirte, Libya Demarcação da qualidade da água subterrânea para fins de irrigação em Sirte, Líbia

Water Resources and Irrigation Management, 2021

This study aimed to check the groundwater quality for irrigation in Al-Swawa, Sirte District (Libya), from the dug wells and open ground tanks supplied by the Great Man-Made River. Water samples were collected, and the following parameters were analyzed: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium (Na +), potassium (K +), calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+), chloride (Cl-), and bicarbonate (HCO3-). Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), ratio of sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), Kelly's ratio (KR), permeability index (PI), and total hardness (TH) were calculated. The results showed wide variations in water quality parameters for both sources of water. Mean values for pH of 7.7 and 8.4, EC of 8.0 and 0.7 dS m-1, and SAR of 12.0 and 4.8 mg L-1 were recorded at wells water and Great Man-Made River water, respectively. Well, waters were classified as a very high salinity, while the Great River was classified as a medium hazard. Well, waters gave values of Clvaries from 13.0 to 51.5 mg L-1, while Great Man-Made River gave values less than 10 mg L-1, which classified as moderately Clhazard. Except for a sample of the wells, all analyzed water samples showed values of SSP more than 60%, which exceeds Eaton's measure value. It is concluded that wells water just suitable to irrigate a very salts tolerant crop, while the Great Man-Made River water is suitable for irrigation with moderate leaching if intensive management is adopted and followed.