Justice collaborator dalam mengungkap kasus pembakaran lahan (original) (raw)
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The role of the witnessis in every trial of the criminal case is crucial because frequent witness information can affect and determine tendencies judge’s decision. According to the article 1 verse 26, the witness is a person who can provide information for the benefit of the investigation, prosecuations and justice about a criminal case he hears himself, see for himself, and he experiences himself in such a sense it comes to a conclusion that anyone can be a witness and can testify without status of the person mentioned. Including the suspect or the defendant law number 8 in 1981 about KUHAP stated, there were 5 (five) different kind of limitative in order to settle the crime. But in organized crime, like a criminal act, a criminal act requires an alternative solution of the solution namely witness of the collaborating actors (justice collaborator. The research method that complies is a method of field research with the nature of analytical research to decipher. The systematic appli...
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Yang Menjadi Justice Collaborator
Paulus Law Journal
Justice Collaborator is an actor who is willing to be a witness to open a clarity of an organized criminal act. Normative juridical sourced primary and secondary and tertiary materials, as well as the type of empirical juridical research which was analyzed qualitatively by describing descriptively the results of the existing data. To cooperate with law enforcement in finding evidence from other significant suspects so that investigations and examinations can run smoothly. Therefore, legal protection for justice collaborators is very important because it is feared that there will be potential threats from other actors, also so that all regulations related to justice collaborators do not overlap with each other and can unite perceptions among law enforcers related to corruption crimes organized.
Kedudukan dan Efektivitas Justice Collaborator di dalam Hukum Acara Pidana
Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial
This article aims to analyze and explain the position of justice collaborator in criminal procedural law and the effectiveness of justice collaborator in proof, as an analysis instrument this research uses a case study of a narcotics-specific criminal decision in the Supreme Court where narcotics is an extraordinary crime committed in an organized manner by a drug syndicate narcotics, this research uses a social legal research approach using juridical type, the research data is obtained from an analysis of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 920K / Pid.Sus / 2013 which is then analyzed using the effectiveness theory. The Supreme Court Judge determines the defendant as a justice collaborator based on the Supreme Court circular number 4 of 2011 regarding the treatment of whistleblowers and witnesses of collaborating actors (justice collaborator). The results of this study are that the supreme court judge considered the defendant's petition as a j...
Menakar Perlindungan Justice Colaborator Quo Vadis Justice Collaborator
Abstrak Tindak pidana korupsi adalah salah satu bentuk kejahatan terorganisasi (organized crime) yang dilakukan dengan sistematis dan modus operandi yang sulit. Pengungkapan kejahatan ini selain membutuhkan peralatan khusus, juga dibutuhkan metode tertentu. Salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah melalui pelaku yang bekerjasama atau justice collaborator. Ketentuan tentang justice collaborator awalnya merujuk pada Pasal 10 ayat (2) Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban-namun ada indikasi bahwa ketentuan ini belum memberikan perlindungan kepada justice collaborator. Sebab mekipun ia berposisi sebagai pelaku yang bekerjasama tetapi tidak mengakibatkan hilangnya kewenangan negara menuntut yang bersangkutan. Ketentuan ini dianggap melanggar prinsip lex certa dalam hukum pidana, karena ambigu dan multitafsir. MK kemudian dalam putusannya No. 42/PUU-VIII/2010 menyatakan bahwa Pasal 10 ayat (2) ketentuan a quo tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945. Tanpa sadar MK ...
Disparitas Pidana Terhadap Justice Collaborator Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Esensi Hukum
Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) mengumumkan laporan terbaru penindakan kasus tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia yang mengalami peningkatan signifikan dari tahun 2017 sampai 2021 yang mencapai lebih dari 200 (dua ratus) kasus korupsi. Melihat peningkatan yang signifikan perlu upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang serius, tidak hanya dengan penindakan investigasi dan perbaikan perundangan-undangan melainkan juga melalui pendekatan restorative dengan anjuran tangan pelaku yang bekerjasama sebagai kolaborator hukum. Problematika lainnya dalam penindakan perkara korupsi ialah belum adanya pedoman pemidanaan bagi Justice Collaborator sehingga membuka kemungkinan adanya Disparitas Pemidanaan, misalnya dalam perkara pemberian izin budidaya lobster dan izin ekspor BBL terdakwa dijatuhi pidana uang pengganti atas keuntungan yang diterima, sementara dalam kasus penyuapan pegawai pajak atas penerimaan restitusi PT WAE, terdakwa tidak dijatuhi pidana uang pengganti meskipun terdakwa juga menerima ke...
Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal), 2015
The discussion in this thesis raised regarding Legal Protection against Justice Collaborator in the handling of corruption in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to be analyzed with both forms of regulation and identify the type of protection provided by the laws of the State of Indonesia justice collaborator and determine the accuracy of the strength of the evidential value of the testimony in the trial of a justice collaborator, by analyzing the legal provisions in the legislation other law relating to witnesses. This type of research is used in a scientific journal this is the kind of normative legal research, because there is disharmony norm based research in the form of a legal vacuum regarding the setting justice collaborator in formal laws and regulations in Indonesia, as well as the legal ambiguities in the text of the legislation on Article 10 paragraph (2) Law No.. 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims of the justice collaborator testimony that can ...
Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Pelaku yang bekerja sama untuk kasus tindak pidana korupsi (Tipikor) mempunyai peranan yang cukup penting dalam peroses penegakan hukum. Pelaku disebut (justice collaborato karena motifasi mereka ingin lebih baik dan juga mendapatkan reward ataupun penghargaan seperti pengurangan masa tahanan. Adapun penelitian yang dilakukan ini untuk menganalisis adanya perlindungan yang diberikan negara untuk pelaku yang ingin bekerja sama sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban. Penelitian ini menelaah tentang Undang Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban dan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2011 tentang Whistblower dan Justice Collaborator. Pendekatan yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Undang-Undang (Statue Approach) yang diambil dua sumber data, yakni sumber primier dan sekunder. Sumber premier dikutip melalui Kitab Undang-Undang Dasar RI 1945. Sedangkan sumber sekunder diambil dari perund...