Circular Statistics in Archaeology with R (original) (raw)

Some examples of Circular Statistics techniques applied in archaeological researches, mostly in Fabric Analysis.


The 2014 edition of the Barcamp on the “re-use of data in archaeology” re ected dis- cussions that took place during the ArcheoFOSS workshop in 2013. The discussion focused on the main themes related to the re-use of data, such as: online accessibility (open access), the use of open formats (open format) and, of course, the real data re-use (open data). In 2014 the discussion moved on to the production of data, on the dynamics of their re-use and on the role played by the different professionals involved. In order to provide a complete overview of this theme two of the main gures in the Italian “open data” scenario, Luca Corsato and Maurizio Napolitano, were invited to join the Barcamp. Their contribution addressed the various aspects related to data re-use more comprehensively. In this brief report the protagonists and the issues raised during the discussion are presented. The liveliness of the discussion underlines the need for these questions and the related issues to be addressed in institutional of ces.

Roman Street and Urban Archaeology

Roman Street and Urban Archaeology, 2021

The streets played a key role in shaping the ancient economic townscape. Usually, we just consider the street as a way for traffic, but this conception is presumably wrong as a reading of ancient authors like Martial or Juvenal suggests. The “space of the street” was built in three dimensions and was an important place for the social and economic interactions constituting the urban sociability during Antiquity. Such a function clearly appears in the architecture of the street shaped by numerous tabernae built within atrium houses, rows of shops or multi-storey buildings and by the activities which happened there. In other words, the economy of ancient cities was not confined to specific buildings such as macella. On the contrary, economic activities extended beyond the walls of such buildings and invaded the whole urban fabric along the streets. The papers of the panel “Ancient Streets and Urban Economy” intend to shed new light on the role of the space of the street in the urban economy in ancient societies between the 2nd century BC and the 3rd century AD in particular. To further our understanding, the different authors propose to examine some case studies such as Alba Fucens, Athens, Lugdunum, Norba, Ostia or Pompeii.

F. GILIGNY, F. DJINDJIAN, L. COSTA, P. MOSCATI, S. ROBERT (eds.), CAA2014, 21st Century Archaeology, Concepts, Methods and Tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (Paris, 22-25 April 2014), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015.

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2015

Ricerca storica e geografia quantitativa

Tutte le scienze (con la sola eccezione di quelle logico-formali: ad esempio la logica o la matematica) si occupano dello studio di fenomeni che avvengono irrimediabilmente all'interno della dimensione spazio-temporale. La storia, e con essa tutte le discipline storiche come l’archeologia o la geografia storica, non sono certo un’eccezione a tutto questo. La narrazione storica ha da sempre a che fare con eventi e processi che avvengono all'interno di una cornice delimitata dal tempo e dallo spazio.


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Narrare l'archeologia con i dati aperti

in Anichini F., Gattiglia G., Gualandi M.L. (eds.) 2015, MapPapers 5, 2014 - Opening the Past 2014 - Immersive archaeology, Pisa 23/05/2014, Roma, pp.47-51, 2015

Frassine M., Naponiello G., De Francesco S., Asta A. 2016, RAPTOR 1.5. Aggiornamenti e sperimentazione, in Basso P., Caravale A., Grossi P. (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS, Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014), «Archeologia e Calcolatori», Supplemento, 8, pp. 61-71.

Archeologia e 'verde'

Il Tevere e Roma. Alla riscoperta del rapporto storico tra le vie d’acqua e le città UNESCO, 2022