Torres costeras durante el siglo XVI. Estrategias territoriales y técnicas constructivas en el frente marítimo levantino del Reino de Aragón y Virreinato de Nápoles (original) (raw)

(2015) Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries_Vol 1

Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Western Mediterranean coast. October 15th, 16th and 17th 2015, at the Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). The conference’s main objective is the exchange of knowledge and sharing for the better understanding, assessment, management and exploitation of culture and heritage that developed on the Mediterranean coast in the modern age, taking into account the wide distribution of these results. The Conference has an interdisciplinary aim where architects, engineers, archaeologists, historians, geographers, cartographers, heritage managers, tourism experts, experts in restoration-conservation and promotion of heritage will participate. The idea is to provide a more inclusive, more real and more up to date views, leading us to the point where we could find the investigations of this matter, in the twenty-first century. The theme is centered on the fortifications of the western Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) in the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, although it does not exclude other Mediterranean countries and other fortifications from this era.


Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries. Vol. 1

Construction fortifications sometimes are in places located in high mountains where it is very difficult to access them to obtain information about the restoring. In The Salobreña Castle, Andalusí Fortification in the coast of Granada and remodeled at the end of the XV century, exists walls and fortifications located at the top of high cliff, therefore it is very difficult to obtain information using classic photogrammetric methods. The same case in restoration because it is difficult too. A little multicopter has been used to solve the documentation problem and a compact camera was fixed in the multicopter. It is used to take a lot of pictures, obtaining such stereoscopic pairs as groups of pictures to modify with a program of photogrammetric scan. A skilled worker has restored the elements located in high cliff using climbing equipment.

Comprehensive Methodology for Documenting the Defense Towers of the Valencian Coast (Spain)


For years we have approached the architectural heritage through the traditional drawings, based on data collection taken from sketches and point to point measurements; however, today we can rely on different systems that make necessary to consider not only the phases of the elevation but the methodology to follow, constituting in itself a study that needs to be addressed from the knowledge of advanced data collection techniques. Thus we must analyze what is special about the work and what are our research needs, which will give rise to a list of products to be obtained and will result in a number of plans to scale, photogrammetries, 3D models, pictures and videos. Only then will we obtain the appropriate methodology which may include traditional direct surveys, photogrammetric surveys (2D correction, 3D restitution), 3D laser scans, drones, photographs, spherical panoramic photographs, video, etc. In the present communication we describe the process followed in determining the methodology that is being carried out in the elevation of a building corpus that presents special characteristics due to the diversity of geographical locations and the dimensions and materials used, as well as its conservation status.

(2018) Torres para la defensa de las Salinas de Alicante (ss. XVI-XVII). Desde Santa Pola hasta Torrevieja

Gil-Piqueras, T., Estruch González, S. (2018). "Torres para la defensa de las Salinas de Alicante (ss. XVI-XVII). Desde Santa Pola hasta Torrevieja". En Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Vol VIII. Marotta, Spallone (eds.). Rodríguez-Navarro (general ed.). Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2018

The salt lake from Santa Pola and La Mata located in southeast of the province of Alicante, are a characteristic landscape formed by large areas of wetlands, lagoons and marshes, of great environmental, landscape and historical value. The salt lake were an important source of income for the Crown during the 16th and 17th centuries, because of this appear the need for protection. Some towers were built between the Cape of Santa Pola and Cervera to take part of a defensive structure designed by Felipe II. With the study of the documental, historical and cartographic sources, and the analysis of the material sources through the graphic survey of their archaeological remains, this research seeks to approach the knowledge of the Towers of Tamarit, Pinet and Mata, deepening in their strategic importance, as well as its formal, typological and constructive characteristics.

Digital construction for analysis: the Scalambri defensive system in Sicily

This research is focused around Italian defensive system on the southern coast of Sicily, in the territory of Ragusa. Object of this study is the system consisting in three coastal watchtowers, located in three hamlets in Santa Croce Camerina, a small town near Ragusa. These works of military engineering are nominated as Torre Vigliena in Punta Braccetto, Torre di Mezzo (or Torre di Pietro) in the homonym hamlet and Torre Scalambri in Punta Secca. Despite their poor state of preservation, these towers have always been an eye catcher for their territory. Today, observing this defensive system, one can note a variable state of decay: their original geometric characteristics and morphological shapes are not clearly legible. This work consist in a first historical investigation, useful for the temporal location and for the comprehension of the roles of these towers. Following, the study develops with the investigation of the environmental characteristics, to better understand the tower orientations and their observation devices. The comparison between the three towers and with other examples from Sicily, numerous not only on the coastal area, will create a volumetric hypothesis; this construction, positioned in the virtual world of Google Earth, will complete the analysis providing valid observation points for the evaluation of their placement on the coast. The study presented will be completed with an overview of the inner relations of the defensive tower system, regarding their volumes, geometry, materials and functions: this to better understand design strategy of settlement and to create a model comparable with other similar defensive configurations.

Ingegneri militari nella Sicilia degli Asburgo: formazione, competenze e carriera di una figura professionale tra Cinque e Seicento

During the Sixteenth century and the first half of the following one, Sicily played a key role in the strategy of defense of the Spanish Empire from the looming Turkish threat, being an island considered as a baluarte against the Turks. Yet despite this absolute centrality in the military policy of the Spanish monarchy, till now historical research has preferred to provide broader spectrum interpretations at the expense of in-depth studies on individual technicians or overall pictures about the figure of the military engineer. We will present a synoptic view attesting the time period of activity covered by each military technician working for the kingdom of Sicily, within a wider study concerning the origin of this professional figure, the diversification of technicians working on fortifications, the progressive changes in the organizational chart and the enrichment of competences for military engineers much beyond l’arte del fortificare.

Encouraging Willingness to Contribute. City Fortifications and their Conservation in the Mediterranean

City fortifications are a defining feature of many cities and their communities in the Mediterranean. They clearly delineate boundaries, provide circulations paths and encourage visitation. However, they are expensive to conserve and maintain. A visitor or user fee is one available option that can simultaneously generate revenue for conservation while restricting access to vulnerable areas. Willingness to Pay is a term reflecting of the maximum amount that a visitor thinks an entry fee is worth. When combined with an Optimal Pricing Policy and Price Discrimination to segment visitors into those willing to pay more, profits can be maximized. Obtaining the optimal price and thus maximum profit is especially important for extensive, expensive and difficult to conserve cultural heritage sites such as city wall fortifications. Wall fortifications cannot usually be adapted to other self-sustainable financial (or even semi-sustainable) uses beyond visitation; thus funding options to offset costs for maintenance, conservation and management are limited. However, this is a sensitive subject given the cultural, scientific and educational values of such places. Fortifications belong to the public and should be easily available for their enjoyment, recreation and educational understanding of history. Given this contradiction it is extremely difficult to achieve a balance between seeking maximum profit while providing access. Therefore this paper explores an alternative – encouraging a Willingness to Contribute. Visitors are often willing to contribute or pay more especially if they know a percentage of their fee funds upkeep. The paper describes research into access prices and strategies (or lack thereof) to extract willing contributions at fortified cities throughout the Mediterranean including Famagusta, Rhodes, Dubrovnik, Valletta, Ávila, Jerusalem, Pamplona, Carcassonne, Elvas, Lucca and Acre. The research includes a survey of access prices and policies, intrinsic and extrinsic opportunities to contribute, price discrimination and seeks to establish a correlation between contributions and level of conservation. Preliminary conclusion include that there is generally very low or no access prices, non-existent contribution opportunities and little information regarding conservation. The final objective of this research is to assist decision makers at fortified cities to establish policies in order to improve financing for long term conservation.


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The defence of fortified ruins on the Italian coast

P. RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO (ed.), Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean XV to XVIII Centuries, International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Western Mediterranean Coast - FORTMED (Valéncia, 15-17 October 2015), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, Valéncia 2015, 2015

(2016) When an isolated building becomes a guideline for the urban pattern. The case of “Torrenostra” in Torreblanca, Castellón, Spain

Leonardi, A., Gil-Piqueras, T., Giraudeau, S. (2016). “When an isolated building becomes a guideline for the urban pattern. The case of “Torrenostra”, Castellón, Spain”. In 20th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. pp. 1 - 8. Austria: Museen der Stadt Wien., 2016